And here’s a Pecharunt greentext I threw together in a /trash/ fat pokegirl thread
>Gloria returns from her adventures in the Crown Tundra with her new friend Peonia and Calyrex in her party
>While Gloria was away, Klara and her new team member, a mysterious Pokémon named Pecharunt, have become incredibly popular
>Gloria notices a couple things different about Klara: one she’s gotten incredibly fat, and two, her purple eyes have changed into a striking dark pink
>Gloria finds a lot of this weird, but nothing too crazy
>Gloria and Peonia go to Professor Sonia’s lab for lunch one day, and they notice Sonia has undergone similar changes; she’s incredibly obese and has dark pink eyes, plus she’ll go into a random daze and say “Mochi” and quivers with delight
>Sonia’s lab assistant, a pudgy exchange student from Kalos named Serena serves a large tray of mochi
>Sonia and Serena begin shoveling mochi down their throats greedily and thoughtlessly
>Gloria and Peonia get pretty weirded out by this display gluttonous abandon
>Once Serena and Sonia have eaten their fill, Sonia offers some of the leftovers to Peonia and Gloria
>Gloria gets suspicious and declines, but Peonia wants to see what the hype is about
>Peonia has one bite and excitedly moans, finishing the leftovers quickly
>Sonia, Serena, and Peonia continue gorging themselves into food comas