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I love slow /vp/ the most

No.56144514 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's so comfy, when there are no games coming out, It's like everyone is friends, no newfags complaining about board culture, no leakfags coming here just for leaks and not to discuss anything, It's just comfy chill people talking about their interests, what makes them happy, what makes them laugh, and what makes them jack off

sure, there are some annoying posters here and there, but no one really replies to them that much, when its leak season, bait gets so many replies that its ridiculous

I loved being here before SWSH released, I loved being here before SV released, and I love being here before gen 10 releases, thank you everyone for making threads about your favorite pokemon and characters, about your favorite mechanics, about what areas you find comfy, I'm glad that even though 4chan and the internet as a whole died in 2020, a place like /vp/ can still be comfy when there's no leaks coming out and you ignore the 5 or so daily bait/e-celeb threads

this is my favorite pokemon, Beheeyem, post your favorite if you prefer slow comfy /vp/ over leakseason /vp/