>jannies are faggots >bunken, ashime, and orevald have to fend off the OOO MASSA poster with a stick >rg beats the maingame, moving into sidequestshit territory >john vpposter gets jewed out of choices in empire >the insanity continues in misty orange >What is this? A thread where a bunch of autists play shitty fangames. Join if you want.
>Archive >Fangame Bingo >Download Links for Games Being Played Desolation Empire (don't play this shit) Reborn Allgen Misty Orange
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
...that is not what i meant to post for bread image well, whatever, works well enough anyway
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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LilliGODS...She's done it again! 3 6-0 attempts DARKNESS is still annoying, so Sleepspam it is
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
it's hard to top what happened to tristan but boy is the game gonna try to make me feel for the aussie
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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not like this would make sense with context anyway
John VPPoster
>There's also a free Minccino in town so it got super nerfed and had skill link removed or what>Cinccino had it's stats min-maxed slightly, got +5 BST, and still has skill link >at the cost of becoming ice type and losing Technician Hm I guess it does get the new omniboost ice move, so it's an overall buff? also>unfeazant has poison heal and learns some 110BP poison move that deals half damage if you haven't dealt flying damage this battle >but stops being a normal type and becomes dark killing me here
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
so many trainers died to fund this one store, that and all of those X items I sold
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
rejuv and vanguard wish they had this sort of quality at being a schizo game
>>56208803 this plus a later scene honestly made me like garret quite a bit
>>56208817 i think cinccino might get a mega too? might be mixing it with deso though
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>the animation of gary's fangirl crowd running caused the game to lag hard fucking kek LET ME GET THROUGH THIS FUCKING FOREST GAME
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
I hate Knock Off, I absolutely hate this cancer of a move, to the point I don't think there are words to describe how much I fucking LOATHE IT.
>>56208803 It's leading to a really kino scene.
>>56208828 Nah, Empire thankfully doesn't have a Mega for Chinccino.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
i'm never getting out of this fucking forest i should have recorded this one, giovanni has a fucking clean cigar animation
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>>56208803 What happened to
Cynthia RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Well, I'll probably call it there, can't think of anymore interesting sidequests off the top of my head
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Tries to use Medicham >It immediately gets KO'd in one hit by a Weavile's Knock Off >Send it again an Aggron >Click High Jump Kick for the first time >It misses Now a very great first showing.>The pajeet is raiding the thread again and the jannies do fucking nothing, but they seethe over Wagie's thread image on /vp/ of all fucking boards despite the fact this shithole is riddled with pedoshit
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Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
is this for that deino in celia prison
John VPPoster
>Calvera's club is named Foongus Amoongus huh...
When do I actually get Foongus, anyways?
>Al’Sharazar event if 15 tasks completed and chose starter Vullaby - Available from : Ep3 Huh...
I guess I'll look through those and see if a few of the other exclusive ones didn't happen to fall off the back of the truck, so to speak
Also I remember something about getting a second starter, so I'll finally get litleo.
>>56208875 actually I'm fairly certain the "cunny" in the op automatically triggered something
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>56208889 Nope, it's a password that lets you start the game with Deino as your starter.
>>56208941 Still really gay regardless.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
did connor ever mention what town he's the gym leader of
Has any of the fan games you guys have played ever had a roaming gym leader? Kinda like roaming legendaries, just a bit more predictable.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Kek, I'll always have a soft spot for Cramorant.
>>56209014 No, not really, he's from Cellia I think, but we never see his house there and he bums around on our mansion which implies he doesn't have anywhere to go and Emily is from Blackview and Connor acts like he knows the city, it's pretty hard to say, Ava and the MC (sorta) are from Darkroot, Scarlett is/was from Sinnoh.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>56209026 can't think of any
>>56209028 weird. he must be one though or emily would call it out 24/7
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>>56209026 We've played plenty of games where gym leaders wander all over the map instead of doing their jobs kek
But a gym leader that roams like a legendary does? Nah. Sounds like it'd be more annoying in practice
>>56209014 I think it's confirmed at some point that he's the only leader that just straight up doesn't have a station, but I forget where they mention it (if they do at all)
There's already going to be 4 gym leaders/stations on the last island and it'd feel weird if there was a 5th solely for Connor
>>56209014 ...You know, they never say. They also never directly state there's a badge order either. Assumedly, Connor is either replacing Tristan and going to Addenfall or is going to Cellia City to be the starter gym-leader there.
I assume there is no official badge order in Ayrith either because the protagonist's route through the region is completely fucked.
John VPPoster
The fuck is that sweater made of, latex? Why is it showing her armpit
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Here's the bros
Orbeetle was way better than I expected it to be kek, especially once I got the Amplifield rock, then it handled basically any fight that leads with a special attacker (that isn't SE vs it) with extreme ease
>>56209014 He's doesn't have one, apparently
One of the Foxniggers mention it in E6 and he doesn't deny it iirc
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
you may be a dickhead that set fire to my pokemon with burning field but you have your head on straight
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
I really hope this is sweeped specific dialogue as I don't remember them saying anything outstanding after the actual fight
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Did Wagie get sent into a forced vacation again?
>>56209088 GG again bro.
>>56209091 I found an image that perfectly represents Connor during the episode 6 double battle.
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>>56209082 Badge order I don't think is really a thing in most games anyway, or they handwave the earlier gyms as "they train up some weaker mons if a new challenger swings by"
I think the intended route is that you're supposed to start in Cellia given that's where you're headed at the start of the game
Either way the Ayrith league is (again, man it's common in these games) defunct due to the E4 fucking off and been disappeared for who knows how long, and it's kind of implied that outside of Rosetta no one's really trying to fix it
>>56209083 >I hate Calvera Oh man....this is probably the last annoying as fuck area in the game kek
>>56209088 GG again
>>56209106 GL for this next bit, don't turn the volume off its probably the best music in the game
>>56209111 Nah still here, just had to contemplate life after
>>56208828 and
>>56208856 kek
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>56209111 kek
>>56209120 you just can't seem to escape horrors beyond your comprehension can ya
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Oh, I forgot to say, you can get a Goomy in the sewers bellow the prison after the
Baron fight, at least I think that's when it becomes available, either that or after Reeve since this game hates letting the player have fun sometimes.
>>56209120 Oh thank fuck, I thought the jannies took an extra soi late today and decided to be extra gay.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>sounds of ass kicking in entire zone
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
John VPPoster
>>56209083 >her Mismagius (which is psychic now, I guess) has magician >steals my Ariados' frost orb (Ariados has guts now) and freezes itself (burn but spattack and has a paralysis chance instead of damage over time) pfft
Pretty easy fight overall, only speedbump was hitmontop (coverage mon, not actually a psychic) but he went down pretty easily. Didn't even have to use 2 of my pokemon at all
While Normal types being weak to Psychics is a bit bizare and didn't help at all, Poisons NOT being weak to Psychic let me pretty much bulldoze the entire thing with Ariados, Raticate (of which the original doesn't exist anymore and was replaced entirely with the Alolan version), and Wigglytuff. Boreaptor (Ice/Poison fakemon, speed/attack slanted stats) made an appearance but got hit by a (((lucky))) burn and got swapped out
>>56209120 Hoping and praying that you didn't make a typo and that last wasn't supposed to be a least
>>56209111 Being a pyromaniac is a relatively harmless mental disorder, atleast compared to some of the characters in these fan games.
