>>56149714No, that is not the literal definition of powercreep, it is an expression of powercreep. Those two words do not mean the same thing. And either way, it doesn't really change the experience if the teams you use are solid. It's basically the same as playing any older meta in a period where offense is popular. If one mon swings at a frail mon and kills it, it's still an OHKO, whether your baseline for an offensive stat is 150 or 100. So long as you and your opponent have the same options (ie, you are not using teams from prior generations against current ones), the power of what you're facing should only influence the tightness of your decision making. Realistically, your decisions should already be calculated, therefore you're just punished more for making the wrong call. I like Gen 3 and 4 metas specifically because you can bounce back in a lot of games.
I will agree that VGC makes this a radically different discussion because they allow legends and strong synergies impact the field in one turn instead of two. I also think VGC has always been a bad format, but this conversation isn't about preferences. I think powercreep is much more tangible with double the field presence and legendaries permitted because it means the opportunity cost of using a mon that is not either broken to shit or extremely synergistic is magnified, even moreso by level 50 putting an added restriction on your EVs.