President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Moder forgot he took perfection away from her
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Solaris redeemed in a single scene.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>>56114020 That should be mine not yours
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>Cannot use the Remote PC here oh, uh I guess I wasn't planning on changing my team out very much anyways and I did bring Lycanroc with me
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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How sad, the hydreigon is going to have a bellyache latter, hope the injected estrogen doesn't cause any adverse affects on it
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Capeshit mortality GODS, we just keep WINNING
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
The problem isn't in the difficulty but it's more in it being annoying Really should have been only two modes because having to cycle multiple times is again annoying
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
This would be a lot easier if your older self thought to leave a note here, the bitch Im going to blindly wander for a bit on my own but is there anything I really should make sure to do before leaving for gdc? I'm assuming this quest ends here for the moment
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>saying I have come to destroy everything in the terrorist base that has mutant mons of mass destuction loses you points with lumi and eve Are they proud of this work or something?
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>>56114100 It makes you "no better than them" Im guessing
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56114096 I think you can get type null if you haven't already by surfing south from route 3 and doing a quest
>Whimsicott prankster tri-attack freezes Aerodactyl >That's fine I'm Tailwinded, Tyranitar's rock slide will- >Rock slide misses both opponents (95% chance to miss btw) >gets put to sleep by sleep powder (75% accuracy btw) yeah okay
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Was this fight easier or did I just have better tools this time?
>>56114103 I hate that I can easily see that being the reasoning
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>>56114116 I can fix that, let me just make you join the magnezone
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>>56114112 Way ahead of ya bucko, even debugged the crest for added fun
>>56114113 >switch in Salamence >Venusar instantly burns it with tri-attack FUCK OFF
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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Because you don't have pokeaids from having sex with mankeys
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Why do we have to beat this Taka? He actually has backbone.
>>56114094 >Look ma, I made the semi-automatic mario maker stage again Anonymous
>>56114127 I HATE YOU BENNET
being unable to use the PC was a kick in the balls, half because most of my items are on mons in there
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56114125 honestly all I can think of is make sure you have some good rock types in reserve for a future gym fight
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>Lets just burn the church down because religion LE BAD
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56114144 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>They actually fucking do it Anonymous
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>>56114151 fuck all the books I guess.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56114144 >>56114151 I hope you guys got your Deino and Litwick events done, along with anything else you needed down there, because the sanctum is permanently removed from the game after a little bit of arson it seems.
>>56114137 >THEY KNEW I mean, Taka, bro, you have everything
>Beauty that makes fujos wanting to fuck you >Literally raised to become The Paragon of Reborn >If Luna was actually a girl, you'd have a baby factory open 24/7 >People still love you even after murdering an entire village If you had balls, and a competent team, you could go from "a guy I hope he does fine" to "I want this mf in my crew".
>>56114157 >>If Luna was actually a girl Did they retcon something in the post-game?
I haven't heard of anything like that
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56114154 which quest is that so I know the point of no return
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56114161 In E18 and prior Luna was a girl. In E19 they made Luna a man while also making the plot arc with Elias make in the midgame make no sense given this isn't brought up even once then. E19 managed to make a lot of the older story retroactively a lot worse and more nonsensical with these retcons.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56114112 kek
Don't worry, he only comes back if you took him with you in the desert FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56114169 The Palkia/Dialga quest. You'll be prompted to go to Subseven to start it.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56114135 You can open the PC with debug. GL for the rest
>>56114144 What an actually fucking terrible quest man
>absolutely dogshit puzzle >luna turned into a tranny for no reason >RELIGION...LE BAD SO BURN DOWN CHURCHES YALL when the game previously had an actually respectful and introspective questline regarding its token religious loony cast member >revives Taka who absolutely should have stayed dead >burning down this historic place, filled with not just religious teachings but also probably countless books on history, culture, etc. for basically no reason at all other than "heh we didn't like it here as kids" More I think it this is probably the singular worst postgame quest, even if some might be more annoying in some areas (Rhodocrine Tree...)
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>56114179 oh thank god
>>56114180 thanks, I should really do those before I forget
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56114186 I'm floored this quest is in the same game as the Celebi quest.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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>>56114143 I did revive a cranidos but I'll make sure to revive whatever fossils I can now just in case too
>>56114186 who the fuck is writing this shit nowdays?
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>>56114186 Yeah I sent some money in and mail ordered a few leftovers and life orbs from the debug menu. Luckily my team is pretty well-rounded despite my not knowing I wouldn't be allowed to swap any of them out.
I figured I'd at least try to get through the four and retry with a new team if things are looking truly unbeatable.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Oh no not this shit again.
>>56114200 C*ss
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56114213 I was expecting way worse. Based chessboard-removing sandwichGOD.
>>56114144 I thought it was to get rid of all the evidence of Luna being a dude
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56114232 "Our childhoods were bad here" and he later tries a "But there's only systems of enslavement here, just like Sirius" justification in the nightclub.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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Ill be fair, this puzzle is pretty clever. Entering the area always tells you about the ice beind cracked but it doesnt do anything standing on it. Narcissa's quest had a similar part and the answer there was to change the field in a wild battle, so I checked the field manual for icy surface and it specifies if there's a field below it, a move like Bulldoze will crack and reveal it. Lo and behold, it actually worked. Now we wait for this puzzle type to get abused to hell and back, making my compliments entirely meaningless as it becomes a "oh god dammit need to get the manual and pc out again" deal whenever I get text when entering a room
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3/4 a bit rougher than the others, especially that cheesy ass ditto Total Whiteouts: 70 (+2, 1 loss due to accuracy rigging, 2 resets from being critrigged/damage rolled)
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>Pulse Gauntlet 2 tries, but I was not ready for this. Killing Abra with Sucker Punch is also a range thanks to the level increase. Whiteouts: 131 I think
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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For whatever reason this mining rock in particular doesnt turn into a half-mined rock, it instead becoming one of the rocks from the old Valor Mountain puzzle, hell one of them is still in valor mountain and just doesnt work properly at all
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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And these trainers have the wrong sound effect attached to them? The hell is up with this place Guessing they spent all their mental energy on making the puzzle good and just ran on fumes for the rest of it
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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This was way easier than the other one.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Good luck when you get here bros. Make sure your teams are well prepared before you take the Iolia Valley postgame quest because you need to find a team of 6 that can beat 2 pulse gauntlets+2 other fights with hypno and camerupt respectively.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Is this the joke? There is no Darkrai? Or am I getting pajeet-coded?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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I have a feeling I'm being rused here...
Any of you guys messed around with making/changing crests for Rejuvenation? I was thinking of trying out a couple for some of my D-tier boys like Unfezant
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Something's definitely wrong here.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>destroy the fairy faggot starlight arena in Anna's E4 battle >there's psychic terrain beneath it woah woah woah hey hey hey hey
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Yeah I thought so.
>>56114493 I wonder if that means you can ice spinner it away if it's considered a layered terrain.
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>>56114483 I just did it for the Mythical/Legendary, bro. You just jump if you want.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Immediately, you faggot.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Is there funny business going on with this Aipom? It hits absurdly hard on resisted hits.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
That's a good stopping point for the night. That was one hell of a final quest for the tier.
Flumpus reigns supreme
I think I'll leave the finale for tomorrow, just looking at Lin's first team
>>56114483 What's his problem?
Did he read the script for V20 and see that he was going to be retconned into a tranny or something
>>56114500 Unfortunately I'm on vanilla so I don't have access to it.
And since it's an Ice move I doubt any Rock/Dragon pokemon could learn it
>look it up to make sure >Dragonite gets it as a TM ... the fuck?
And it looks like Drednaw and Cyclizar get it as well so I would be able to use it after all.
And Hisuian Avalugg but >Hisuian Avalugg
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56114547 GG
>Corey That screenshot is in the midst of the protagonist getting massively rused. I'm not even entirely sure if umbral corey, his "ghost" or anything he says in this scene canonically even exist, but the sentiments expressed by his umbral self are decent nonetheless.