John VPPoster
Quoted By:
I suppose I'm being led to infer the 'heir' that's been mentioned a few times so far is the guy who gave me the regalia in the train station but it'll actually turn out to be me, then?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56209139 >Hoping and praying that you didn't make a typo and that last wasn't supposed to be a least Oh no, that's DEFINITELY a typo, haha..
>>56209139 It might as well have been both bro...
The other "not fucking annoying area" was the first zone
It goes all downhill from here
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56209139 GG, funnily enough gym leaders are often the less unhinged fights in this game once you get used to the mechanics.
>>56209143 Less so being a pyromaniac, more so being an utter cunt for the sake of it.
John VPPoster
And what happens when that 'biggest name' tells the world about how you
double-crossed and betrayed her, letting her take the fall and causing the set-up that you just explained would garner sympathy ?
Actually no, keep going, I'm sure none of this could ever backfire in any way at all
>>56209154 >>56209159 fuck...
>>56209163 >>56209173 thanks
Most of the mechanics so far have just been wacky moves and lingering stackables that I sometimes need to be aware of
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
I can definitely say I wasn't expecting any of that
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>>56209111 >>56209120 Thanks bros, missed these kek
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Mr.Hmph has an extremely unpredictable AI >He's input reading switching his Pokemon accordingly depending on what move I click >I keep getting fucked by RNG Just lovely.
>>56209192 Octavius' writing might genuinely be worst than Jan's and funnily enough this whole thing with Rose doesn't go fucking anywhere.
>>56209194 GG, I remember clicking First Impression by accident on my Sirfetch'd when he sent out his ace and one shooting it with a crit, really sucks how they made his team pretty shit outside of his ace.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Send in a specially bulky Indedee to set up psychic terrain and pop Gengar's focus sash >Immediately switch in Orbeetle afterwards >Get a single Calm Mind >Win game does he do it?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>getting arrested for being unvaccinated oh i see why this game is allowed on relic castle now
>>56209192 yeah as orevald said, pretty much nothing comes of this and it gets completely forgotten kek
>>56209194 GG, that music alone probably carries that whole part but still
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>>>>>> shaunbro status?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
if the game actually put the entire script of the book of mormon in here for this joke i will be seriously impressed
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
That makes things rather perplexing given later revelations......
>>56209316 Why do I have this random feeling this game would reference Blood Meridian in some way?
>>56209318 GG, chapter is mostly over, though there's still a bit left and some quests to do, highly recommend since they're pretty fun.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
okay, kek, this one got me
>>56209318 GG, good job on completion
you gonna do some of the side content like the ranger quest?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56209324 >>56209326 thanks. probably not, I'm happy ending it here since the plot is over for now and I'll be redoing it later anyway when the new chapters come out
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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This is like the fourth time someone has used that excuse
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>ywn be born in the pokeworld why live?
>>56209340 fair enough, gg
John VPPoster
I swear to God if this is a fucking desert
John VPPoster
Quoted By:
>>56209346 okay no it's not a desert just a savanna wasteland which probably borders a desert
... or I could just check my map, which I've remembered I have
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>>56209346 oh don't worry, it finds other ways to be terrible
can't wait until you get to the actual desert....h-haha...hahahah.... Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
it really is hard to undersell how well made this game is in spite of what it is
lorelei i think has maybe 4 or 5 different sprites and all NPCs have multiple text lines
UNIRONICALLY eat your heart out jan
>>56209366 glad you enjoyed bro
>>56208798 I'll be real, I think random funny screenshots make better ops then the cropped porn anyway
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
i'm scared >>56209412 fair kek
i was going to post a desolation playthrough screencap, just picked the wrong one
>>56209088 nice work and cool team
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
This is a rebornlike so, I can only assume someone's getting thrown in the lava here at some point
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>>56209432 haha no, thats crazy
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>brock's gym is set to an infinite loop of distance kek
i liked the clover version of this joke better, but it's still fine
>>56209432 was about to say no one gets thrown into a volcano in empire but then i realized there are none in that game yet, kek
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Quoted By:
First of all, this like the fifth "hmph" in this fucking conversation, second of all did you not hear about the 12 year old riding Rayquaza into space? It wasnt THAT long ago
>simon and tara are related ???? LMAO????
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>there's level cap obedience shit and no reverse candies in sight this game is very dangerously straddling the line between being irritating but funny and just outright irritating in some scenarios
>>56209454 actually never mind, there's the magma cave bullshit
the twist is that you're the one getting thrown into lava
>>56209460 i like how this character would be otherwise entirely irrelevant and forgettable if not for this kek
John VPPoster
>Open Fields >Pokemon below 1/3rd Max HP cannot use status moves wow awesome
>>56209465 >i like how this character would be otherwise entirely irrelevant and forgettable if not for this kek I still dont even know what the point of that subplot was
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
oh no who couldve seen this coming
wonder how long theyre going to try and make me believe she's actually dead
>>56209465 >the twist is that you're the one getting thrown into lava Not really a twist, rejuvenation also did that
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
John VPPoster
>>56209487 >do not wander too far north of the train up this way?
I ran up there but got blocked and left to explore elsewhere
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Quoted By:
I'd call that out as bullshit but I am quite literally proof of that I guess
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
what the fuck kek
how many designs did he make for this chick
or is he taking them from something i don't recognize
>>56209476 ah yeah, that's true
i guess the twist in empire is you're the one who throws themselves into lava (repeatedly)
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56209420 I like this one a lot, moreso for it's plot and characters then the gameplay. Not to say the gameplay was bad, it was good pokemon for the most part, but the plot is why I want to see more of it similar to ashen frost. The characters were great other then one nitpick I'll make, I feel like
scarlett's reasoning for joining the cult is beyond retarded. If they leaned more into her wanting to try and regain control of life, since she just saw her friend drown in lava only to come back, among other things including the cruise ship. Wanting a more predictable dream instead of the unpredictably of life would've been more forgivable in my opinion, but as it is written now even if I did save her I wouldn't want her near me or to be on any of the important missions, hoe ain't loyal other then that though this has the best characters out of the big 3 rebornlikes since there aren't any terras or cains dragging it down. the gameplay is definitely easier most of the time, I got some sweeps and I didn't use items in battle the whole game, can't say that for any of the others. the tm selection is ass though, even after opening that $125k shop in sunshell AT THE END OF THE GAME. field effects are good except for crowd which isn't worse then glitch field but it might make me angrier. literally "oh you're sweeping uhhh free stat boosts to opponent" fuck off. I really hope this game gets finished
of course it has a pateron so it could be struck down nice going retards I'd give it an 8.5/10 for now
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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>>56209476 The answer was about 2 actual minutes, was there just a rule that stated any rebornlike HAS to have someone thrown in lava but actually survive/come back that they needed to get checked off?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>56209487 that's hilarious kek, I wonder if that's original music
>>56209475 to show that some meteor members were le misguided and not le bad people
>>56209487 >aster and eclipse but incest who's idea was this
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Delica??? Wait, is that the next gym leader? We already faced a Fairy leader, I can't imagine any other puns revolving around that word, but I can imagine her either being a Rock or Ice leader maybe? Maybe not since that's Azura's thing?
