>>56196757>The older games had this already.Then elaborate on any character's arc
>You’re describing Gen 5’s characters.Cheren isn't a flat character (although given how his development kind of peeters off at the end maybe he should have been) and N, while not my favorite, has way more nuance than fucking Silver and both way more motivation to be a heel and way more indication of his face turn over the course of the game.
>How? It’s the same bland shit as all the other previous games.What other character has a defined personality, flaws that lead to problems, a big moment where the character finds new resolve, and then enough details afterwards that you entirely understand why they ended up where they did? I know that sounds really fucking basic, but you'd be surprised how few characters Pokemon has that actually do this. Like I implied, Barry is one of the few other ones, but he skips enough steps and does it late enough in the game that the pay off is a bit weak. Again, USUM Hau hits all this, while SM Hau functionally quits after Aether Paradise and only shows up post-game like he earned anything the useless little shit. Or as another example, while Shauna is an okay enough flat character, the XY rival is like a shitty version of Barry, and the other two manage to fail at being flat characters which is fucking impressive honestly. Or how about SS, where Hop is Bianca's arc without any of the character development so it feels less earned than fucking Silver, Bede gets stolen by the Baba Yaga partway through the plot, and Marnie is there too. Then there's RSE where there's basically no character to develop since your rival drops out faster than Hau and Wally gets so little screentime that I think the shock value of him showing up on Victory Road is the best part about it.