>Dragonite gets it as a TM Gen 8/9 TM learnpools feel like a bad romhack honestly. There's so many silly ones.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Decided to autism potential Aevian form locations before I went to sleep kek Dunno if I'm being too lenient/harsh on some of these, anything strike you guys as too early/late? I'll probably end up making a Mystery egg event for the really late ones >A-Magikarp Post Titania a la charcadet maybe?>A-Lapras idk...maybe that one part of Tanzan mountain accessible via surf in the cove? the rock climb areas there feel way too late desu>A-Mareep Could probably go anywhere in the Ametrine/Citrine/Celesinine mountain area desu>A-Misdreavus Just make it spawn in the underroot normally kek, also giving it it's sig move back probably>A-Shroomish idk, maybe somewhere in the route 1/adventurine woods?>A-Feebas Water treatment center, maybe replacing goomy in the GUM puzzle? Or it could go in that poisonous mirage tower area>A-Snorunt I'm thinking Route 4 (lower part of course)>A-Budew Tourmaline Desert probably. apophyll could also work, though that feels pretty early kek>A-Shellos West Sea in Apophyll probably, East in Tanzan cove, I guess? There's really not that much water (that's at a reasonable time) in the east kek>A-Bronzor Event in serra's gym could be neat? Maybe something similar to the bronzor event with Marianette in rejuv>A-Munna Iolia probably>A-Sewaddle Maybe Rhodochrine, in the totem area? Though it could probably go earler for dragonchads to actually get something good before ~50 kek>A-Sigilyph Mirage Tower event? though that still feels pretty late>A-Litwick Probably The locked yureyu power plant room?>A-Larvesta Take Jangmo-o's place, move Jangmo-o earlier somewhere? I remember this fucker being pretty retarded kek>A-Wimpod Somewhere in Tourmaline, I guess A-Sandyghast maybe Pyrous, Citrine, and the underground stairway for Fire, Ice, and Rock respectively>A-Jangmo-o Probably somewhere in Byxbision arbitrarily locked to post rock climb, iirc this was also really strong>A-Toxtricity Pyrous feels too early, maybe Chrysolia spring?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56114493 kek
>>56114516 Yeah, it's got 1k HP EVS and 1.2k attack EVs, to keep up with all the shit in postgame I guess kek
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>>56113531 For some ungodly reason they decided to cram in this Ace quote
after you defeat Anna in her postgame. With you having to say which you find worse. >>56113701 Oh, this quest, it has got to be one of the worst quests I've ever done just because of how schizophrenic it is (most importantly in terms of navigation).
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56114601 >A-Magikarp Make it the reward for the Magikarp questline and have the guy in Grand Hall who starts the Magikarp questline sell you a normal Magikarp with no strings attached post-Shelly or something where he feels bad about scamming you so he got another or w/e. Objectively it's very early for Magikarp, but the amount of seethe it'd cause on shartcords if they played your mod would be hilarious and it's about the time you can get a fully evolved starter which is close to comparable.
>Shroomish(s) Move up regular Shroomish too?
>GUM puzzle When you move Goomy, don't forget to include the "Goomy is coming with you now" line to whereever you move it and forcefully give the player the Goomy. It's a very important and sovlfvl detail.
>>56114604 That certainly explains why a resisted tail slap was doing so much damage.
Any recommendations for long haul games aside from Reborn and Rejuv? I feel like playing something similar, but they both are a little too fresh in my memory and I lose interest after a couple of gyms. I'd played Realidea, Insurgence and Desolation already too which were all pretty fun
>>56115213 Super Pokemon Eevee Edition and Clover are good pickups if you haven't played them. SPEE is on the shorter side of what you're asking, but is absolutely worth your time.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56114601 >late magikarp et tu, rg?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56115213 opalo if you do the postgame is kinda long, there's empyrean that has boss fights similar to reborn/rejuv, and ashen frost is pretty long too. in terms of quality I'd say it's opalo>ashen frost>empyrean
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>>56115223 >>56115255 thanks lads
at a glance opalo and empyrean sound like what I'm into right now so I'll start there and go on
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56114601 Feel like post-Ciel for anything that isn't Larvesta, Feebas, Magikarp or Paras is a bit too late imo
Are Snorunt, Budew and Wimpod that good also? I imagine you could pull a Yang and have a cave to Tourmaline early but then lock certain things behind an HM or badge of choice
Sigilyph I could see in Iolia or Subseven, would probably also allow the player to get into the locked Yureyu room before Agate
>>56114452 I did yeah
It's not too hard if you want to do basic stuff. Mostly it boils down to "find something that has a similar function, do if attacker.crested == :UNFEZANT then copy in the relevant code"
Things like Castform are quite a bit more complicated doe
>>56114542 GG
>>56114547 GL for the gremLin
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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>Rain's still up Dammit, I didn't need to hurry, then. Also looks like Tit*nia was here
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Ok I guess it's nice of the mod to give this one a team of 6
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Disregard them all then, become ungovernable
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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If the game wanted you to hurry, it shouldn't have opened up all sorts of sidequests with every HM
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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I guess it's nice that he's also pissed off at the niggerfaggot, but I've been dreading this part
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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I try not to be sore about not having follower mons. I really do. But to have this ultrafaggot following you around really reminds me of how much I'd rather have those. Also, sometimes his sprite gets bugged and is stuck in the "standing" pose, so you're literally dragging him around.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Goddamn, maybe I really would rather have Amaria following me, I dunno
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Not really, you can see them hiding behind the walls
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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I really miss this factory field. Most of them don't have random encounters though, so you can't play around in them. I guess that power plant does.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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If they're supposed to be holding Shelley really close, they're probably diddling her, y'know
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Oh, I guess this is the incest couple. The (((Coppermans))). Funny thing is, (((they))) really are one of the most heavily inbred, so this shouldn't be anything new.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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This is one of the worst excuses, really. No shit they're people. Who do you think does all this shit deliberately? Cows? Pigeons?
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Whoops, didn't realize the lights flash off and on, would've made for better screenshots
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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I dunno whether to count this shit or not, though. Presumably these kikes have been holding a knife to her throat, since they keep saying they'll cut her. Just snatching her away like that would likely get her cut, if they really were hesitating.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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I could've told you (((they))) were behind more shit than people are willing to admit
>>56115213 Is Realidea fun?
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Yep, infiltrating. Yep, an "oy vey, shut it down"
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
They rated it pretty highly, if you don't mind fakemons
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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>>56115437 >>56115441 Fuck, forgot the reply
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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And yeah, they've done it before, it's what they do, really
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Especially for muh holy land
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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I probably want to get that save where you can pick either Lin or Anna routes, so I guess I'll have to fall for his psy ops. Still though, there's TWO of us here. Why can't C**n fight this guy while you go up and fight Sirius, to save on a bit of electrorape or whatever? I know, you'll need him for muh epic cutscene, but he could just jump in later with his "exploding package"
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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I really should count falling for his psy ops as getting cucked, but I guess that's optional
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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It's not like you need Cain for this fight. Most of this guy's team is weak to Water.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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It's just that jewellers and merchants tend to have a different idea regarding ownership.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Or ok, it's only half his team that's weak to Water, I guess. Don't think anything resists it, either. I dunno if his vanilla team is one of the ones that are actually tougher
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Whoops, the guide said not to leave Minior up! I dunno, it just spammed Dazzling Gleam
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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Metagross alone dealt with over half of the team, lost a few times but that was because I really should have targeted primarina first
>>56115437 yeah I loved Realidea, probably my favourite one of all the fangames I've played.
The translation is a little incomplete near the very end, but not for anything that really matters.
It is probably a bit on the easy side if you've just come off something like reborn, but not excessively so and it just means you can just build a team for fun rather than worrying about beating specific fights.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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I guess he had Electric moves in vanilla, which do get boosted here, so I wouldn't have been able to unga bunga like this.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Whoopee, he warns you that even if you won the battle, he'll still keep doing whatever the fuck anyway. Surely that'll make it all better.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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Oh you don't need to do the restoration to get the peat block, good thing I went here to get everything I missed before doing the project
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Ok this is definitely a cuckening. #12. He gets to walk back without getting his ass bitten off, so he can take a little girl hostage.
