>>56150450I’d think so!
>>56151290Ah to be a Porygon 2 out on a desktop wallpaper.
>>56151955If it’d mean more Porygon, I’d be happy. I don’t think anything will ever top Z for me but that’s fine.
>>56151975I don’t remember if it’s canon or just a theory but was it ever confirmed Galactic were the ones who messed up P2?
>>56151989Ah I might have to try it. Not really a VGC guy but I’ll try it out for my glitchy cyber duck.
>>56151998I feel like PZ won’t be in LA which is sad bc I’d love to see a Mega.
>>56152000I’ve seen ideas of making MissingNo a rival species for Porygon. Not the same idea as yours but would like to see more theories and ideas around those two.
>>56153583I hope it’s refreshing.
>>56153625They’re friends who support each other. My uncle at GF said so.
>>56153627That’s not nice. Be positive, anon!
>>56153666Hopefully soon. We need more Porygon propaganda!
>>56153670What do you think they feel like? It looks so cozy in his sweater!
>>56153731I’ve seen a lot of good ideas but I think Z will always be more interesting. IIRC, it was meant to explore space or other dimensions (?) so maybe an evo with an alien inspiration? Is that why Gladion uses one? Just realized that’s so cool!
>>56153781Hopefully that comes soon (I know it won’t)
>>56153792He’s a cute little thing. Wish it could exist alongside what we got so everyone could be happy. Do you think a Z equivalent would exist if this was what we got?
>>56154204Poryphone is actually why I started Masters. Still no playable Porygon unit besides an Eggmon but we have a few options like Cynthia, Gladion, & Colress. Would be happy with it just being playable