>>56046342To create a specific experience. It's the same reason Unova had only new Pokemon, that's the way they wanted to design the game. I guess in the same way, XY gave you options to make the game easier, brought in tons of older Pokemon, and focused on mostly Kanto Pokemon with the occasional popular Pokemon like Lucario during the story in order to keep casual fans from the DS games and keep older fans happy. Some could argue it's like fast food but I'm going to be a lot kinder and say it's comfort food. There's a lot of heart in XY, even if I personally dislike a lot of the choices in it I can't deny it with things like Amie existing and having way more effort put into it than battle animations, or battle performance, or a good campaign, or good map design, or really anything aside from the excellent online. If Super Training were a fun minigame and not objectively worse than swarms for EV training I'd say the entire bottom screen was the best thing about the game, too bad ORAS beats it there too and has a system of progression to it instead of dumping it on you all at once.