>>56111754For me, I don't find any of the Sinnoh games particularly fun, memorable, replayable, or impactful in the grand scheme of the series.
Just on a surface level, I find colder environments depressing, so the cards were already stacked against Sinnoh for me from its inception. Its new dex additions are, for the most part, very middle-of-the-road, adding insult to that injury by sidelining most of them for a very lackluster selection of classic mons. Hoenn and Johto both famously pad their dexes with lines from the previous games, but they make diverse and memorable inclusions; the only thing memorable about their classic selection in Sinnoh is how many fucking Geodudes and Ponytas could possibly live in one region. Name five readily available Johto or Hoenn lines in Sinnoh that don't receive new evolutions.
In addition, the PokeGods storyline has always felt very fanficky and forced to me, which combines with a lukewarm cast of characters to create a narrative that puts you to sleep if you're not mashing through it.
Throw in the chaos of this being the average first region of the zoomer portion of the fanbase, thus setting standards for the series and not breaking them, you get a region that's constantly bashed by older fans while constantly shilled by younger fans, leading to /vp/'s most divisive region.
>>56111773All of the above is why Hoenn gets the least hate. The fans that it scared off never returned to hate on it in the modern day, and for the rest of us it was just the last universally unquestioned region before the fanbase permanently fractured into the hellscape that it is now. Gen 4 rocked the fanbase, Gen 5 struck an iceberg, and everything since the jump to 3D has been the stragglers of the Titanic pushing each other under the ocean waves to gasp for air.
View things through this lens, and all of the echo chamber'd opinions of the fanbase start to make a lot of sense.