>>55916264I reread your post and you did not say meowscarada was unattractive. (I was newly awake)
>Working out LOWERS your testosteronePerhaps that may be true for endurance training such as marathon running, cycling, and other intense and prolonged exercises, and even then, the lowered testosterone effect is usually short-lived, and the body adapts by increasing testosterone production during recovery. But most exercises, especially strength training do in fact boost your testosterone both short-term and long-term. I hope you don't avoid exercise and make the excuse that it lowers your testosterone because that's not true. Ask any exercise physiologist or athlete. Whether you are skinny or fat, go and get some exercise, anon. It's good for you.
>which is why idiots use steroids to increase it.They take steroids to increase it even further than it already do from exercise, good sleep, and a healthy diet. And yes, they are retards.
>Meowscagada is just a worse BraixenI like both and will not compare them to each other.