>>56115494 Neat, I'll give it a shot. I've been looking for another long game to play.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
If people can just shrug off having their faces blown up though, why would they be worried about getting slashed with a knife.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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Cool free Earthquake
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>>56115543 Probably dived away at the last moment.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
I will never understand why you get 2 water mons from magma and 2 fire from aqua, kinda funny that if you are doing a monotype going for the opposite type is what gives you more mons
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
>>56115562 They mentioned something about giving them to you since they don't use those types. Can't find the screenshot though
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56115069 kek, sounds like a good idea for a password desu
>Move up regular Shroomish too? Yeah, probably moving that (and azumarill) up, post rock climb is pretty retarded for these, especially breloom kek
>don't forget to include the "Goomy is coming with you now" line Of course
>>56115234 kek
Yeah, actually looking at the wiki, it could probably go earlier, maybe it can go with CHARIZARD FROM KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO in post restoration Pyrous
I think I was assuming it got a dragon dance equivalent/quiver dance. It's still pretty fucking good, I imagine, but probably less good than normal magikarp kek
>>56115298 >Are Snorunt, Budew and Wimpod that good also? Not entirely sure on budew, but A-Froslass and A-Golisopod were pretty fucking good on the rejuv multi lp, especially froslass, adaptability Water Spout is pretty funny. Glalie might also be pretty good, being another Grassy surge mon. Hell, they both might be even better here, with the EV allocation boosting both of their offenses
Golisopod is probably comparable to Ursaluna (just without guts and a bit weaker of course), being a strong, slow mon, along with not having a detrimental ability like normal Golisopod kek
>Sigilyph I could see in Iolia or Subseven Iolia sounds pretty good, though I can see subseven also working like how Litwick/Deino does, too
>would probably also allow the player to get into the locked Yureyu room before Agate I think you're thinking of the meteor card or something rather than the yureyu key, the key's post luna iirc, unless that got changed?
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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Sandy you dumb whore why do you have a peliper with drizzle when the rest of your team is weak to water
>>56115579 I am talking about more of a game design point since a first time player would probably want to join the team whose type they like more
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Forgot she was the reserve gym leader, guess every ground type expert in this region is crazy
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56115562 don't you get a carvanha from team aqua after doing the heist mission from the leader as a "welcome to the team proper" thing?
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>>56115599 Kinda, you get after the defeat rival gang fight, but from what I remember after one badge you can get the good rood and fish up a carvanha on the magma route where you defeated the aqua gang and at the same time you can get a houndour if you did aqua
Compare that wait with pre Shelly Buizel and Ponyta to until route 1 Buizel and Ponyta and restoration until Agate City for the starter
This is probably a nitpick but since I am constantly looking at encounters and availability it's all that is in my head
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damn, I almost considered soft resetting to get a better nature on my starter right before reading this too, game shamed me
>>56115540 its not quite as long as the rebornlikes but still a decent amount of time, hope you like it
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>no white shard to skip this puzzle AIEEEEE
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
This isn't the thread to talk about it but I'm seething in a few different places. Yeah, Bunken, just beat it (and Orevald if you've gotten it) that DLC final boss is absolutely fucking horseshit, just what the utter fuck were they thinking I can't believe someone actually okayed it, both on a gameplay and a lore level
Also that NPC gankfest you gotta do before it is probably the worst shit they've literally ever done, actually worse than the final boss itself
It's a shame as the rest of the DLC was pretty kino, barring some of the weird empty areas
Uhhhh, tying back to relevance somehow, can't wait for Dem*ce to take inspiration from it for his next shitmod
>>56115582 To be fair on Froslass, you don't get Water Spout until Luna, I think? At which point I feel it's probably acceptable? I guess high speed Adaptability Hydro Pumps at level 41 are still pretty retarded
Also assumed you were going to copy over the Yang overlay code for the surge abilities kek, but regardless
>Golisopod is probably comparable to Ursaluna That's fair, it's not really a mon I used much in my all Aevian form playthrough outside of just First Impression mon, so I guess I'm underestimating it a fair bit
Skill Link STAB Pin Missile and Bonemerang is pretty strong desu
>I think you're thinking of the meteor card or something rather than the yureyu key Maybe? Either way I see your intent isn't to have Litwick after Ciel so it's fine
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56115721 good job, it's easily the worst boss in the entire game even when talking about malenia, just add holy light beams to already fast attacks because fuck you.
>can't wait for Dem*ce to take inspiration from it for his next shitmod he'll add in triple battles just to create 6v18 situations
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56115745 thanks, and again good job on beating it yourself. yeah I didn't think that Malenia outright breaking the rules of the game could be topped but straight up undodgeable combos outside of incredibly specifically timed inputs and murdering the frame rate with AoE spam I guess will do it
I'll at least say that the final boss of the reborn postgame probably won't be that bad, even though they're obviously very different games
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56115759 undodgable combos, long range, can just drop a large AOE randomly, super fast attacks, delayed attacks, gravity dash so you can't take a sippy, still has the fucking gravity pull, everyone's favorite meteor jump move, and just fuck it a grab move that is instant kill if you're hit by it twice...unless you have an item from an optional boss that isn't instant use so you'll be raped if you try using it during the fight. absolute nightmare, I'm glad it's over for me and for you.
>I'll at least say that the final boss of the reborn postgame probably won't be that bad the only thing that made me as frustrated and empty as beating the dlc final boss that I can think of is shitstones 2, which says it all
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
So this is the name of the annoying hag isn't it?
>>56115721 From all I am seeing about the Elden Ring DLC I for once feel glad to not really play those games since it feels like I would be really mad about it and boy do I feel relieved the disappointment wasn't SMTVV
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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Kinda weird for him to be a random encounter in the middle of the desert
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56115782 it also really fucking stings who the final boss is. it got spoiled for me beforehand which is whatever (the fact that he was a boss in the dlc, i was going 'there's no fucking way they'd make him the final boss' constantly up until i got to the gankfest), i've been spoiled of every dlc final boss prior but they were all still excellent.
the fact that in a game where the literal biggest complaint was that they reused content way too much, and THAT'S the final boss, is so unbelievably lame. i'll admit that i was in the godwyn camp and i really shouldn't have been but even then it's still massively fucking lame , it absolutely should've been a side boss or penultimate final boss or something like come the fuck on. the soulstones 2 comparison is actually really funny too since they basically pulled the same shit, but not quite as disappointing
every boss, literally every fucking boss in the DLC ranges from either good/fine to legitimately fantastic and then they shit the bed so hard with the last two
>>56115832 like i said the DLC is mostly fine to great (i'd get it on sale/bundle if you can, it's not worth 40$) just the ending of it leaves a really fucking bad bitter taste in my mouth, which when you compare it to past from DLCs is a major letdown in at least that regard
ds3 for instance had some terrible dlc fights, but also maybe the best from final boss so i think it'll get reflected on more positively than this in the long run
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56115860 I don't know why the final boss couldn't have just been
miquella they had a spellcaster boss before, and the whole ganksquad bit would be more appropiate since charms are his whole deal. I wonder if they just blew their load on
messmer and just didn't know where to go from there, who knows.
