>>56142948You never played back then and you don't play that meta now either. If you did you would know that alakazam set has ≲0.02%-0.36% usage.
>>56142968Gambling with focus punch is hardly fundamentally different than gambling with focus blast. The meta was far more balanced in gens 1-2 without either of those moves, but I digress.
The funny thing is that I know you are one of those "anti-smogon" imbeciles, which is extremely fucking ironic because Focus punch is something you would never EVER use in the Emerald battle frontier, which is what I would expect you mean by "the game", since your beloved official competitive VGC slop literally did not even exist yet in gen 3. When DO you use focus punch in gen 3? When predicting a SWITCH primarily, or predicting a status move like toxic or spikes , which again, are gameplay sequences that only happen in smogon.
Lonely and hasty are both -def natures, btw.
Furthermore, mixed attackers are still highly prevalent in every gen after gen 3. The phys spec split did not kill mixed attackers, both attack stats still matter. If anything mixed attackers are a hell of a lot less prevalent in gen 3 than in gen 1/2. In gens 1-2, nearly everything was mixed because there was no opportunity cost of lost EVs. You do not play competitive. You have never played competitive.
>>56142973"Fucking braindead"-kun, you never even played a gen 3 cart game until recently anyways, and you EMULATED IT because you don't actually own any of the games.
You played through the slow as shit DS games repeatedly, multiple times each, on cart, yet emulated the classic GBA games. Because you don't own them. Because you're a newfag. "Yawnfag", if that's what they call you. You're fucking retarded.
You are dumber than the "DS zoomers" you relentlessly attack. Dunning-kruger cretin.
The obvious truth is you are a DS zoomer yourself, but you have some sort of complex about it. This is the most profound mental illness I've ever seen here.