>>56052632>shitty framerateThe framerate is fine the vast majority of the time. And I’d rather take low framerate than bad looking models. The 3DS is so weak that you can have or the other but not both.
>no post gameAlready debunked in the thread.
>fewest new Pokemon added by any Gen up to that point1. Number of new Pokemon isn’t relevant to the game’s quality. Otherwise you wouldn’t be cock slurping remakes and 3rd versions all the time.
2. The game has 30 megas, which impact the game equally as much (if not more) as new Pokemon and require just as much development effort.
>linear barren routes the entire gameThey’re not linear and they’re not barren. XY actually has the best designed routes in the series outside of arguably Hoenn.
The only thing I agree with is Megas being a badly designed mechanic. It would’ve been an ok mechanic if they focused giving them to strong Pokemon only so the game isn’t centralized around the same 2 strong ones.