>>56056177>>56056191>>56056193Some trans people are actually comically sexist. They literally harass femboys and other "gender nonconforming" yet "cis" people into transitioning and call them transphobic if they tell them to fuck off. People like that get them really, really mad.
It's really strange if you think about it.
In the 80s, male stars often looked pretty feminine. Fashion norms were challenged, the line between male and female became blurrier.
Then around the 2010s, people paid more attention to making things a bit more gender neutral for kids (at least around here, dunno about the US). Started to separate typically male and female toys less, stuff like that.
But with the whole "trans culture" thing being on the rise in the last few years, we're regressing back into segregating male and female into stricter, more traditional roles.
You're a man but you like typically feminine things like makeup or fashion? Trans.
You're female but like gay men? Trans.
You don't feel particular attached to your "gender role"? Trans (non-binary).
Instead of making your biological gender matter LESS and not letting it define your personality or role in society, people looped back into sexism in a bizarre way where your preferences and role define your sex instead.
I honestly think this whole trans culture war is just a trend among young people, because young people like to be "rebellious" and want to "belong to something", like some sort of cause and/or to some sort of subculture (think punks). But I sure as fuck hope that it's fizzling out soon cause shit's getting ridiculous.
I don't even mind trans people themselves that much, but everyone who wages retarded online wars like this needs to be exiled into the middle of nowhere so they can't access the internet cause it's clearly rotting their brains.