>>56209487 Peak schizokino.
>>56209499 I touched on it before, but
the reason Scarlett likely fell for that so easily was because of Darkrai fucking with her head, it's also sorta hinted she's a dreamer as well. GG again and glad you enjoyed it.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Last time one of my friends tried "protecting" me they intentionally provoked a pair of Gods on a whim because they disliked what they did personally instead of asking me what I felt Let's hope you don't fall as low as her
>>56209499 good work and nice team
yeah, deso is absolutely easier than the other two. I dont mind that so much, means you can be a bit more free when team building to take some low tier mons just because you like them
>>56209513 >to show that some meteor members were le misguided and not le bad people yeah but why the weird last name shit
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>>56209266 Based OrbeetleGOD
>>56209422 Thanks
>>56209487 holy kek
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>team of 6 smeargles >they spam spikes and then circle throw this would be a lot funnier if my best available moves weren't shit like hyper beam or metronome, and the fact there's a fucking obedience mechanic. why is this a fucking thing. this game is clearly not trying to be difficult and does not benefit at all from weird tryhard level cap shit, especially when it's not even using hardcaps or anything
>>56209492 oh, no, there's some demonic farmer with an overlevelled mudsdale in one of the nearby ranches
i think the game might give you a warning about it now though
>>56209499 gg again, and nice review
it probably could afford to be harder, but that's not really the point
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56209516 that reminds, I liked those billboards giving us glimpses of some of the characters down the line
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56209516 >>56209528 >>56209531 >>56209533 thanks. I agree I don't really want it to be very hard, it seems like it's more focused on plot then gameplay, something ashen frost could definitely learn from.
>>56209526 >Let's hope you don't fall as low as her I think I can say that even at their worst most desolation characters clear the majority of rejuvenations cast
John VPPoster
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>>56209531 Oh yeah, there was some ranch where I was stopped with a message along the lines of "That guy looks pissed maybe I should back off"
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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Where the hell did you even get half that team? How did you get your hands on a Goomy and where can I get one myself
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Sena, you're really cute, but you're also dumb and very lazy.
>Captcha was ava ml B-based!
>>56209535 I don't think we'll see the elite 4 shitters anytime soon and I think the excuse they'll use to pretend they couldn't intervene in the story is going to be extremely stupid, I can feel it.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Quoted By:
Seriously, find new excuses. Invest in a thesaurus or something
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i guess i'll upload the video up until smeargle hell happened. if only to show off more of this game's...peculiar amount of effort it looks like you were meant to lose, maybe he has another level 100 mewtwo in the back. wish i had at least gotten further, he has some more midbattle dialogue
>>56209545 that's for sure kek
demice also has a full playthrough of desolation and seems to also like it more than the other two (or maybe equally to reborn, which also isn't too hard before postgame outside of some autism) i'm not sure what provoked his autism on ashen frost
>>56209549 they really do kek
i guess obligatory you have the usual suspects like aelita, m2, florin, maybe zetta or something, and then most of the rest suck dick
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>When you seethe so hard at the MC doing a better job than you that you erase their deeds from your records out of sheer pettiness Also since it's been a bit.>Current "hmph" count: 347
you know it baby If I remember right, I didnt mind victory road at first, the minecart puzzles were fine, then I realized it was going to on for fucking ever after this
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
A bit rushed, but I guess it works.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
not gonna explain every tier like with reborn, just the notable ones. baron is that high only because of that specific portrait, sometimes he has that shit eating smile like jetstream sam from mgr and it's great. emily isn't in A because I don't know why she's that cruel to connor, like he's a dick but it seems like alot more then that, and I like connor so she's lower. lillith doesn't show up alot like other C tiers but that one scene in the flashback where she doesn't fall for nova's offer bumps her up to B. A lot of C tiers are really just there because there's not a lot of interaction yet like eden, or it's a comedic relief character like ryder, but nova earned her spot for being unlikable from start to finish. even when she's trying to help she's a dickhead. scarlett has also properly earned her C tier for reasons I've said before. reeve is in D because he gives everyone the runaround and almost tries to be unhelpful, and the outfit he put me in sucked. Artem is in D because they're just offputting, it's the only portrait looking directly forward, and it makes me worried they'll have a weirdly important role in the story even though it's technically 60% done and we've seen them once so far.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
am i just playing as terra
is this why this game is like it is
that's just lake humor bro
>>56209582 have baron and amelia ever met in the main story? imagine if both of them and shiv meet up, the hmphs would be out of control
>>56209598 really should have just been the 'bring down the stalactite' and then the color room sections desu, maybe one or two of the crystal puzzles
still maybe would've been a bit long, but fucking hell
>>56209623 pretty on point tier list d e s u
maybe might move hardy to 'alrighty' myself, i assume he'll be a bit easier to redeem since most of the terrible shit the black foxes do seems isolated to waldenhall
>>56209623 >>56209635 nice
I didnt really feel like there were any characters I actively abhor in Desolation, there were some that were intended to be dickish or adversarial but I cant think of anyone that just felt like a flat out terribly written character
Not that the writing is always perfect or even professional but for fan game standards its real solid and even good at times
If we get to actually get a romance option I'm shooting at my shot at Rosetta or Scarlett myself Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
EIGHT MAID'S A MILKING!!!! Gary MOTHERFUCKING Oak? WHA---??? YOU want to IMPREGNATE my GIRLFRIEND?? YOU'RE saying THAT you're going to have DITTO *gulps* TAKE the FORM of my GIRLFRIEND while you FUCK HER violently?? Which means YOU intend to DOUBLE my KEKOLDRY?? Holy....I don't know what to say....except YABBA DABBA DOOOOOOO GOTTA KEK EM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can't fully yabbapost if i don't want to get banned, sorry >>56209635 also nice list
just warmed up to connor huh?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>taking the gym guide back to the gym crashes the game i'm surprised it finally took this long
>>56209653 at most you can say some are just underwritten for now
hopefully artem will not prove to be shit next update when he actually gets proper writing
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>last save file was before i even walked in the gym yeah i also don't know why this game has manual saves with overworld porygons instead of menu saving, i think i forgot to mention that
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56209660 yeah, he's an asshole but in a good rivalry kind of way. he's serious when it calls for it and he is nice to people sometimes, and his pursuit for power hasn't led to betrayal
like some other characters Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56209636 We would reach levels of hmph beyond comprehension, I'm actually surprised how many characters in this game barely share interactions sometimes, I like that the plot is focused, but you'd think Scarlett for instance would be a lot more talkative in relation to Nova and such being around and a few other things.
I think my problem with Hardy is that he doesn't have enough going for him, he's certainly a better character than an absolute shitter like Ren, but he barely shows up and I feel sometimes Desolation kinda lacks a true rival for the player, which is why I like turning the Amelia password on.
