I have been a fan of it since release because it presents an "optimistic future" technologically advanced real world, which is how Red & Blue felt when I first played it. Dengeki Pikachu really brought Pokemon to life for me, made me visualise the world beyond the chibi in-game version. It depicts landscapes, buildings and technology, not to mention people and their fashion, plus cool renditions of well-known monsters, all drawn by a skilled classic manga style artist. The anime was fun and I still watched, but doesn't evoke the same sense of scale and familiarity. Dengeki is still very episodic, so it's not like there is an epic smooth story. It's more like a bunch of rich views of slices of the Pokemon world.
Later on, I also read Pokemon Zensho and I also liked that. This one is more in-between, and feels like Kanto in-game, from a second-person perspective.
Pokemon Special is fun in it's own way but still looks more cartoony than the anime, but at least the story is engaging.
>>55884111Good summary. I have the 16 original english Viz actual-classic-comic-style issues. Years later I remember seeing the regular manga-style volumes and thinking how tiny they were, and how they were censored.