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bitch ass still has a larvesta
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>Allgen just copied M-Lapras' shiny from Rejuv instead of changing it to match Reborn's shiny Cringe. Even I did that in ~5 minutes
Guess I'll have to do that for every one of these then kek
>>56115721 gg, I can't personally relate since I still haven't gotten around to playing ER, but I've definitely heard some shit about that kek
>I guess high speed Adaptability Hydro Pumps at level 41 are still pretty retarded Yeah, even with it's offensive stats generally still being pretty low, Adaptability helps it a lot, and I think she's probably going to be among the biggest winners from the EV slider kek, being able to launch Full power Water Spouts without neutering it's priority in Grassy glide sounds huge t b h
>Also assumed you were going to copy over the Yang overlay code for the surge abilities kek Maybe if I actually liked the overlays kek, though it could be kaizofaggotkino if I decide to lean more into that for optional battles where the MC doesn't just stand around and let shit happen kek
>it's not really a mon I used much in my all Aevian form playthrough outside of just First Impression mon, so I guess I'm underestimating it a fair bit Same, it kinda clashed with my rainspam towards mid/endgame, but it was still pretty good when I needed it, and I imagine it performs really well if you're going for TR
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Poor comedy relief owl, this is too late for you
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>>56115925 nah bro think of the LONG RANGE
think of all the static procs the game can't rig to proc 100% of the time on you
Think of the Z MOVE
giratina is creepy as hell
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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how many of these are there, 8?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56115893 Yeah, and then you could've also had a
St. Trina phase if you wanted to have the usual swordmaster final boss thing. Against my better judgment I actually liked [spoiler[Putrescent Knight but I wouldn't have minded had they cut out the lore and the sidequest from it and made Trina herself a 'cool female swordswoman' phase of a potential
Miquella final boss
>>56115919 Thanks. By the time you get around to playing it they might have patched the DLC final boss,
just like they did for him in the base game >Yeah, even with it's offensive stats generally still being pretty low That's fair, and I guess still being before Charlotte isn't really a death sentence
>Maybe if I actually liked the overlays kek, though it could be kaizofaggotkino The only thing is that without it would basically make Rillaboom by far the best starter, unless you decided to change the surge abilities like Yang did
Not that there isn't already really heavy starter disparity anyway I guess kek
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
silver lining from the mansion gauntlet
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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you guys weren't wrong, lin has some great commentary
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>>56116011 >>56116075 Doesn't
Lin refer to Giratina rather casually? Actually shouldn't Giratina be the same "age" as Arceus, basically being a baby or child. I guess that's not the case and Arceus must really just be a stupid Demiurge while Giratina is intelligent enough to control its influence to the point of writing, or this is just done subconsciously. President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Another one to the list of >Why are you so late
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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the diggersby missing rock slide and aggron not having sturdy is lucky as hell, two tries
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>56116048 >The only thing is that without it would basically make Rillaboom by far the best starter I still can't believe that allgen gives it to you before fucking serra, and then gives you Meowscarada right after, while Treecko is in post restoration hell and Rowlet is post Adrienn
>>56116061 kek
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>>56116122 Shed Tail broke
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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I enjoy some puzzles here and there but it really should have been only 3 of these instead of 6
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Why does this train run through the ocean?
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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dont fucking tell me
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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If it stops the faggots from sharing a bed I will gladly do it
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
How do you not recognize her as nim instantly? I dont care if her hair was somewhat cut, she still has long black hair, brown skin, and black/purple clothing. Not to mention her voice and the fact you fucking grieved over her not even a month ago now
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>>56116342 oh. well im racist now, whoops
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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>>56116350 In my defense, I was not sober when I met april I forgot she existed
>>56116354 fair Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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Again, who? I don't think Karrina has ever mentioned you once
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
If the one npc that just repeats lyrics from a TWEWY song is still there I'm going to hold that against you
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Ended up having to go to bed earlier last night due to a killer headache thanks to my cold.
>>56114113 I am sad to see I am not the only one with atrociously bad luck.
>>56114144 Ah this fucking section, I don't even know where to start with how miserable it is, the puzzle is dogshit and nearly impossible to complete without a guide, the shite going on with Luna, these absolute mutts destroying thousands of years of history on a whim because they're filthy libshit mongrels, just fucking horrid, playing the Celebi quest makes me wish Marcello was given more room to write postgame quests, because dear gods this is an atrocity.
>>56114516 It's the spirit of George Floyd kek.
>>56116393 Lyrics from Neo: TWEWY?
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>>56116445 No just the original, I think it was specifically the lyrics from Calling. It's just a random trainer you fight but everything he says is a direct lyric from that song
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56115721 >Elden Ring I have no idea what it is, but GG nonetheless.
>Mon placement Frosslass is about on par with some of the better stuff in the RNG egg, isn't she? If the game's cool with you potentially having that stuff around that point, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for Frosslass to be on the earlier side.
>>56115594 This is one of the only mentions of reserve leaders that wasn't retconned in E19 as far as I'm aware.
>>56116048 Rillaboom being before Radomus is accidental kino even if other grass starters have no business being further back than it from a pure balance perspective. Giving the player the ability to opt out of fields like Chess Board or Big Top for 3 turns (or 8 if you got lucky mining) greatly improved my opinion of AnyGen.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Not a nog in sight. Why would you think that?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Delphox steals Heatran's air ballon and dodges an Earth Power Ah Magician tomfoolery, how much i love it.
>>56114601 >Aevian Magikarp Could be obtained the same way as Charmander, by fishing on Pyrous mountain's top.
>A-Lapras It's decent but not broken like a lot of other stuff, I feel like it's on the same level of power as quite a few of the fossils, so possibly a bit after Tanzan.
>A-Snorunt I think that's a bit late, but considering how busted Aevian Froslass was, I dunno.
>A-Budew It fits with Apophyll but I dunno, I haven't tested it too much so I'm not sure how I'd rate it.
>A-Sigilyph Could be an event in the graveyard in Beryl a bit before you leave for Agate, could work by using an item in a tombstone like how you used to get Shupet back.
>A-Toxtricity You get Toxel in Byxbision in All Gen, so you just need a fire stone, probably fine by then I guess.
>>56114452 I tried for a while an despite my incompetence with coding, it seems relatively easy, I tried implementing a Crest effect that gave Unfeazant Technician.
>>56115721 I sadly didn't play through the DLC yet (sorta) due to bills eating through my funds, but I watched one my coworkers playing through it and he even let me try out a few of the boss fights by myself, I don't think either of us have gotten so pissed off trying to do a Fromsoft boss since me and him tried to face Friede way back when we played DS3 for a while, what they fucking did to
Radahn was beyond insulting, I'm not surprising since like I said Martin is a kike, the gank before the fight was obscenely retarded but I used to play DS2 a lot so I'm sorta used to that degree of suffering.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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>No bodies fuck, they're alive...
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
...that's just a tent amanda. Im pretty sure this exact tent was also on route 3 for the festival or whatever was going on there
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>>56116322 How else are you supposed to get across the ocean?
A boat? Don't be silly now
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>>56116449 Atleast its from a solid game, but thats still stupid.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>Taka dies within the first 3 mons It's fine, I got it h-haha.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Whiteouts: 306 I think
The Heatran gauntlet is far shittier than I remember.
>>56116582 Stranger Danger will keep following you everywhere.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56116492 Thanks
>I have no idea what it is If you care - Bunken already sort of explained it
>>56115782 But, because I've been seething a lot today, I'll go further. Boss starts out as your basic action boss that's strong, fast, lots of combos, etc. - tough but manageable.
In its second phase every time it does ANYTHING, even just a basic fucking swing, it generates multiple massive pillars of light fucking everywhere that explode and takes off like 60% of your HP at best
Combine that with tons of visual clutter where you can barely see anything, framerate that dies from all the AoE explosion spam, the fact that the boss is still using its ridiculously fast combos from phase 1, it becomes quite miserable, to say the very fucking least. It has multiple attack strings that are quite literally, definitionally impossible to avoid, or require nearly frame perfect inputs, as well as a massive nuke that if you don't hit the ground running away to the other side of the arena the FRAME you see it charging, you're dead. You were mid attack? Sorry, chud, you're dead.
On top of that you can barely even hit it at all because of how relentless the attack patterns are and it already would take at least a few minutes of wailing on it if it were just standing still because of how much health it has.
I don't know if it's the hardest boss I've done in anything ever, but it's definitely the hardest boss in From/soulslike games, and not in a remotely good way
>Giving the player the ability to opt out of fields like Chess Board or Big Top It's true, I do think the surge abilities are just a little bit too simple of a counter for that kind of thing though. Ideally more fields would be able to naturally transition, where the boss doesn't just completely lose its advantage but does become weaker if you pull it off.
