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Because it's so much funnier how kikenfart got banned from using Great Nintendo's intellectual property, lost his last bit of income, and starved to death. You see, as a jew, kikenfart fears the samurai so much that Great Nintendo merely had to raise an eyebrow, and he pissed his gay robe in terror and gave up on his shitty """art""" for good. Jews like kikenfart also get very little nutrients from their kosher food, so he starved to death a mere couple of days after losing his last bit of income. So little, in fact, that kikenfart's own stomach acid burned right through his stomach lining and splashed all over his intestines. kikenfart tried to scream from the agony, but his kosher """food""" and its lack of nutrients left him too weak to even draw breath. When kikenfart's Puerto Rican landlord finally showed up to throw out his last remaining possessions, he found kikenfart's shitty tablet and wiped it clean of kikenfart's unfinished """art""" so he could sell it for meth money.