>>56126664• Poipole is a starter in its home universe/dimension of Ultra Megalopolis.
• In the Diamond & Pearl anime, Nando’s speech patterns in the English dub were inspired by Puss in Boots from Shrek.
• Fire Fang always hits through Wonder Guard even if the Pokémon with the ability isn’t weak to Fire.
• In the Diamond and Pearl beta, Roark didn’t have glasses, Gardenia didn’t have her headband, Maylene didn’t have her nose bandage, Byron didn’t have spikes in his hair, Volkner and Candice switched eye colors, and Crasher Wake had a different, Swampert-themed mask.
• A side character in Red/Blue says that she wants a pink Pokémon with a flower pattern, years before Munna was created.
• An official merchandise line of Pokémon-themed baby products exists, called Monpoke.
• In Sword and Shield, you can feed a roasted Slowpoke tail curry to a Slowpoke.
• The organs inside Espurr/Meowstic’s ears are auxiliary brains.
• The manga The Electric Tale of Pikachu features an ancient Haunter called the Black Fog that devours souls. After its defeat, it decides to kill itself by exploding rather than be captured.
• In the second movie, a background character says as a throwaway line, “…and she says, no, but I have Krabbies!”
• Only three of the modern Sinnoh gym leaders have implied ancestors in Legends: Arceus. Gardenia, Volkner, and Candice do (Colza, Ginter, and Clover, respectively), while Roark, Byron, Fantina, Crasher Wake, and Maylene do not.