>>56176636SoulSilver can GTFO, a shitty remake of the worst original Ponemon games that barely fixes any of the massively huge issues of the original. Level curve still sucks, level up movepools still suck, physical special split destroyed the fire starter's movepool (flame wheel physical, fire punch physical) and the best gen 2 pokemon used to solo these boring as fuck games is nerfed because of the elemental punches becoming physical (Kadabra/Alakazam). The good Pokemon are still locked to lategame, day/night cycle still locks encounters behind playing at stupid hours (even worse with morning) or fooling around with your DS clock.
Emerald is next to burn on the stake. For all the praise it gets, one of the starters is complete garbage for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th gyms, which is sadly most of the challenging battles in game (talking about damn Treecko and its' garbage level up movepool and the mediocre TMs it can learn to make up for it).
Emerald needs Lord Mewtwo's randomizer to update moves to gen 6 just to be worth replaying at all, unless you choose Mudkip/Blaziken and intend to solo/duo the 1st half of the game with your starter and a complimentary Pokemon that covers its' weaknesses. Most gen 3 new pokemon accessible until the 5th badge are underwhelming to say the least, their level up movepools suck and/or their stats suck and they don't make up for it in any meaningful way.
Emerald is only good if you pick up the top 10 Pokémon of the region, the rest are meh to pure crap. Poor Flygon was done dirty, low stats, bad spread for a dragon and a mostly special level up movepool with 80 sp atk and 100 atk. The region is good, the Dex and distribution suck (all the good Pokemon to beat gym 3 are available AFTER beating gym 3...WTF? Worst game to nuzlock without taking the best starters).