Being able to drag the Rejuv volcano admin battle underwater 'naturally' via some clever field changing move usage for instance is absolutely kino. Fuck Jan for removing that
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56116681 That sounds like quite an obnoxious boss. GG for overcoming it.
>Changing fields Surge abilities working for 3 turns feels well balanced to me; you have a brief reprieve from the field, but you need to make the most of it (and likely spend one of your turns giving up tempo switching your surge setter back out for use later). I think Amplified Rock boosting the automatic-setting abilities to 8 is realistically the offending element where many fights can be decided before it runs out.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
anyway, just so i'm not entirely whining about elden ring, lemme do another emerald rogue run kek
starters are natu, pancham and bergmite, anyone want to pick?
>>56116542 >I don't think either of us have gotten so pissed off trying to do a Fromsoft boss since me and him tried to face Friede Kek. Yeah, they're hard
I don't think any boss got to the point of being unfair or actual bullshit though.
Midra, Messmer and Bayle were huge standouts in terms of quality imo. The final boss just went way the fuck over the line, as did the gankfest (mostly because the mechanics of that shit is tied to From's meme tier NPC quest design and you end up fighting a 1v5 really fucking easily)
>was beyond insulting Yeah. I would've liked to see
prime Radahn , but not as the final fucking boss
The whole
Miquella wanted to have gay incest shota sex with Radahn and become god so he could turn the world into a hippy commune thing is also so insanely fucking retarded. I know I'm huffing the copium hard but it really should have been
Miquella manipulating you into permanently killing Godwyn. Radahn had absolutely fucking nothing to do with Miquella at all, and Miquella using his godhood or using some magic ritual to find a way to permanently end Godwyn's suffering as he planned instead of the generic 'I want to take over the world' shit would've been way more interesting. Fuck FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56116726 Bergmite needs more love.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56116709 >>56116733 Yeah, thanks. Again, if you ever play ER yourself, would highly wait to see if they patch the fucker
>Surge abilities working for 3 turns feels well balanced to me That's fair. Or, if you give Amplifield, maybe make it a postgame only thing. This is all assuming you're staying in the domain of kaizofaggotry of course
>Bergmite Will do. Hopefully it survives, haha..
>>56116726 Whats even more stupid is that we still cant tell Malenia about the weird shit that is going on with Miquella. She would be the one demigod we should be able to have an conversation with, all things considered.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I'm amazed how long it's been since PL:A and how few fangames have taken it upon themselves to replace Freeze with Frostbite.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Whiteouts: 307
Okay, this fight is ass.
>>56116726 Forgot to say it, but GG, I don't think I'll even buy the DLC with how disappointed I was with it, I even asked my coworker if he had a mod installed because of how janky the 2 minute long combo looked on the final boss, but nope, it looks that bad, I do not understand how that was greenlit, Fromsoft nerfed Radahn to shit funnily enough during a patch, but they thought that bullshit at the end of the DLC was perfectly fine? Kek.
Even the hardest bosses on the past on Fromsoft games were typically a matter of learning patterns and such, Friede is a pain but if you know her patterns she becomes really easy, especially if you learn how to parry her reliably, Gael had a few stupid attacks but his fight was kino, I didn't do Orphan of Kos since I'm not a console virgin and Fromsoft refuses to allow Bloodborne on PC so I can't say anything about that, but even some of the worst (non-gimmicks) boss fights from the past didn't feel or look that shit, Fromsoft reusing a ton of assets too feels insulting, they even copypasted the crucible knights with barely any alterations, the twin moon knight bitch moves almost exactly like Malenia if not the exact same during her walk animation.
Speaking of Godwyn, is there even anything related to him the DLC? That was the biggest plot thread from the main game that seems to go nowhere, heck there's all this buildup, I thought the shadow in the tree when I saw the DLC poster was Godwyn's death corruption, but nope, none of that.
Miquella has to be the worst fucking character in any game I've seen in a fucking while, it's not the first time Fromsoft did a megafaggot character like that, after all Gwyndolin was a thing but holy fuck, were they trying to get the braindead twitter masses to praise their game? It feels really preachy and out of nowhere.
>>56116753 She got mindraped by her brother as well I'm assumed, even the Moghlester became the Moghlested.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56116772 Jan used a poll to decide if he was going to implement it in Rejuvenation and people overwhelmingly voted no, it seems a bunch of mega faggots seem to think freeze is a better mechanic somehow.
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>>56116778 Truly small shotas are the apex predator, when it comes to the sexual battlefield.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Magearna soldiers through.
>>56116750 >Or, if you give Amplifield, maybe make it a postgame only thing. That'd require also changing the mining minigame since I believe it's in there as well. A simpler fix would probably be Amplified only adding 2 turns to Surge abilities (5 total) whereas using a Terrain move manually would give you the full 8. A little inconsistent, but there's already no shortage of that in Reborn.
>>56116787 Why am I not surprised in the slightest that trannycord likes being randomly frozen as a game mechanic?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56116542 >>A-Lapras Heavily disagree, No guard Sing is really fucking strong, especially when combined with D-Dance (which you would already have access to via Altaria if you picked CHARIZARD, or post Radomus otherwise), alongside actually having the bulk to get it off.
and if it didn't match up so shit into the next couple of gym leaders, I'd probably push it back further kek >>A-Budew Well, I can always put it in apophyll, and if it ends up trivializing the early/midgame, I can just throw it back to tormaline kek
>>A-Sigilyph >It appears only to those who have experienced traumatic grief. They feed off terrible dreams. Could be kino, can probably tie it to Simon's event there
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
decent enough start
can't wait to see how retarded this gets on the highest difficulty kek
>>56116753 yeah, the whole 'dlc is not connected to base game' is REALLY noticeable this time kek
i purposely haven't fought maliketh on my file just out of sheer curiosity to see if gideon gave a fuck that i located miquella or his great rune, nope, doesn't fucking care.
if i replay the DLC i'll probably keep melina alive going into it, i doubt she'll have any dialogue whatsoever though.
>>56116778 thanks. i don't think the DLC is a disappointment, in fact most of the reason i'm seething so much over the final boss is because i thought everything else wasn't a disappointment kek. but, get it on sale desu
they've actually already patched the earlygame DLC, because people were getting bodied by rellana. again, would not be surprised if they tuned down the final boss a little bit
>Speaking of Godwyn, is there even anything related to him the DLC there is. his stormveil face shows up in a ton of the catacombs, and there's new bosses that seem connected to the those who live in death
you also have, basically, an avatar of the frenzied flame, another 'rot goddess', the dragon rep, the glintstone/magic rep, etc. which all points to the idea that you're going to eventually get a proper death god rep. but...nope! obviously the geniuses at fromsoft decided otherwise
>It feels really preachy and out of nowhere one of mohg's followers is your biggest ally and calls the guy a monster, you're not supposed to sympathize with him
the idea that he's a
gay shota that wants to have sex with his brother is definitely GRRM, though Anonymous
>>56116836 I kept both Melina and Malenia alive on my playthrough. But the only impact the dlc has on the main game, is that you can copy the dlc remembrances at the turtle towers.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56116830 >No Guard+Sing Diet playable PULSE Hypno desu
>Mon placement With the amount of stuff you're adding, consider maybe another mystery egg event (or even just a branching dialogue choice event) where the player is guaranteed to get something good earlyish, but because it's mutually exclusive with the other good stuff they can't just load their team with all of those mons to overwhelm the earlygame and the options they didn't pick are available as common encounters way later on?
>>56116836 How long is the DLC relative to the basegame? Is it a Monster Hunter situation where the expansion may as well just be a full game tacked onto the end of the existing game?
>>56116836 We can only hope that this dlc was the Elden Ring equivalent to Ashes of Ariandel. And they release a second more complete dlc, that actually gives some conclusions to the story.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i'm shocked that they made a minigame this easy for these game show bits, even if SOVLFVL
>>56116869 yikes
kind of curious if there will be an ER 2 at this point kek, though i doubt it'll be their next thing
>>56116880 I got every boss and miniboss/ did the npc quests blind in little over 50 hours.
