gonna be gone for a minute (again), but I'm going to post my team one last time before the league. As well as my thoughts on each of them and as a whole.
Has been based from start to finish. It started off strong, got slowly outclassed in its middle evolution, but became the most reliable pokemon on the team when it got to its final form. I love this thing.
I wasn't too sure on it first and thought I was being generic, but its early evolution and part steel typing back then made it extremely powerful in the early-mid game. Its defenses fell off, but its speed and special attack haven't. It started to drag when I only had Force Palm and Dark Pulse to work with, but Aura Sphere saved it and I can confidently say its #2.
Dealing with Hustle was a chore, but its fast and does a lot of damage, which is basically a winning ticket for single player. Its poor nature, especially at the end, has really come to bite it, so a normally fantastic pokemon is just good. Not the best example of a Darmanitan, but getting this far with a devastating nerf says something.
Very fast, pretty strong, but gets resisted a lot. Toxic spikes gets fucked over since a lot of boss fights have flying, steel, poison, or levitating pokemon, but when it connects and Roserade is still standing, it is unstoppable.
Was kind of middling on account of its speed, but Twave fixes everything. As long as it isn't a crazy physical attacker or a dark type, it has the bulk to set up calm mind and do serious damage. I think it works best in Trick Room, but I think I've made it work. Also it looks really weird and cool and I like it
I don't regret choosing it over Flygon. Pretty strong, pretty slow, and can hit a lot of stuff and take it too. Patches up that pesky flying weakness in the team too.
As far as pokemon teams I've had go from Red to here, it's probably one of my favorites.