>>56225565I'd just reboot the entire franchise.
Gen 10? More like Gen 1.0, we're going back to KANTOOOOOO, with from the ground up rewrite remakes of FRLG. We're getting rid of the dogshit open world garbage from Scat and Vomit in favor of something close to BDSP that stays true to the original pokemon games. Game is top-down angled perspective with scaled up everything and regular models, otherwise operating on a similar movement and gameplay system to BDSP. Battles are turn-based like the Gen 1-4 games, but keep the new mechanics from Gens 5 onward including hidden abilities, Nature Mints, limited weather/field effects, and the Fairy type existing.
The games play largely the same as FRLG, keeping the Sevii islands but also adding Mount Silver as a postgame area where you can catch Mew at its summit.
HMs are replaced with Travel Items as was the intent with RBG at one point in development, but HMs are now replaced with LMs, or Legacy Machines. All of them will be buffed to be great moves, and won't lock you into them like HMs, and if your Pokemon knows an LM and you use the Travel Item associated with the LM, your pokemon will be involved in some way (choosing the first member of the party applicable if multiple Pokemon know that LM).
There are two new medicine items called Antioxidant and Vita-Max, available in the Celadon City Department Store for 18,000 Pokedollars each after you collect all eight badges. Antioxidant removes ALL Evs from your pokemon. Vita-Max sets ALL of your pokemon's IVs to 31. These are intended to make it so that you no longer need to spend thousands of hours or hack in mons to have perfect IV mons, which will make competitive play more fair overall and turn it into a true contest of skill.
Gen 11 will be Johto games in the same vein, taking HGSS and building upon them. Gen 12 will be Hoenn, and yes will include a full Battle Frontier that is actually skill-based instead of using cheating AI. Gen 13 will be Sinnoh, 14 Unova, etc.