>>56116887 Maybe closer to 65 hours, but that was with everything done and explored.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I eventually remembered Zygarde gets a move that completely fucks over a good chunk of this gauntlet in Thousand Arrows, just needed to stall out the sandstorm to avoid getting raped by Excadrill and sadly the AI input read me every time I tried to switch a Flying type.
>>56116830 Oh yeah I forgot 100% accurate Sing is a thing, granted I mostly just used Solid Rock sets on it, now I feel like an idiot.
It still ain't the fastest and it's bulky is shit, and though it hits fairly hard it doesn't have the best matchups up against the gym leaders past that even Noel.
Yeah that could be really kino.
>>56116836 I hope they do end up patching that mistake of a fight.
From shafting what could potentially be an incredibly kino fight is extremely disappointing, but not surprising.
Funnily enough, I was looking up a lore video about the DLC yesterday and it seems every single degenerate faggot is trying to do a marathon of mental gymnastics to justify what Miquella was doing.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
At this point I should just assume everyone dead is coming back and the final ending is everyone good and bad holding hands, shouldn't I?
>>56116887 >>56116893 That's a pretty chunky DLC all things considered then.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>56116902 it's bulk is shit*
>>56116903 The DLC is big, but it feels kinda undercooked at some places. Like out of the 8 or so new weapon types, one of them only has one weapon. With the rest sitting at 2-3 with one exception. Also theres a fair amount of main game bosses brought back like the tree root dragons. Also worst of all, there is only one new flail!
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>>56116880 yeah, pretty much
it's about 40-50% the length of the already long basegame, which i'd say is about 70-80 hours long for a casual playthrough that's trying to do as much stuff as possible
closer comparison would be bitcher 3's dlc, i think, MH is a bit weird due to how the endgames in those work (given 'base' MH games tend to be very finite while with 'expansion' MH you basically just hunt until you stop feeling like it, which can be hundreds of hours)
>>56116881 eh, seriously doubt it
i would wish there was a better and more conclusive ending, and wrapping up some of the lore (especially around melina) but SOTE was long enough and did enough that adding anymore would literally just be an excuse to have a better ending instead of additional content the game should have, if that makes sense
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Blissey takes a Black Hole Eclipse on this awful field like a champ.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
2nd try. I was down to my last mon and Blissey reverse-swept through 4 of her mons to win.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
liking the new types of rooms added to this update, hopefully now that most of the mechanics have been ironed out that can be the focus of any future updates
>>56116902 not going to lie, if the final boss just had a different design but all the same attacks and was called 'Godwyn the Undying' or something i'd probably basedface and ignore some (not all) the flaws of the fight kek
...okay, my standards aren't that low, but still
>justify what Miquella was doing yeah, you'd have to be really mentally ill
the game goes nearly rejuv-tier in emphasizing how fucked up miquella and his goal is
>the deformed monstrosity that literally lives in an egg uses glamour to present itself as an anime femboy >wants to fuck its older brother in degenerate homosex, committed mass murder when said brother went 'no way fag' >uses (((charm))) to force people into working for it, even when they're terrified or disgusted by it and it's actions >ultimate goal is to create an epic communist anti-religion '''utopia''' that almost every named character says would be completely awful sounds very familiar...
is miyazaki based?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>>56116971 gg, glossed over the kyurem quest parts. one of the more painful gauntlets and puzzles of the postgame
>>56116999 oh yeah, also, the most important part
>literally acked itself to get rid of one of its genders RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56116880 I was planning on adding another Mystery egg for the stronger Aevian mons in 7th street or so, but that's probably a tad late kek, maybe having a faggot pop up somewhere in Lapis post Aya/Serra or something, not unlike the fag that silently pops up in the grand hall and gives you eggs periodically in Allgen
>>56116902 I mean, I don't think 135/80/85 is dogshit bulk personally, especially for a mon that only needs to live 1, maybe 2 hits before it can start sweeping
>it doesn't have the best matchups up against the gym leaders past that even Noel. Ehhhh... It'd struggle with Radomus probably due to double teaming, but aside from that? it'd almost certainly be fine
>Samson Free, sing T1, DDance T2, and you've basically won
>Charlotte Could see slight struggling due to doubles, but she doesn't have Solar beam on everything like she did in previous versions, probably fine here, just not soloing
>Terra Fair
>Ciel Free, same as samson, probably even moreso because Stone edge over Zen Headbutt
Of course, this could probably change when I change teams for hard mode or whatever, but I'd rather not turn into a mindbroken kaizofag and put a really strong mon early, then build every singe fight from then on completely fuck it over, either, so I'd rather just throw it after it would probably solo everything desu
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56116925 Fromsoft or maybe just Miyazaki hates whips, flails and scythes, or for that matter almost everything that isn't greatswords.
>>56116971 GG, this fight can be really rough.
>>56116999 Kek.
He also very likely manipulated his sister into going nuclear jihad on Caelid and turning it into the shithole that it became, you know, like a very HEROIC savior,
>Constantly veils horrible things like twisting the world into what he wants and disguising it as "love" and "compassion", two things he seldom shows >Used Mogh as a puppet to commit mass amounts of murder as well >Abandoned his sister to (heh) rot in the haelig tree after she was no longer useful to him And despite all this, there's still a bunch of the usual suspects trying to defend this character by saying what he was doing was wonderful.
It's incredibly ironic how Miquella's degeneracy seems almost TRANScendental if you will.
>>56117020 Fuck, cold is fucking with my brain, I meant to say Aevian Roserade wasn't the bulkiest or fastest mon.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56117020 Any plans to buff shitlegends that Gamefreak forgot existed (or even have just been powercrept) by giving them better movepools?
>Lake Spirits >Regis (except electric obviously) >Virizion >Cobalion >Wo-Chien >Guzzlord >Celesteels (not nearly as bulky as it should be with power creep) >Nihilego >Iron Jugulis >Iron Thorns (basically everything it can do, Tyranitar can also do but better) Just off the top of my head are some legendaries that feel they've fallen behind to me.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56117041 yeah, i have no idea how else you can read it.
miquella 100% manipulated malenia to go to caelid to fetch his brother for the degenerate homosex orgies, probably with the shadow lands bugmen, radahn said no way fag and malenia was probably ordered if radahn refused to nuke the place so radahn could eventually die and miquella could revive him to be his sex toy while leaving his sister to suffer for centuries waiting for his return game just outright calls him a monster, a guy who literally worships blood sacrifice rituals and an evil blood god is the one to say this too. that or he's extremely mentally ill beyond help
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
I'll be honest, I have no idea what these things are
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
I want to call out the name of this move but "Light That Burns the Sky" is apparently an official move so I cant really say anything about it now
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
oh it's multiple fights, can I save this for later or does it go away if I do other quests since this is probably allgen
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56117122 Agate Circus forma pokemon
>>56117135 No idea, but it's just 2 fights if you're able to push through.
>>56117082 Worst of all he resurrected Radahn without his horse.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I was looking all over for the Tapus in Victory Hell and I completely forgot they spawn all over the place instead of in a single location.
>>56117082 To be fair, I too would rather join the evil eldritch blood mommy than the incestuous twink kek.
I mean, the worst thing the blood cult does is kill people to draw out their blood and apparently according to that same npc you brought up Mogh was a much better dude before he got Moghlested.
At least they aren't into constant blood, torture and zoophilia like the fuckers in the volcano manor.
>>56117122 It's Momotaro's legend but Momotaro is an evil fetus ghost and corrupts everything around it and the onis are little girls, this stuff is from the gen 9 DLC, it's a really rough gauntlet, best of luck bro.
