>>55960876Good, I just beat him as well... In a disappointing way that is.
>Feraligatr Lv 75 Jolly Life Orb TorrentReturn/Waterfall/Swords Dance/Ice Fang
>Ampharos Lv 79/80 Modest Choice Specs StaticThunderbolt/Power Gem/Signal Beam/Discharge
>Togekiss Lv 81 Mild Leftovers Serene GraceExtrasensory/Fly/Air Slash/Aura Sphere
>Nidoking Lv 74 Bashful Soft Sand Poison PointPoison Jab/Earthquake/Megahorn/Rock Slide
>>55960902Please enlighten me, high-skilled trainer... What is the best team for the Battle Frontier? I'm thinking of Dragonite, Metagross and Suicune, because they're easier to obtain than Garchomp (I don't have enough patience to wait 3 months and 10 days to catch a Gible in Safari Zone) and Starmie (rare catch rate in Route 47).