>>55930522Infinitely worse and also much better at the same time, like everything else. The majority keeps degenerating but theres still gems out there that get better each day.
For instance, back in the 2000s nobody knew the pokemon lore. From gen 6 onwards i found people that did and uncovered it and the intricate inspirations behind pokemon (including and especiallty the gen 4 lore), which is also a climax of the old time mysterious urban legends. The actual lore is actually more interesting than the legends.
The majority though is just entirely worthless, and everyone in general is extremely negative, but the lore discussion and intelligent theorizing of the recent years (which also in itself divides between: the majority spewing retardation such as redditors and americans and a very, very few that actually uncover how things actually are)
is the core of what a fandom should do and what Gamefreak wants the fandom to do, which again reflects as an evolution of urban legends because back in the day lore was only considered when discussing urban legends and to uncover how to get a certain pokemon or how things will be in the future of the franchise
I gotta say Im not too disappointed at how the fandom plays Unite and Pokken anyway, in the sense that they arent too bad, but the pokemon fandom at this point is certainly not a 1 thing either, theres many people now that play pokemon and dont even know any pokemon beyond gen 1, aka normies, but pokemon players in general are casuals.