Shared last thread, here's my White 2 team that my gf chose for me, just reached Opelucid City. Gonna beat Draydon and then have another battle with her before continuing. It's a little annoying that you can't fight with a full team set to lv. 50 online in gen 5, but we just keep our teams around the same level.
>>55964298Definitely swap either Gloom or Ivysaur. As anon said, you could go for Lapras, or maybe try out an odd pick like Shellder or Psyduck.
>>55964542Who's gonna be your last teammate? I think your options are Shuckle, Larvitar, and Rhydon. I mean, there's an obvious choice, but still.
>>55964860>>55965333In my first playthru of Black 2 I named my Flygon Go-Goggles, so close enough!
>>55964948Is Spiritomb yawning?? I've never seen him make such a face.
>>55968282>OT/ ANONHeh nice.