>>56095157So are third versions
>i neve-Your ma did then she had to pay for the rehash too, while you ungrateful retard ignore le battle fwontier, because no fucking kid gave a monkey's when they couldn't brute-force it, save the autistic dregs of humanity that always got ignored anyway (right here with you by the way, I got autistically pissed off they did get transfers working from 2 to 3).
So what if you've been a povvo cunt, majority of adults playing aren't, hence why not only did SS and SV see sales higher than Pokémania-era marques, they also saw increased sales from the last time the series appeared on a system that sold 9 figures in total units (and with Nintendo outright noting SS's DLC was a big part of their record digital-only revenue for EoFY 2020, it's easy to understand the marriage of "system adults want to buy" and "series adults will play casually" meant dropping the rehash actually earned them more money, despite being $10 cheaper than a Gen 4 game and a rehash in today's money would be $60 anyway (I was getting my 3DS games for less than retail, so not sure what price they topped out properly, can remember what I paid for Diamond 17 years ago though). they knew rightly they couldn't sell people on a $60 rehash, so gave 'em something to play after they'd finished the game, while giving new entrants the same from the start.