>56027746No, it's your kike site that came here to sabotage a good thread, because you exist to make the internet uglier. Your site was created by the most jewish nation in the world, even more jewish than israel. In fact, more than 10% of israel's population is made up of snowniggers. No member of your race has any value whatsoever. You only exist to corrupt other nations through gommunist subversion. It's why anyone who butchers these enemies of mankind is automatically a hero. It'll even look miraculous how clean the world will get once every last member of their (((diaspora))) is hunted down and massacred.
>>56027741They've cried enough. It's long past time they got put down like the subhumans they are. (((They've))) contaminated the internet ever since their Internet Research Agency was established, using the playbook as the JIDF. The only way to Make the Internet Clean Again is to hunt down every last one of these shitskinned shartykikes and butcher them along with their entire families.