My hot take: Yellow and Crystal both suck, and diminish the value of their respective regions (don't get me started on remakes). The main reason I like this series is the amount of player agency - you can choose to play however you wish. Any monsters and any attacks you want. From digging deep with StatEXP and talking to everybody and saving all your money, to if you just wanna cruisecontrol with Potion & Repel and walk through the game ignoring NPCs. The game allows you to customise your experience with a whole slew of options, which increases replayability: Japan got Red, Green, -and- Blue, and even Yellow on top of that - 4 Kanto game variations in two years. When they began to remove your agency in Crystal, I felt it immediately. And by nickels and dimes, every subsequent game only decreased player agency further. Until today, where a hallway with cutscenes is sold as a "game". What is funny is that, as player agency decreased, they also removed L=A. Just when it would be most useful to mash A!
>>56187939Not that it matters: Forgot a member in Blue, Spearow is one of my aces with it's high Attack.
>>56181742I paid attention to Abilities all the way until XY, where they decided to include everything including the kitchen sink. I realised juggling so many factors was not fun for me, so I mostly ignore Abilities and held items now unless it's something useful like Amulet or Flame Body. It's more fun for me now to just work with what I get. Something else I realised with XY: Why tf can't I deposit items. Scrolling through 100 items I'll never use is ridiculous. Compartments in a bag is not enough anymore.
>>56181826GS released in Japan in autumn 1999. Since we had to wait almost a year until autumn 2000, there was a strategy guide printed for playing in Japanese, but back then such things weren't well known.
>>56182917>dokokashira doorWhat is that?
>>56183754The really TCG served to enrich the 2D chibi version of the games. Unique art was at a premium.