>>56209635 I feel like I was bit unfair to Connor, but I organized my list like shit anyhow, he does his job is a snarky cunt pretty well while still being a guy you can empathize with, it's this strangely perfectly blend of both were you sometimes feel pity for the guy and some other times you're just kinda done with his shit.
>>56209653 I only actively really dislike Reeve and that's because he's written to be a massive cunt, I just organized my tierlist like shit.
Quoted By:
alright titania I do agree with you here and it was nice that you rescued me
>>56209678 >it's this strangely perfectly blend of both were you sometimes feel pity for the guy and some other times you're just kinda done with his shit. yeah, they strike a good balance with connor
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Here's mine, not ordered within the tiers
It's nice not having to think about 50+ characters desu I could probably move Darkrai out of the bottom tier, but meh, I'll wait and see what he does in E7
>>56209636 >Baron, Shiv, and Amelia get put in the same scene >The total Hmph count triples Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
....what the fuck kek
i decided to just debug on sacred sword onto clefairy to see what would happen if you beat tracy, and, uh...
good thing i was recording not really sure what happens in the 'you don't beat tracy' timeline since it seems like you can't refight him, but rpgmaker says there's not anymore maps anyway
might try and explore around for some more autism
>>56209671 >>56209678 yeah my issue with connor is that he gradually learns to stop being cuntish in blackview and then he shows up half the game later and doesn't really seem to have changed. but hopefully they'll do more with it in e7 and beyond
the scene where he rejects the evil team is nice though, wouldn't be surprised if they included that specifically to spite niggers like ren and the people who like that 'person'
>>56209686 i'd say darkrai could at least move out on the same basis someone like waldenhall or cedric doesn't need more screentime to establish who/what they are, but yeah good list
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56209720 gg? what a wild ride that is, wrote it off as a dating sim from it's cover art which is a shame with all that effort put into it
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
anyway, before i do anything else, might as well post my own
not ordering this within tiers either. i will admit emily probably belongs in C but gets points for cute design, same with aderyn and D tier
>>56209731 ..thanks, i think..
it is a dating sim, do like, go around getting girlfriends and stuff which i didn't show off properly. but it's obviously a bit more schizophrenic than that
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56209720 gg kek
Yeah, I could probably move darkrai out, but I wasn't terribly sure where it'd go
it doesn't help I was rapid firing this and did it in like ~3 minutes kek Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Yes it is, took some effort to 6-0, not too much, his team is pretty shit but he was getting an obscene amount of crits.
>>56209686 Nice one, I honestly hope they actually do something more with a the fuckers that didn't get enough screentime, hopefully Artem doesn't turn into discount Electrorape.Jr.
>>56209720 GG, I almost want to try out this game but the gameplay seems like shit.
Yeah they walked back on his character hard in episode 6.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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I-it's t-time last fight for the night.....
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
bro how the fuck do you even code shit like this
and of course why would you use your coding knowledge for shit like this
well, it looks like you're locked to pewter once you get here and i don't think there's anything else i can do at the moment, though it does seem there's some other events i missed (maybe from doing some different responses to girls, idk)
>>56209735 >>56209745 thanks...not sure if this is the type of game to 'gg', albeit..
>>56209737 kek
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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And the final big catch of the night, I'm going to hit the haysack, perfected the previous fight on the first try, Orbeetle being allowed to run rampant again was fucking glorious.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
I never saw this before.>He makes Arceus noises. NONONONO, FUCK NO, NOOOOOO, LIN, WHAT DID YOU DO?!
>>56209734 This tier list made me realize how bad rejuv's character bloat was
I always wondered, why did this spirit get a backstory and talk up near the start of the game?
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>>56209823 Rejuvenation is fucking bloatware everything about that game is bloated
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
well this is uh...definitely a game
clearly this is a shitpost and should be judged within that frame of reference
however, it's also undeniable the amount of effort that went into it, to where i'd feel comfortable saying this might be the single highest quality pokemon fangame i've ever played in terms of things like animations and general presentation, for lack of a better term (and that's unironically more funny than any of the actual content in this game)
not really sure what to say about it that you couldn't already infer from my videos and screenshots. there were a fair number of jokes that missed that do make me doubt how well this game will do if it triples in size for a final version. but for the most part the schizophrenia and high energy kept it entertaining the whole way through for its, maybe ~3 hour runtime?
i will say, though, the decision to have an obedience based soft level cap is absolutely fucking stupid. i don't mind may subjecting me to 7 minutes of trumpet hell, but tracy is just completely unfun and bullshit on a level i didn't really expect or like from this game, not because of the dumb smeargle strat but because they sling too much exp your way and your pokemon just stop fucking listening to you
also not a fan of 'save point' saving instead of menu based saving especially in a game where a lot of the fun seems to be from picking alternate choices to dialogue. no speedup kind of exacerbates that problem as well, as at its core this IS a dating sim game, and it seems you might have to replay it a few times for all the dialogue prompts. not to mention the nonzero amount of times the 'joke' was 'walk down this super long corridor very slowly'.
i don't really know how to or if you could rate this. fun and well made for what it is/10
>>56209782 kek, gg
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>56209823 to be fair, you could clog the deso tier list with some more entries, like jarred, the bluehair gangster chick, maybe some of the rangers,
the mirror monster but yeah rejuvenation is such a gigantic mess. 18 gym leaders + 2 evil teams and a variety of other villainous factions, on top of your huge group of rivals and other irrelevant side shitters
>>56209824 i think it's just a long running joke
shade used to have a shedinja in earlier versions (or maybe the reborn league), and this guy uses entirely water types, and so couldn't have been able to touch him
i imagine the actual irl savage lost a match to the irl shade in the reborn league that way and they never let him live it down
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>>56209831 man that screen really captures the livestream chat experience
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Genuinely gutwrenching. Bravo, developers, you achieved what Reborn and Rejuv never could.
>>56209930 the feels there felt earned too, legitimately made me sad
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>(((Noah))) >Fraud Kaz has to be a closet chud, there's no way all these based cohencidences are purely accidental.
>>56209963 Agreed.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>Screech racism the moment your competence is rightfully called into question Pottery. They couldn't have written a more accurate nog if they tried.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Cool team, mind if I toss a fat fairy in front of it?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I found the perfection fragment in the lab and several things to check related to the phenomenon. Is there anywhere else I should be looking to raise my knowledge counter of it? This is a good stopping point for tonight. I didn't get nearly as much as I'd have liked to done in Desolation today. Oh well.
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Fucking Victory Road in Reborn Its not that most of the individual puzzles are bad, and some set pieces like Blake and Fern trying to snipe you are interesting, its just the whole thing is so fucking long and it kills any kind of tension or excitement you had coming off the tournament and chasing down the remnants of meteor
titania with off the charts projection
>>56210873 cut her some slack, she just got out of a pretend lesbian relationshit she's been stuck in for years, getting a good dicking is what she needs
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all gen Sirius a pretty fun fight here. He's got the kind of team that has a vibe, if not a specific theme, and it works well on the dragons den terrain without feeling like its explicitly tailored to it
>>56210878 kek
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I know its just an excuse for Cal to get his win over Blake while still letting you beat him, but its neat to see someone else acknowledge and use one of these
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i wanted to ev train to do the Hendrick hard fight but my evs just stopped going up. Before I have a melty at the creator. is there a stupid ev limit or is my game just fucked.
