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/vp/ Tournament of Wishes 2024

No.56212623 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There was a couple of problems last year but let's try it again because I'm bored and it looks like there isn't going to be news or games for awhile.

Basically you make up to 3 wishes for next year regarding Pokémon in the next year and we put them against each other in a tournament bracket. Matches could be decided in any number of ways but you people seem to only care about popularity polls so that will be the default but if you really want a wish in a stalemate to win, you can win play a showdown match or something.

My wishes
Dexit ends forever, legacy support for older gens that let you access unavailable content like events and competively perfect Pokémon, and lastly a movie about a minor character like Ritchie or Miror B. Or team rocket