>>56117134 To be fair Necrozma's Z-Move's name is pure kino.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>belly drum azumarill fuck off
>>56117155 can't wait for from to patch the final boss...
to add a third phase, with a new health bar, and radahn breaks free of miquella's control but wants a proper duel to the death and resurrects his horse with nothing but sheer willpower and becomes the hardest boss ever created then the final cutscene instead of that lame shit we got is you and radahn broing up and personally tying troonquella's noose for him RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56117041 ah, that makes much more sense kek
Yeah, Roserade could probably be put in Apophyll without much incident off the top of my head,
>>56117061 desu that's mostly a problem of Reborn locking literally every legendary to postgame kek, though some legendaries will just be shit unfortunately, especially when being pitted vs shit like the Genie of healthy meta almost immediately after them kek
I wonder how hard it would be to copy over Rejuv's crests? I probably won't
for now , but it could be interesting
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Ok they just ripped off Waterfall from undertale wholesale here, it's not even trying to hide it
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Oh, didn't realize it last time around but this place is literally just called "shallow board" in Portuguese, as to why it's randomly in Portuguese, dunno, maybe me comparing Reborn to Br*zil wasn't as much of a joke as I thought.
>>56117169 Radahn and you riding off towards the Lands between, on our respective horses, While Miquella is dangling in his noose from the Erdtree.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56117178 Sans was in the files in the last version, I am not joking, so as you can imagine, yeah Jan really likes shittale.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>>56117195 >last version He's still there, I saw him when I messed around with the files
Im pretty he's been there since around v8 afaik
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56117182 based
>if malenia is still alive, the final post-credits cutscene would be of you porking her (or millicent and her sisters if that's too much rotussy) too based for mike zaki i'm afraid
>>56117175 you going to add pulse3 as well, kek?
>>56117181 well, it's more to refer to the whole philosophical idea of whether humans are born as blank slates or can be born with certain ideals built in
what does that have to do with the tapus or the victory road rooms? haha..
>>56117208 Radahn cleanses and marries Malenia and they make cute but badass giant ginger demigod babies. Meanwhile you marry Melina and Ranni, since they are the two maidens Torrent will accept being with you.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Whiteouts: 309
>Tapu Lele is outspeeding my Jolly Archeops >It doesn't even have a choice scarf ??????????????????????????????????????????
>>56117208 >>56117212 Oh, noted.
I think I arrived to the conclusion it was Portuguese because of stuff like malasadas.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56117250 probably telepathy, it doubles speed on psychic terrain for some stupid fucking reason
>>56117238 yeah, that's more fair.
i still want millicent damnit, allow me at least one qt rot redhead FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56117175 I think most of them could be made playable with 1-2 additional moves or an alt ability, but you're right that the postgame's pacing is really weird. Some extremely good mons like Genies, Magearna or Jirachi come comparatively quite early to how good they are.
For instance:
>Regis get Recover >Wo-Chien gets Strength Sap >Guzzlord gets Stockpile/Spit Up/Swallow and Thick Fat as alt ability >Nihilego gets levitate as alt ability >Iron Jugulis gets Nasty Plot >Sword of Justice trio all gets Sharpness ala AllGen (good change) >Iron Thorns gets Automize or Shift Gear if you're feeling spicy I have no clue how to fix the lake spirits in a simple way though barring nonsense like giving Azelf Tail Glow or something stupid.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>Everything is outspeeding choice scarfed Archeops ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
This shiny is actually nearly identical to the colors of the glitter ball, I like it Is anyone else here autistic about what ball they catch a pokemon in? I dont care so much about catch rates anymore I just want the ball to be fitting, like the glitter ball here, a premier ball for type:null, I even caught the jynx that xen grunt wanted to fuck in a love ball because lol
>>56117122 Basically peach boy that gives some mind corrupting mochi and steroid chains helps out 3 mons and they become his goons, dog was weak and the steroid chains made him buff, bird was ugly and the steroid chains made him pretty(its 100% male so yes it is a he) and monkey was dumb ans chains made him smart
Then one day they decide to mug an ogre and her owner for their magic masks and in the struggle the trainer and the goons end up dead but the townsfolk only see the ogre angry so they think she is evil and after that legends spread of an evil angry ogre
Stuff happens and the sheer seethe of a future school shooter revives the goons hundreds of years later and after that you retrieve the masks get the ogre and the goons
Then in the epilogue peach boy comes back and uses mind control mochi to make everyone in town his slave and everyone fights you until you catch the peach
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>>56117255 Millicent is your inevitable babysitter-with-benefits.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Whiteouts: 311
>Let's make everything get free +2 on this field for free >Everything has PULSE 2 >Psych Up gives you a free +2 special attack, pretty much 4 at all times since this fight is doubles WOW, WHAT AMAZING DESIGN.
>>56117277 Balltism sadly afflicts me too.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56117152 >>56117156 >>56117291 thanks. that is a weird pull for pokemon
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
She's a bitch, but a useful one.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
These guys have a massive miltank shortage and their just letting me take the only one in the building?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
That's an incredibly good shiny.
>>56117277 I only have a mild case of balltism, but a severe case of shinytism when it comes to making my legendary "sets" match.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
I don't get why they changed the Tapu shinies, they were already perfect.
>>56117327 The fact Miltank is available this late as well is laughable.
>>56117178 >>56117195 >>56117205 remember when jan promised he would tone down le cool references?
Quoted By:
I am so sad. I am weeping right now. at least he realized getting revenge on saphira is pointless
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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>>56117327 looks like the guy at the counter realized how fucked they were and just disappeared
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>>56117322 It was, well gen 9 really did some stuff that fans thought would happen like the professors (sada or turo) died before the start of the game because they tried to stop a battle between two of the -dons and the more aggressive one attacked them for it and the dlc rival starts nice and ends up hating you and even catches a legendary before you can because he is tired of you taking everything
Quoted By:
>>56117351 Now its just lame references.
>wife dead >sirius promises his wife would come back to life if he joins team meteor >becomes a member and gets partnered with a girl >fall in love with that girl imagine the threesome
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>>56117351 >"Oh it's not a reference, I just used waterfall as Inspiration!" is what Im guessing he'd respond with
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>>56117373 I feel like the wife would have some questions.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Zeraora uses Plama Fists when I switch my Miraidon out expecting it to use a Fighting move I am glad to see the AI input reading hasn't changed.
>>56117351 There were cool references?
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Quoted By:
of course you won't
>>56117374 and the community will buy that since undertale is "le cool self aware game"
>>56117392 >There were cool references? I was told
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Whiteouts: 312
I hate Fairy types and of course the Sticky Web spam returns in full force.
>>56117407 >Dean Huh.....
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
I guess you do actually get access to both megas and z moves around the time enemies start using them, but it's still 8-9 badges in on top of needing the password for an early ring anyway. Wouldnt be surprised if this is all I have to work with for the next 5 badges or so though
>>56117420 Is Dean a name I'm supposed to recognize?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
this is what got me through the ogerpon gauntlet, albeit with one revival herb at the very end because I wasn't expecting to fight the teal mask again and landorus was low health.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Whiteouts: 313
>Azumarill gets a free Belly Drum >Manages to fucking survive my ArCHADludon's Thunderbolt when it was at 15% I can physically feel the bullshit emanating from this game.
>>56117428 No, not yet thankfully, you'll see later in what's by far the worst section in this game, also there's a little secret near the house of the PC guy with the Cyndaquils, you just need to cut a tree you can't see and head to the left.
>>56117430 GG, this fight is complete bullshit for no good reason, in fact in the DLC it's heavily hinted what allowed Ogerpon to stand up to Pecharunt was the fact she used a mask to block it's mochi, which makes what happens in this gauntlet complete bullshit, also you can't even use the other Ogerpon masks yet because.....y-you just can't chuddie.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>>56117438 >you just need to cut a tree you can't see and head to the left. Would you mind taking another look at the pic in my post please?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56117438 thanks. not being able to use the other masks sucks, and this turtle isn't a great consolation prize
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56117430 GG.
Hisuian Typhlosion's expression of existential tired fits the screencap so well.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>56117450 thanks. it's unlucky to be in the timeline where instead of a comfy 8 badge journey beating a generic mafia group it's in the longest fangame ever made full of retards, cosmic forces, and constant rain. and unlike galar it doesn't get curry
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Quoted By:
why am I the only one thats not allowed to swear in this godforsaken world
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56117441 Did you see a certain girl? Also sorry for not noticing, I have an awful cold and both it and the painkillers I'm taking are really fucking with my head.
