>>55880608Salamence and Persian are the most boring, generic "my mom's cat/my mom's dragon" designs possible. Especially disappointing for Salamence since Bagon and Shelgon actually had some interesting ideas going on. Also Salamence's colour scheme is extremely unappealing and combined with the simplistic wing shape makes it look like a shitty plastic toy.
Ursaluna looks like shit with the eyebrows and the way that it's constantly caked in mud is just gross. Also they way it's forced into quadrupedal posture despite clearly having a biped structure just makes it look pained all the time. It's a hundred times more awkward than Samurott in that regard. Bloodmoon looks pretty good though. I think a lot of my issues with Ursaluna may just be that its colour scheme and texture came out looking really bad with PLA's art style though, it might look better in the newer games.
Samurott suffers from its awkward posture and stance though I don't think going full biped would be the proper fix. H-Samurott solved those issues and I think is a perfect refinement of the design.
Skeledirge is okay but suffers a lot from the colour scheme and flames (probably unintentionally?) giving it a balding old man look. It does however look a hundred times better in motion and especially with audio, whoever did the sound design for Torch Song was a genius.
Overall Skeledirge>Samurott>Persian>Salamence>Ursaluna.