>>56196071My favorite gen is probably gen 4. What it has going for it:
> Some of my favorite Pokémon designs in the series. Gave a new lease on life to lots of older Pokémon which felt incomplete.> To me, Sinnoh has lots of memorable locations in its region design. Particular standouts include Floaroma Town, Eterna City. the route from Solaceon to Veilstone, and of course the Distortion World. HGSS's visual touch-up also gives several Johto and Kanto locations more of an identity.> It's fun to teambuild in these games. Platinum gives you strong Pokémon options early on, as the meme Sinnoh team will attest to, but there are also great options available later on if you're willing to swap out a party member for them.> Fun side modes across all games (the Underground and Contests in Platinum, Pokéathlon in HGSS).> My favorite soundtrack of any gen, and it's not even close.The things I dislike about it:
> In places, the slow speed. This complaint is generally overblown, especially as the gen progresses, but things like the EXP bars and saving speed do feel sluggish compared to other gens.> DP had several questionable-to-bad design choices, like honey trees and too many HMs that serve no purpose outside of wasting time past the initial time they block progression. Platinum kept a lot of these instead of removing or reimagining them.> Too easy. This is an issue with all Pokémon games to some degree, but there's definitely a noticeable gap in difficulty between gen 4 and, say, gen 7, at least pre-postgame.>>56197230Gen 7's also really good, especially in terms of memorable moments/locations and new Pokémon. USUM's Battle Tree in particular is one of the most fun battle facilities I've played.