>>56045915>its a single player game who caresexcept it's not. multiplayer has been baked into the game fundamentally since the beginning. little timmy goes to battle his friend on the playground who bought the game at the same time as he did, but gets stomped into the curb because his friend chose Mewtwo while he has a Pikachu. and then timmy has to start over or go all the way to the end of the game to get a mon that his friend got handed for free.
what this would result in is 90% of people would just choose the strongest Pokemon, because that's human nature. expect to hear "oh yeah it's my favorite, I like it because it's strong." the balance of the game would be completely broken and there would be no reason for weak mons to exist because nobody would pick them even if they were favorites. they would just pick the rarest/strongest/hardest to get, and then go catch their shitmon favorites that are everywhere.
I'm sorry but it's a bad idea, pokemon wasn't designed to be a sandbox. you can already essentially do this in a second playthrough anyway by trading pokemon around, as long as you have a friend or a second console to do it with (or pkhex if you're comfortable "hacking"). it's fine to have to beat the game once as intended and then you can play with overpowered tools as a reward.