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No.56223389 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi, I'm a employee from Nintendo ANZ as part of their marketing division!

While I can't provide proof, its at your choice to believe this as fake or real. Here's what's coming for Pokemon, regardless.


ZA will be released as a dual release for both NS and "NS2", "NS2" version is largely similar with no graphic enhancements. Runs slightly better than NS version, though.

ZA's first gameplay is shown in a first "NS2" teaser. Gameplay won't be revealed until next Pokemon Presents in next year.

2024 is still a dry year for Pokemon. You only have Pokemon Pocket coming in next few weeks, release is still unclear due to delayed development caused by distribution issues. I would place the release date around August to September.

Gen 10 is exclusively "NS2", currently in development as of 2022 during in the final stages of SV.

You can expect the games to be better polished in comparison to SV due to extended development time.

I have little information about the gen 10 games themselves. But what I'm aware of, is that you'll have a dex number of which includes new Pokemon introduced in ZA and Gen 10. #1236 is the new final number.

I have a assumption that it was begun development that early with the original release window of 2025, being next year but was delayed due to outcry and reception from the community. But additionally also to tie in 30th anniversary of Pokemon, which originally was going to be released with other game under their original plan. (I can't tell the game was, it was vague in the documentation)

Due to the game's setting, various local businesses in Australia are planned to be doing special promotions of the Gen 10 games throughout 2026 to promote 30th anniversary of Pokemon.

We are currently collaborating with TPC in developing the third or fourth Pokemon Center outside of Japan. Location is still unclear at this time but its between Sydney or Melbourne with few locations being considered.