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Blake actually gave me more problems then he should have, mostly based on me fucking up I should probably lock in, I remember the E4 being a pain
>>56210873 For someone who made it her job to write fairytales she sure fucking hates them, or atleast their tropes. The story in her gym is just the "what if the princess and the dragon were fucking" joke but unironically and she literally says "they lived happily ever after doesn't" exist.
Also doesn't that line when taken to its logical extreme imply the MC wants to fuck everyone? They do save the world.
>>56210911 Since Cass likes using characters as a mouthpiece, calls you evil for playing the game, and does nothing but shit on some characters you've gotta wonder who hates this game more us or the devs.
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lol, I forgot this one
>>56211079 in their defence, hardy and aya both disagree with her and given they get to be in a (presumably) happy relationship while titania is miserable shrew maybe she's not in the right here
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>>56210873 >>56211079 That shit's even worse, yeah.
>lol the princess is the one who can kill the dragon because it has its back to her >lol the dragon was actually the princess's friend who shields her from responsibility like womyn should be Wow, what a tweest, what a (((subversion))) of the fairy tale formula, it's just like muh yidsney movies. Why the fuck could't you leave them all to starve in the sewers again?
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>>56210873 >>56210911 Epic E19 writing at its "best".
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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After peeking through the spaghetti code, I'm guessing this is what it must be like to be a troondev. To his credit though, I think a lot of crashes are from other mods, and even All-Gen hasn't done a crash-to-desktop on me.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
Whoa whoa whoa, this girl is what, five or something. Plus I've seen your screenshots, and it doesn't look like she develops a rack, or much in the way of curves for that matter, in the future. Come to think of it, C*l said he was an adult, so why the fuck was he even hanging out with her in the first place? Electrorape even assumed he and Vicky were her parents, ffs
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
I actually came prepared to seethe about this one. It looks like it's Shelley he grabs the ring from, this time. Of course, this is all while you just stand around stupidly, as usual, Cuckenings: 17 And to make things even dumber, you don't fight him here, where he doesn't have his field and weather. Nope, gotta let him run past you all the way up the mountain first!
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
Oh, I didn't realize they actually explained why the Noseors were trying to starve people. Who aren't in the city that's supposedly blocking muh holy land, btw. What a lovely and totally redeemable bunch, who totally dindu nuffin, and if they did, it was the fault of someone who only joined later.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
>>56211171 Shelly and Heather are 12, as for why Cal was with her they met in the league and became friends over their shared brother issues.
>>56211206 >>56211207 Didn't this guy join for le no rules New World meaning he'd have no reason to care about this one being cleansed? Probably just parroting orders from Solaris. I suppose if Solaris's side wins there won't be any rules in Reborn. Not like there are rules in current Reborn.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Also, he didn't just fucking grab the ring and run. He's standing around talking about muh evil plan while you're doing jack shit, holy shit
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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>>56211229 Oh, Blake says she's 7 here, unless he's just belittling her even more. Still though, we like playing Pokemon, so we have that in common with the little kids, but I trust none of us are best buddies hanging out with them all the time, especially with all the feds watching.
Supposedly, Blake really gets along well with little kids, probably because of his mentality or attitude, and maybe C*l has that in common with him. Whether it's ok for people like them to be around kids is another matter though
God damn, finishing Ferns last two pokemon including his ace Decidueye with my beloved Unfezant, the only pokemon that has never left my party, was some real anime shit Finally done with Victory Road, now I can beat my head against the E4 wall for a while, I might have to train up some specialists for those but I'll try them with my regulars first
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
lel I was really looking for this line throughout the game. I'm really surprised it took this long to pop up, considering the kind of folks who write shit like this. And holy fuck, she already forgave this homo all the way back in her fucking gym. He really doesn't need to grovel at her feet like this, and you really, really don't need to stand around and watch shit like this, goddamn. Especially since you're supposed to be chasing his fucking thieving brother.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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I guess she's just talking again now. I'd ask what was the whole point, but there's too much filler anyway and I already hit the cap a while back.
>>56211268 Oh gj finishing that whole hellhole too lol. Really makes me mad that you need to stand around and watch someone else do shit like, say, slashing him, instead of getting to do these things yourself.
>>56211193 >Of course, this is all while you just stand around stupidly, as usual, I've complained about this before even though I know its pointless, but damn even just a token excuse as to why you stand there would go a long way
>>56211277 I give Shelly a pass on being so soft because its nice to have a cast member that isnt either an edgelord or retarded
alright I wont argue with titania this time
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Oh right, this guy. Maybe if all the dindu and redemption shit didn't piss me off so much, I might have felt sorry for this guy. You can see throughout the whole thing how half the team you used to fight is missing. Too bad though. First and foremost, I can't say enough how much all the dindu and redemption shit pisses me off. And secondly, doublesshit really disgusts me, so I'm way too happy that you finally get to fight like men. And yet again, the mod does ruin this fight. The vanilla team had him using both Lycanrocs, because he was also supposed to be using his partner's mon to fight you. That would've been a nice touch, you know, if I wasn't mad, and more Noseors must be mauled until I'm satisfied.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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>>56211311 yeah, I was thinking more like Shelley's more of a man than C*l is. There was no harm, no foul, I guess the only problem was that he's a lot older, I dunno
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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>>56211329 Oh come now, I smiled all those times he was coping
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Ok what the fuuuhhck. Ice puns. Then the d*sney quote. I'm pretty sure it's also mangled. Maybe not as much as the Harry Potter Latin shit though. And then this fucking twisted mockery of Red. I dunno if there's a bingo for this, but ffs this faggot deserves way worse than this "Surely I can resist-ACK" that he got for that shit. I really like these fields though. The boost to damage just probably benefits me more. Still sad that Jolteon didn't get to have fun. In vanilla, he had some Water mons, but there weren't any at all here. Also, I saw that Big Top makes Sing 100% accurate. Kinda sad that you only get what, a couple fights there, plus a few spirits.