>>56117449 Surprisingly Terapagos is not too bad, it has a great movepool, it's ability after it shifts to it's Terastal form is really good to give you a free turn of setup too, but yeah it's not fantastical and it can't abuse it's sheer broken potential because Tera hasn't been implement yet on this mod.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>>56117467 The girl living outside the train? Yeah, she mentioned something about having a roommate that comes and goes
>Also sorry for not noticing Nah it's cool man just thought it was funny, sorry you gotta deal with that shit right now
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56117474 Ah right, I think she only shows up later, after you get back to the section everyone is ready to leave for the train, go back there again and sleep on the bed.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Quoted By:
>>56117479 I'll be sure to remember that when it comes up then, would not have thought to do that otherwise, thank you
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Whiteouts: 314>Casually survives a choice specs super boosted Electro Drift I CAN FEEL THE TUMORS GROWING IN MY BACK.
Quoted By:
having her entire team pretty much be physical attackers meant it was easy for hitmontop to switch in with intimidate and beat her team while ribombee took advantage of boosted dazzling gleam to beat the rest of her team. didn't luna have sableye or spiritomb back in previous versions? what happened to that
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Yeah me too.
>>56117467 It would be among the best mons in the game if it popped terrain and weather on transformation/terastal.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Proceeds to slowly chip away 25% of Magearna's health >It still survives a mega super ultra special boosted Electro Drift I want to genocide Fairy types.
>>56117519 The modder would not let the player have that until the very end of postgame, remember that this faggot is so beyond petty he banished Galarian Mr.Mime to route 4 simply because it counters screen faggotry.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Quoted By:
I wonder how anyone is supposed to normally get here
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
They just melt into little puddles when you beat them.
>>56117526 Unfortunately true.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>Looks like Amaria >Is the only Tapu fought in singles Hmmmmmm...... Also the sheer catharsis of realizing my Dracozolt gets to outspeed a good chunk of this gauntlet and for once in my life not having Hustle fucking me over and just witnessing it pecking everything to death is perfection.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56117526 >remember that this faggot is so beyond petty he banished Galarian Mr.Mime to route 4 simply because it counters screen faggotry which really doesn't make sense when brick break exists, hell that even gets rid of aurora veil
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Quoted By:
You know I never stopped to look at the news before but this one was neat, they covered up Ame's death with a "had health complications so decided to step down" and Victoria is now the reserve fighting leader
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
This is a heterosexuality only cave, take that shit elsewhere.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>>56117558 The gays have been contained in the Shadow realm.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Quoted By:
Give all the excuses you want, I don't care about any of it, really wish I could just send my bloodmoon out and laser you
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56117538 That's post Samson, which is already pretty late into the game.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56117519 I really want to know how Julia can just relax while volcano level seethe is occurring a few meters away
also my autism really hates that the FV@R# H55555===!!! thing is definitely "FUCK YOOOOOUUU!!!" but trying to create a consistent translation key for what they're trying to say can't be done
>>56117591 Julia gains energy from nearby friction.
Quoted By:
>>56117595 The more idiotic drama that happens in Reborn, the stronger she becomes!
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56117578 brick break tm or route 4? I feel like every fighting type on the planet learns brick break early on
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
I seriously dont have any option to just flat out say "Why the hell did you say to wait for your command to blow up the bridge to those grunts?" Why the fuck should I care more about their relationship
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>>56117591 Part of me was wondering if they were using the same cipher that Florinia's quest used earlier but I couldn't be assed to try and translate it all.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
the lightning regi was mvp in this getting rid of the volcanion, also having the enemy hydregion still spam surf instead of getting rid of kommo with anything else was helpful.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56117599 Brick Break, it's his gym reward, it just feels really stupid to lock the frosty Britbong clown that late.
>>56117600 So hmmm....speaking of Undertale....I hope you're ready for what's about to happen, and also to witness a man making a dragon swoon for him.
>>56117600 >that one reborn quest >elden ring >now that response very 'odd' how incest seems to be becoming more normalized and inescapable these days
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Well only one retry, really thought this would take like 30 minutes or something Bloodmoon really put in work
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>56117615 yeah its really dumb, you got brick break, defog, the infiltrator ability, and I think crits ignore screens as well. it would make more sense if he just hated mimes then screen negate
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Quoted By:
>>56117623 Well it potentially could have been a range to lose everything in the end
>>56117619 Its almost like someone is pushing it
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Quoted By:
... fucking. really. The last screenshot was an edit, this one isnt
>>56117643 isn't that the mc asking if the two grass siblings should try to literally kiss and make up
>>56117639 i'm surprised it took 7 hours for the agent to arrive on the scene
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>>56117654 I edited it lol, it says make *up*, look at the filename and the spots around "out"
>>56117658 kek
well, apologies for the israel tier response but the fact that it felt very likely to be real knowing some of jan's other proclivities is concerning
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Lin, please just let the ambulant STD container die, please, I am begging you.
>>56117623 GG, you doing Zekrom, Kyurem or Reshiram route? I remember this fight being beyond awful in Reshiram on Anything Goes.
>>56117639 Imagine my shock when every single porn site is owned by Jews and each of them keeps pushing for increasingly degenerate content.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Quoted By:
>>56117665 Given the fact that in the immediate next scene Im fucking KRIS, from DELTARUNE
yeah I dont blame you for believing it, this writing is dogshit
Actually while I'm at it, I dont know the specifics on the MC's soul I just know some people brought it up in earlier thread, and I was fucking calling it this entire time that he's just going to be a kris ripoff. The last scene I ever remember seeing in this game before I fully forgot about it for years was someone recognizing the MC in the past timeline as someone else, and then the MC running away as if they know. The second I heard someone say the story gets "meta" I instantly knew, and Im so fucking upset that Im right in that connection
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Quoted By:
they didnt even bother changing the trainer card sprite, its just defaulting to my... well Default design I dont know if that's more or less upsetting to me than if it was also Kris
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>Assault Vest Iron Thorns under sandstorm gets one shot by Cain's Primarina with Hydro Pump
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
These are honestly less annoying than 3/4 of the other puzzles in the game.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Whiteouts: 315>The AI reads if I use either Lava Plume or Eruption with my H.Typhlosion I sincerely wished utter shit stains who think input reading is justified in any way were thrown into a river full of piranhas.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>56117673 I am on Zekrom, got to say the desert was a bit more bland without mr spineless
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>Primarina has choice specs >Freely switches between using Hydro Pump and Dazzling Gleam EXCUSE ME, WHAT?
>>56117709 Ah, noted, yeah for as annoying as Taka is he does add a bit of life to that section.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56117701 Right as I open my mouth, there's one
where you have to push the pieces out of bounds to solve it. Image limit. Any bakers around?
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>when I switch to my ghost eevee aegislash uses shadow sneak >when I switch to my ursaluna aegislash uses sacred sword You really do deserve amaria titania
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56117726 I can bake if no one else wants to.
Anyone has anything in mind for OP images?
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>56117730 Wait sacred sword is fighting isn't it? Why did it hit my ghost type? Is it fairy tail field shenanigans?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56117736 i can get it
>>56117737 yeah, sacred sword becomes pure steel on fairy (and gets a buff because of course)
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56117737 I was confused over this earlier as well, sword moves become Steel type in this field, because Fairy Tale was a mistake.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
Quoted By:
>>56117739 >>56117740 Well another reason to hate the fairy fields on reborn-likes
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Quoted By:
>"We are an organization that works to dismantle the oppressive and toxic system that Gra-" Alright thanks for confirming I should kill you as soon as possible Flora
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Does anyone remember what you do after getting the Latiasite and Latiosite? I feel like I'm missing something really obvious.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56117755 In which quest are you in?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>>56117755 The Lati megas were optional iirc, you could walk past the previous door
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>>56117755 Ah yes, simply run up the wall that's not solid. How foolish of me to not hug every solid object in the room.
Who thought this was a good idea?
>>56117760 Ho-oh/Lugia
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>>56117765 NEW SOURDOUGH
>>56117765 NEW RYE
>>56117765 NEW BRIOCHE