Nice of Larry Fink to make a cameo.>Basically blaming Taylor Swift for why he's a kike Yeah okay. TKD can't come soon enough.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Forgot my trip. A choice given as a gesture of giving agency to another isn't a choice if you're not willing to accept either outcome, kike.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Ok I'll admit this shit wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Here, Blake gets cucked back. By his own gay brother. Of course, all this is just while you stand around. Maybe you softened him up for them, but meh. And where the fuck are all these ice puns coming from, wtf. He was just talking all cowadoody earlier, not this.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
Oh and speaking of spaghetti code, the wiki has this lol. Wait, SHIT, I shouldn't have refused to ride the faggot's Zard then
>If Saphira was abducted earlier, Cal tells you about Terra and Lin in depth (+1 Terra) You get an unavoidable +1 with T*rra REEEEE
>>56211387 kek, reminds me of those old memes
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56211411 >Beat Larry Fink's two security guards >Forced to just leave to finish the quest Why can't I dismember him and feed him to my Gliscor? This game sucks.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Me neither. +1 to image count in the thread d e s u.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
A tale of two redeemed characters:>Scarlett knows she fucked up royally and stays out of everyone's way while they get shit done on the frontlines and presumably helps on the side, also keeps Connor's head from going too far up his ass >Nova, despite admitting she's fucked everything up royally, immediately tries to flex on the party with teleportation, has a catty quip for almost anything, and seems to think she's second in charge on the hierarchy for some reason. It should be no surprise I like one of these way more than the other.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Garret apparently ships Connor and Scarlett.
barely scraped through on heather, clawitzer was my last mon, doesnt bode well for the rest of the run but I'll come back to it tomorrow
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56211558 Good luck. Heather is pretty widely regarded as the easiest of the four, so you may want to plan out the remaining four and use any consumables like sneeds/weakness policies/Sashes that'll give you an edge.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56210348 I think you also get a bit of insight by doing the Mesprit quest in the Waterscape by going to Elmora, though that seemingly relates to a strange peculiarity with
[the dream./spoiler]>>56211453 Nova is very childish and headstrong quite a lot of the time, two qualities that don't exactly help her image much, I can at least understand why she wants to feel in control given her previous situation. Anonymous
>>56211564 I remember Elias in particular giving me a hard time last run, but I'll figure something out
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56211558 I hope you have something that handles New World and Grass types well h-haha.....
>>56211568 What the fuck happened with this post? I didn't spoil half the damn thing, so why the fuck did it end up like this?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I know it's beating a dead horse at this point, but if the logic behind putting Fire Fang here was "fire move goes in lava area", it should've been put in the very first volcano area where Ava gets dunked.
>>56211570 You've got this bro.
>>56211576 Cool website moment?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Haha Slowbro go brrr Easy 6-0.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
The fact that once you get a big winstreak in the Cellia fight club and manage to get a decent chunk of credits a guy named "gentleman (((J))) sends his goons to steal your money, it really makes me wonder if Caz was JQpilled.
>>56211583 4chan is just wonderful sometimes.
If they not only don't fix this but somehow double down on it next version and put Thunder Fang on Zapdos' cave, I'm gonna have a stroke. I don't know why Desolation doesn't have move tutors laying around, it could easily fix so many issues, that and moving half the damn TM selection that's currently stuck so late down to the first 3 areas of the game.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56211606 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You get Flamethrower near immediately afterwards I memed on the Fire Fang placement, sure, but I'm absolutely floored by this.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Sigh... I really did like this guy better when he was just some weird recurring but unimportant schizo.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
H-haha o-of course not, I'm just hmmmm.....t-taking it for a walk h-haha......
>>56211615 Shocked they didn't put the TM for Will-o-Wisp there, we have Thunder Wave available pretty early.
>>56211698 love how many of hidden scenes like that are there in the game
just shows there was both sovl and thought put into making it
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Total Whiteouts: 35 The first fight that made me actually change the terrain; my team is woefully unprepared for an Amaria-clone on their own terms. Underwater Field+Rain+Unaware Quagsire is pretty much unwallable without Water Absorb or similar.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56211714 Yup, it's one of the reasons I enjoy it so much, this game has a lot of neat but missable details.
>>56211728 GG, this fight is a joke if you change the field and a nightmare if you don't, that Quagsire takes no fucking damage, potentially good news is that there's a good chance his Mega will become available for next chapter, or at least I really hope it does, I'm just really confused on the typing, Water/Poison feels bizarre.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Decided to finally give this a go, forgot I already had it downloaded kek
I'll be doing Hard
/Doubles for my first go
>>56211728 gg, the Underwaater jumpscare is never pleasant kek
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Chucking ultra balls at red health legendaries until RNG smiles while periodically clicking moonlight is easily my least favorite part of any pokemon game t b h.
>>56211744 >>56211748 Thanks bros.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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ScytherGODS...We've won
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>I bought the strongest pokemon imaginable! >Rich boy Copeland sent out TAVROS So I guess Doubles mode is ezmode for the first couple of areas where you can just 2v1 shit kek
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
How do you change the kanto birds into their galarian forms?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
It's time for schizophrenia once again.
>>56211787 Debug only sadly.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Where do I bring the ice orb for Articuno? And is Zapdos in the game yet?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
Not really hard, but I wasn't expecting Dragon Tail to do 70% of Scyther's hp kek
>>56211818 It's in Silver Rise or whatever it's called, behind Surf, and Zapdos isn't available yet iirc
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Guys....I think there's something wrong with my Alakazam.....
>>56211818 Silver Rise, you need to surf towards a cavern in the back.
Yeah I really fucking hate they keep pretending a Pokemon with a terrible offensive typing that has dogshit coverage, only one ability that can't easily be abused in singleplayer and a dogshit movepool is somehow too much for this game, I remember testing Galarian Moltres during my last playthrough of this game and though it's a bit more well rounded, it's equally as mediocre if not outright bad.
>>56211846 Is that a Galarian Alakazam with knoife loicense?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Man, they changed the game show from 50/50 rng hell to some of the freest shit ever kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>Flinch Mudsdale 6 times in a row with Rock Slide, causing both Halucha and Meowstic to die Faggot
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>>56211846 my enemy alakazam...
John VPPoster
NO you can't have any of them because... uh... Blaziken is le ubers! SO YOU CAN'T USE IT! Seriously there's like ~50 running around in various cages, the things must cost maybe 20k at max
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>>>>>>Counter Sash Alakazam Fuck off.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
She ain't a coal burner lad.
>>56212020 How's your team looking so far after the RNG faggotry screwed you over? I'm thinking of trying out Emerald rogue for myself but with my streak of luck I think I would have a miserable time.
John VPPoster
>>56212112 >some lady asks me for an explorer's guild member >I am one and have completed the whiteout mission to get to becoming an actual 3rd rank explorer >she acts like I'm still a junior class >oh shit did I forget to talk to Ezrael after or soemthing >(((pay))) 375 pokemon dollarydoos to take the train all the way back to polaris and talk to him >I already talked to him and got promoted YOU STUPID BITCH
that's 775 FUCKING BUCKS (+25 because I missclicked calvera)
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
At least I think there's a Legendary around the corner
>>56212132 Just took a heavy loss in Scizor (and Whimsicott, but mostly Scizor) kek, but this is what I've got after 5 badges
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Whiteouts: 27
I don't get why this random fucker in the beach is so stupidly strong, I had very unpleasant gen 4 OU flashbacks while fighting him.
>>56212146 It only gets worse later, believe me, this game loves violently assaulting your wallet.
>>56212159 Noted, hopefully you find some nice stuff.
>>56212188 Oh nice.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>We're reaching the late game >We've already caught quite a few legendary Pokemon by this point >The current pokecenter is selling this and the TMs for Power-Up Punch and fucking Whirlpool
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
I'll be back on later tonight, gonna go do some stuff.
>>56212188 Based and checked.
>Captcha 4VA53X >Avasex BASADO
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Part of me always feels like trying to justify using Dhelmise when I run Steel as one of my dualtypes, since it's basically a Steel type in spirit and also due to me always lacking Grass and Ghost types during many of my runs.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>Get a Scyther and CorviCHAD next route >End up fighting the Snownigger leader with a nearly unkillable Avalanche spamming Avalugg thanks to said Snow >Lose most of my team CorviCHAD's sacrifice will not be forgotten, it fucked up 4/6 of those faggots Time to rebuild (again, haha...) I'm also in desperate need of healing items kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Well bros, I daresay it's over Not a bad 1st attempt I suppose kek
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56212240 Any mon is in-type if you like it enough.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
>Bounsweet >Swinub >>> kek, that's definitely gonna be fun to deal with every time I have to deal with this faggot
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56212299 F
Probably not bad to start on normal and build some resources like a bigger bag and such, desu
Could also jump into BRVTAL kek
>>56212112 If you want some real rage bait, beat up the poachers in the lower left corner of the Torchic ranch and inspect the fence
>>56211728 GG
>>56212217 Uhhhmmm chud! Spheal is a starter so it has lots of inherent value to place this late!
There really does need to be a revamp full game of mon locations and TMs. Would be a better use of time than literally remaking the game like Jan does everytime he sees 10 minutes of gameplay not to his liking
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>>56212299 Oof.
>>56212334 True enough, issue is I'm rather autistic about the rules I impose upon myself.
>>56212344 And yet Donphan is a random wild encounter right after Tristan......they never really gave much of a shit about the beach starter selection and I really wished they did.
It doesn't help either that so many areas have repeat encounters from Pokemon you've just seen or met not even two areas ago a lot of the time, there's barely any new Pokemon in East Cellia and the few that there are, are Pokemon they weren't sure where to put anywhere else, I mean come on, Alolan Persian stuck this late? They really need to adjust the current encounter pool, I feel like it deteriorates really badly around the time you reach route 4.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>first gym is the icefaggot >die instantly because I brought scyther and hawlucha >get a sneedler before the first gym on the next attempt Haha...
>>56212344 Probably not a terrible idea, me doing doubles makes it harder to keep shit alive at points unfortunately kek
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Look who I found in Vejyr
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Long overly drawn out fetch quest that rewards you with a Feebas Milotic isn't that good, it's never been that good in fact, it's a mediocre bulky Water type that does just about alright, it doesn't have enough meaningful coverage and it's stats are just about enough to work but it's still severely outclassed by others in several areas, there should be no justification for one to ever be available late in a fangame, people look at this thing as a counterpart to Gyarados and they shit their pants over it for no good reason over and over and over in each and every fangame and it pisses me off.
>>56212482 They can be found carrying thick clubs unlike in Rejuvenation, Alolan Marowak with is probably one of the strongest Pokemon in the game until Dark type spam starts to become really bad later on.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56212344 Thanks.
>>56212497 Neither Gyarados nor Milotic deserve the trannyhate they get.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56212508 I think the Gyarados hate started as a joke but it degenerated into an echo chamber of morons who look at any Pokemon with a given set of good tools and cry "broken" even when there's overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56212474 One thing you can do if you don't mind doing so before you beat the champion the first time, is the config lab's back wall should have a hidden switch that automatically activates postgame stuff
>>56212497 It's the natural and easy access to Recover that causes spergout I guess
Or maybe how Feebas has historical been one of the shittiest Pokemon to obtain ever, and fangames not breaking retarded old traditions like that (also fossils often being retardedly late) even when they break other ones
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56212540 I still remember Jan and his lot chimping out over Aevian Milotic having Recover, which they removed from it but kept Recover on it on the few trainers that use it like Cassandra.
That too, I never managed to get one in Emerald even after nearly decades of playing that game occasionally, the fossil one is particularly egregious considering how late they are available in Desolation, I feel like they would be perfectly fine available right before Tristan, if they put a revival lab in Addenfall to actually give the player a reason to ever go there again, so much would be fixed.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56212531 Ask your new friend if he has a spare Trident Dragion in his binder kek
>>56212540 Is it even that? I attributed it more to a weird "it was a champion's ace in one game therefore it must be good". There's plenty of other mons with easy access to recovery moves that don't get targeted to nearly the same degree.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>56212590 >Be me >Have 9 Trident Dragions in my old card stash >Make a decent buck off of the TCG being gay and refusing to reprint an old card Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56212589 Yeah ideally in most of these games fossils would be available by like ~gym 3 kek or better yet staggered throughout the wild instead of getting all of them at once, so that shit like Rampardos isn't locked to when you have access to Cradily
>>56212590 Could be
Eviolite Porygon2 is usually available way earlier than and is much better than Milotic in almost every way, as are the SlowGODs, Toxapex also tends to be autism'd over harder than Milotic and is placed after it. But it's better than things like Gastrodon or Avalugg
Out of curiosity I decided to check the monowater listing for Rejuv and it's about where you'd expect it to be due to faggotry. Reborn interestingly has it just before Ciel of all things THOUGH.
Still probably too late, but given how long postgame is I guess it might technically be the best placed of all 3 games, unless Deso has a long postgame (which I doubt hard desu)
John VPPoster
>salazzle sends out a ditto ????????????
>and it outspeeds my pokemon which is 4 levels higher ????????????????????????
also I'm going to be real steamed if I don't get to catch any of these salandit
>also the elgyem cornfield thing is a stealth section because fuck you >>56212344 I'll go and check it out
this place is a big fucked up shithole that I can't make heads or tails of
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56212667 the easiest way through the cornfield is to switch your time to day, go through the maze, switch the time to night, and reset your game
>this place is a big fucked up shithole that I can't make heads or tails of i posted the maps last bread or so, can post it again if you missed if you're still struggling with the map...haha...
i'd like to say it gets better, but uh....well, it doesn't get massively worse
until the desert John VPPoster
>>56212693 ah, thanks a bunch
yeah I ended up accidentally breaking the cornfield thing a couple times because I got tired of the stealth stuff and just snuck through the corn(walked through it), as it were
>still can't find the pokemart it's over for me
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>56212739 it's i think a little directly north or maybe northeast of the train in the center of the area
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>56212655 I played a romhack (don't remember the name but it was another KAAAAAAAAANTOOOOOOOOO one that for whatever reason gave Misty a fucking Lapras) way back that let you have the fossils almost as soon as you get your starter and they are not good, movepool wise the fossils have always been shafted hard save for Archeops and Aerodactyl who stand out above the rest, Ideally someday when I pull my head out of my ass and stop slumping around and learn how to code to give making a fangame an actual attempt, I'll try and remedy a lot of the issues I often see with these games.
>That list Kingdra is another case I just don't get, it's not good without rain, if they're afraid of Sniper sets with Focus Energy+a crit boosting item they should go fuck themselves.
John VPPoster
you have got to be kidding me
John VPPoster
>>56212805 >lose a battle to some fucker unironically accuracyrigging me >get sent back to the train conductor on whiteout >immediately that same trainer's dialogue triggers again and I'm sucked back into the same battle ...
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Hmph 374 has been said, special number considering those were my trips of Beldum fortune.
>>56212830 This will happen a lot later in the game and it will become much worse.
John VPPoster
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>>56212839 I suppose it doesn't help that I've been using a hustle Raticate but it's been carrying me through all these shitty trainer battles
I've got a couple new mons training up with the exp share but it's one at a time and damn is it slow
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>Game can crash if you only have 5 mons in the party and try to move over the 6th slot when teaching tutor moves Damn
Really validating my occasional savestate use kek >>56212540 I'll probably hold off for now, but noted
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I forgot just how dogshit Connor's team was for this fight, he's actively sabotaging you.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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So much for Vince griping that he couldn't make a fangame based around the TCG Clearly, making the worst fangame ever made was a much better use of everyone's time
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
She shows up and the hmph count immediately starts seeing a massive increase.
>>56212906 The mother fucker boosting up the enemy Chandelure by spamming Heat Waves nonstop with his minus speed nature Ninetails that doesn't have a single EV put into it was just the cherry on top, I hate that they're actively making your partners shit just to fuck with you.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>She says this after ganking me in the Dreamscape that one time She's literally the girl of my dreams.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>>>>>> holy fucking kek
bros, we're heckin famous
anyway, vince, if you see this no one cares if you're 30 and still playing or making pokemon shit, but we do care if apparently you do have limited time and you're wasting it on making a game you actively know is shit instead of...trying to make something you know others would enjoy
>us not wanting to have go through shitty maps with 50 trainers using 6 Pokemon per team before getting spammed by 10 minutes of dialogue over a black screen multiple times in a row is now considered 'trivial jank' lol
>>56212997 it's a bit of a shame only this and her normal face are amelia's two portraits
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
also yeah, that's definitely Anonymous we all fucking hate that guy, definitely keep a close on him if you can
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>56213054 >there I am gary THERE I AM how old do they think we are playing these fangames when they say shit like that? but yeah I agree old or young it's not okay to make torture porn and call it a video game
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Took a fair bit to autism a 6-0 for this fight, Togedemaru thankfully once more arrived to help me cheese a boss.
It's always cute to see her seethe.
>>56213054 Kek, Vince, if you read this, nobody really cares much about your game here, it's shit, that's about it, I highly fucking doubt your claims that it was made intentionally to be bad and nobody cares you're 30+ or something, the simple point that it stands is that Virtualization is nothing short of complete garbage, I don't get what's your fascination with us.
Same goes for Lilith, you'd think they would make a few more portraits for her.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56213054 fucking kek
>>56213156 >I don't get what's your fascination with us. I assume it has something to do with Wagie and I probably being the third and fourth people on the planet to complete it (when he came around here, anyway), and I assume he kept around because he finds us entertaining like most of the occasional reborncord lurkers
John VPPoster
>get a warning message before I walk into the saloon >oh okay I'll run around and explore first >get lost >have to go to the saloon >okay I'll heal up and then go in >the warning message was for a single grunt with two undereleved pokemon >and I wasn't even thrown into the battle after I entered, I was given a chance to walk out and heal if I had to ?????????????????? yeah okay
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>56213241 That could be it.
John VPPoster
>>56213288 >actually it was two grunts with two underleveled pokemon each in a gauntlet okay, fine that's a bit more appropriate
John VPPoster
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>>56213307 >why is this pinsir resisting my poison moves >it's a ground type what the fuck
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Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Electrorape.Jr is trying to sit upon the hmph throne, holy fuck I thought Baron said hmph every sentence but Julian is putting him to shame.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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this is the third shiny slugma ive found please just give me the club
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Took a bit of effort for my stupid brain to start working and figuring out he can't do shit against Ground types, send in Excadrill with an elemental seed, got a singular speed boost, set up with Swords Dance and it was a free victory, freest I've ever seen.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
orevald I got a question for you about master duel, is the new bot farming technique to run yubel and just drag the duel out for infinity
>>56213065 >we all fucking hate that guy What the hell did I do?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Pikachu is truly such a broken Pokemon.
>>56213403 I haven't played MD in ages, I mostly stuck to DL while global chat was still around, I haven't played that in a while too because Konami keeps shoving tier 0 cancer into it.
I can imagine the bots doing that since Konami took their head out of their ass for 5 seconds and realized burn cards were a mistake, best tip I can give for facing Yubel is banishing effects and playing around Superpoly by running a ton of backrow removal.
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>>56213425 It's nothing personal, I don't like me either
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Finally found the club after over an hour of grinding and about a dozen cubones. I dont want to imagine how long that would've been without jinx scent giving me an encounter every step. Now I just need to find out how to evolve cubone into his alolan form
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Goes to check news since I haven't played DL in a long time >Finds out Konami put Nibiru in DL I am not touching that game anymore.....
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56213511 It's on Weeping Hill at night.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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>>56213515 Thank you, I'll make a stop there once I've reached it then. I've been focusing so much on side stuff like the club that Im still at the first ranger outpost
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56213463 Playing Branded with 3 monster zones sounds moderately obnoxious and you couldn't do nearly as much funny business with Quem.
>>56213512 I strongly suspect Nib won't matter in the funny 3 zone game nearly as much as you're expecting it to unless you're playing a link climb pile.
>>56213065 I'm still holding out to hear their thoughts on the hacker known as 4chan.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56213563 4 actually since we have EMZ, I played DL Albaz at one point and I found it kinda fun, though not always practical since we don't have a lot of good dragon extenders in DL yet and I don't run the busted skill Konami made for DL.
I would lose my shit if we got Dis Pater there.
I played a neutered version of DL, I say neutered because Konami refused to give the deck actual support and instead gave it a broken highly restrictive skill that plays the game for you instance of actually providing anything interesting, the issue is in Duel Links many modern skills are cancerous, play the game for you, are horribly unbalanced and provide absurd levels of advantage and just ruin the game, a few decks don't get monster or type locks either, so a few already cancerous decks will abuse Nibiru as much as they want with their broken skills, the card in theory isn't broken, but it lowers the already low quality of the game to such a dogshit level.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
We've officially reached 400 hmphs.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Any bakers home? I'd like to buy some bread.
>>56213638 Based
>>56213614 >Playing Branded without the fluidity and adaptability of the number of things you can do off Branded Fusion, Quem and Granguinol I feel like someone at konami completely missed the point of why this deck is fun.
John VPPoster
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Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>56213641 I'll get it if no one else has
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>56213641 The Duel Links devs are fucking morons who just hate fun, we used to get really cool boxes that allowed people to be toolbox decks that were varied and interesting, then eventually during the start of the Pendulum era they started making broken skills and refusing to understand certain decks need certain cards to work. For instance, Dragon Link still doesn't have Striker Dragon in Duel Links and has to rely on a dogshit skill that heavily restricts or a broken skill that is bound to get nerfed to shit eventually that is also horribly restrictive, they just don't care anymore, I'm almost considering just switching over to Master Duel by this point.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx