Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Today Mr Fluffy kills a man.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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It truly is the empire experience
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>>56235870 Kneel before Mr.Fluffy!
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
ok, well the bad news is that i think it's literally impossible to stop the AI from using healing items, unless i'm just retarded. i've done a lot of meddling and even doing it like it is in the left image means he'll use healing items the good news is that it's possible to make the AI not spam full restores, but that comes at the cost of not being able to use full restores yourself in battle, and also means the AI will bug out and try spamming full restores on weak mons (if this is a negative for you, i guess it means easy setup sweeps) i guess next i'll try and look in the battle_ai and see if i can stop the AI from physically being able to use an item, but it seems like that would cause a crash
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>solaris took him here to get a gible >he said no WHAT!?>he still doesn't want one to "oppose his family's legacy" faggot
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56235894 I don't know if it's a reference to cass, that whole bit is the setup for the dev's other game, pokemon castaway
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>accidentally somehow removed the name of every item, ability, and move from the game trying to edit Alcremie's ability uh... whoops
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>>56235907 okay unzipping the pbs files and such back over fixed it
I guess something in the data folders got fucked up?
Changing the PBS manually doesn't seem to do anything but changing them via the in-game debug menu fucked everything sideways
I guess I'll keep bashing my head against it with the newfound knowledge that I can just magic wand any mistakes away
>>56235870 Would he kill shithia or what
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
This is a really shitty excuse for a fetchquest.
>>56235885 I'll take a look myself a bit later the next time I'm annoyed with Dem*ce's design.
>>56235906 >It's a man Yeah probably not a reference to C*ss, this game's developers definitely wouldn't be bold enough to state the obvious like that.
>>56235922 What would your pajeet bvll do to you if he knew you hated blonde aryan women that much?
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FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
HOHOHOHOHON, ze piece de la resistance~
>>56235885 D*m*ce fucking the coding on purpose is my guess, wouldn't put it past him.
>>56235936 It sadly gets worse later, way, WAY worse.....
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>56235936 >does this look like the face of mercy? Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56235907 from what I can tell, there's a 'Generation 9 Plugin' that actually handles AI item usage and I have no idea where the fuck it is. it's not included in the plugins folder with the rest of them
i might just be retarded, but i'm too annoyed to bother with this further for now
>>56235918 yeah, definitely don't adjust anything with in-game debugshit besides compiling data after you've made changes to the PBS files
anyway, the best thing to do is use an ability capsule or something to make it not useless, i guess
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56235951 i just have no idea what he did and it's too complicated for a codelet like me to understand kek
it's easy in a game like desolation, where there's an 'itemscore' that you can just set to -100000000 if you don't want the AI to use items, but i don't know where the 'itemscore' is in ashen frost or how it's actually handled
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>traitorous kike >and a furry too how much worse can this faggot get
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Anti-item chads I think I have your solution. Goto AshenFrost\data\scripts\011_battle\005_AI\002_AI_Item.rb then on Line 23 underneath def pbEnemyItemToUse(idxBattler), make a new line and add return nil This should make this function never return a valid item for the AI to use.
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>>56235918 ah, you have to recompile everything
ended up running it through the rpgmaker playtester which did that
should've realized, I guess
>>56235975 I've got a bunch of ability primers (which function virtually the same except allow switching to the hidden ability as well), it just seemed like a pretty blatant oversight
I guess it negated neutral poison moves but nothing uses poison moves and I've a team full of poison types which resist/quad resist poison already
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>Silva was trying to bring warmth to the city to further the harvest and rural cultivation TRULY THE MOST EVIL MAN EVER TO WALK THE EARTH.
>>56235983 Ruby script seems a lot more complicated to handle, at least from my short experience with it, since it's harder to track where certain parameters are, it was a noble effort at least.
>>56236007 B-based!
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>56236007 good shit, thanks bro
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56236007 i've tried that
like, from
>>56235885 , i've literally deleted ALL of the code in that file, and just returned nil/false on both, and it's refused to work
i'll test it again, but still
>>56236010 >pretty blatant oversight yeah haha...that's empire for you...
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Now that I've finally finished up what I think is every quest I can now (Ive only found 3 of the boss' pokemon), I can make some real progress. It's a good thing every fox in the city overslept by about 10 hours
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56236036 >and it's refused to work Did DemICE just write an entire parallel system?
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>>56235929 SHES A JEW YOU SIMP
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56236036 yeah, doesn't work, sorry man
the trick is to find out where the 'Generation 9 Plugin' is because that's apparently where the pbEnemyItemtoUse method is being called
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Oh my heckin' science, trust the experts chud!
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56236057 Understood. I'll take a look at it again after I finish this sidequest.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56236045 The last one is in a certain skyscraper that's story related, go there after you have a certain fight.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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will probably use this because why not
i imagine demice threatened to have the devs assassinated if they tried putting earthquake too early, or something
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
This entire retardation really makes me wish I was in Anna route right now I have heard this is all likely a person called Cass's doing, is it a biological female or a troon? Because this sort of venom in writing I can only see coming from one of these two, most likely the former
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 62
https://files.catbox.moe/i9nvsi.mp4 I found the strat in a few attempts, but kept getting sneeded by crits
Hoopa was the biggest problem, of course, once I figured out how to get past it, it was fine
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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>He cant solve "do a loop twice" At least he's being honest
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>puzzle plank galaxy kek, forgot they used this song here
which ones should i use lads? hisuian samurott or decidueye?
>>56236088 >I have heard this is all likely a person called Cass's doing, is it a biological female or a troon man....what do you think
>I can only see coming from one of these two, no, they're both very capable of it
i feel like women lack the masculine aggression and hate for the player that reborn's worse writing comes with, though...
>>56236090 GG
and so the...not as good half of the game begins, h-haha...
maybe we won't get sneeded as hard in the desertshit this time?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>56236093 *forestshit, my extreme hatred for deserts slightly blinded me sorry
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>56236088 You are trying to guilt trip someone that goes chaos on SMT, all this preaching of retardation is white noise at best
>>56236093 I worded that poorly, I meant as in I can only see this kind of venom from either a woman or a troon
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56236093 Samurott is a bromon, but whatever your team needs more of I guess.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>56236104 Well this line fits what I just said too
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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2 out of 3 trubbishs I have found are shiny, what the fuck is up with trash in ayrith
>>56236104 Im pretty sure even a lawfag would consider this bullshit they dont need to listen to, forcing others to listen to and obey a higher power is part of their entire MO. All the pokemon in your PC may as well look like humanity in SJ's Law ending
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
>>56236109 This also fits! Yes that is exactly what I want
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56236093 Thanks, t-totally looking forward to it! h-haha...
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
That was a far sadder ending than anticipated.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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ez, just changed it to rain and sylvester'd all over him
>>56236107 sounds good, i've been rolling with mostly grass types and have GODloom after all kek
>>56236104 this is probably the worst of her bullshit across all postgame, iirc
still pretty dogshit though kek
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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it's pretty cool every time sylvester isn't a complete cuck
it's not often, but it is nice when it happens
>>56236126 bidoofbros...
>>56236124 kek
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>>56236118 It's not hard, by using the games own logic if they didn't want to get caught they could just have knocked the pokeball away, this very game has so sometimes you can't catch some pokemon that are wild
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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man that sure sucks it would be sure inconvenient for the cuck faggot developers who made this decision if i had debugheal i could use at any time
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
All the red in her hair mustve been moved to her eyes
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Okay, might as well roll now, I guess
>Electric/Normal kek
Sneedslashbros...it's over...
>>56236132 Thanks
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 64 Remember to relearn Bulldoze and spec Sneedslash for max SpDef bulk bros
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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Damn, it was that easy?
>>56236148 emily cute
how are you finding deso anyway
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
They still haven't bothered to fix the glaring fucking issues with the movepools like several Pokemon from previous gens not being able to learn moves they absolutely should.
>>56236090 GG.
>>56236138 I feel my blood pressure exploding already.....
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
why the fuck is this section so pointlessly long other than
>let's try and wear down the player as much as possible so they keep having to spend 6000 dollary doos on the healing service like what the fuck was the idea here other than to just be annoying
>>56236151 haha...
did you purposely keep one of the types as one of Severn Fearow's types, and just roll the other, or were you just lucky (same for Mamoswine and Ice)
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
The game calls it denial but I call building your own summertime palace retreat inside your tiny corner of a soulless urban sprawl based.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>>56236163 It's been a lot more fun than Rejuvenation for sure, but ironically it has the opposite padding problem where I feel like the story is too eager to keep itself moving. Scarlett for instance just does nothing before turning to Crescent, aside from being sad Ava died. It couldve used 1 or 2 more scenes of the trio being friends and doing something as a unit before ava's death to make Scarlett joining Crescent hold more genuine impact, even if it was just a side quest of some kind. As is she becomes a trainer and then immediately gets autobalanced
On the gameplay side though the only complaint I have is I sort of miss full on bosses. As bs as they could be without something like that to make singular bossmons stronger the rogue pokemon fights just hold no challenge, though maybe that will change later since Im still only 3 badges in.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>56236165 Thanks
>>56236167 Nope, both were random kek
I'm not gonna complain though
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
I don't know why this game half asses it with Luciano apparently being a hardened pipehitting nigger but then he also has to learn gangsters don't follow any moral code
Honestly I think this game/character would have been way better if Luciano had remained a villain who gradually redeemed himself over the course of the story instead of defecting nearly immediately because of a failed assassination
And also more cases where Sylvester is actually a detective solving crimes, fucking hell
>>56236171 haha..good luck..
>>56236165 Magnezone at least has to learn Tbolt, right?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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yeah kek, i don't think these guys are going to be redeemed, orevald
i mean maybe...that's a real hard fucking sell after shit like this
>>56236181 the pacing issues do kind of fix themselves over the course of the later story, the beginning is definitely the weaker part
as for bossmons, they don't really get any harder lol besides just being super high level. they might implement the rejuv bossmon code at some point, but i kinda doubt it
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>56236185 I think you nailed my biggest issue with this game, it starts out as a full Phoenix Wright inspired game about investigations and it just ends up turning into an absolute mess by the halfway point.
It gets Discharge, I mainly used that to illustrate an example, but there's several other far more glaring ones like Scyther/Scizor and such.
>>56236181 It's hard to say if they'll address this since Caz is gone, but they have been listening to feedback and they at least tried remedying a bunch of issues in episode 6 to some extent or another, unlike with Rejuvenation, Desolation definitely needs an update just for polish, they were working on sprite updates, fixing TM and Pokemon placements and such, there's a chance they might introduce Rejuvenation's boss system, though like Wagie said, it's not guaranteed.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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The kettle calling the pot a rabbi.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56236185 5th try using only DemICE-dono approved gameplay of using items to reinforce sweepers, exactly as the kaizo game design gurus intended as illustrated in the Theatre tunnel fight.
>If you don't kill Darkrai in a very precise way to fool the AI into thinking you're going to click a fighting move with Hands, he backloads 3 full restores for it This fight is ass.
https://files.catbox.moe/sw8zvb.mov Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56236307 gg. I forget if its a lafayette thing to have swinub partners based on that fight, also darkrai using hypnosis instead of dark void peeves me
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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That's twice now that I've been sent to join an evil team as a double agent when they would very easily recognize me
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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>At no point do I just pull out my pokemon and fight leading up to this They admitted they're weaker than me what the fuck
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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You mean like the Pokemon that they didnt take from me?
You like random right? how about I make a field effect that you can't avoid? Randomly burns your Pokemon Randomly confuses your pokemon And does constant chip damage.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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eh, maybe in another half hour ill figure out I have a tangrowth in my back pocket and get out
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56236344 What? How does this work?
>>56236324 >>56236327 Thanks bros. Clicking BURGER is truly the most skillful of wins.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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oh so now its the correct option, fuck off at least this was kinda funny though
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>56236344 haha...
>>56236351 >What? How does this work? Autism, lots of autism
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56236351 >>56236344 haha..
it's every time you use a super effective attack against the opponent, if you aren't grass, rock or ground type, you will get a 30% chance of getting burned or confused
truly the height of the pokemon experience, there
>>56236307 GG. yeah, that's a really fucking shit fight
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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you know, I was wondering if those crates earlier were full of dynamite
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This sums up how I've felt about 80% of Reborns post game
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Took hours of me wandering around and it never rained, it finally happened to allow me to get H.Goodra.
>>56236307 GG and fuck this fight honestly, just because Mr.Fluffy doesn't get fat off so many burgers kek.
>>56236344 This is easily the shittiest section in any Pokemon fangame ever and this comes from the guy who used Pokemon that didn't get raped by the field's effects.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56236363 >>56236375 Thanks bros. I'm not too happy about itemfagging but I was beyond salty after fighting my way to the last mon only to see the full restores were all backloaded on the sleep spamming Darkrai.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Something tells me thats not going to happen
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
why even have the list then, or a "code of honor"
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>I'm going to flip on these people because they tried to kill me Reasonable>I'm going to actively lead the charge in bringing about their downfall with the resistance group Understandable grudge>I c-can't sell them out they were my f-family Fuck you
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56236396 How much exploring outside of town did you do?
>>56236420 Connor's thinking with his dick for sure. Admittedly Scarlett looks way better in the Crescent Admin outfit d e s u.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>>56236428 >How much exploring outside of town did you do? ...was there something in that forest i couldve missed
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56236438 Yes and it affects a major plot split coming up. If you want to go back and grab it, you'll need to use a backup save from before the Blackview Seige starting.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56236438 welcome to the club pal
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Tranny xisters.... we'll never hear these words.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56236463 Nor these. I can't hold back the ack-ing thoughts, xisters!
>>56236444 Doesn't it depend on your relationship with her as well, I was supporting her autism until this moment and was able to talk her down without the item.
what are the other ways it can go?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
https://streamable.com/v8dxvm christ, what a shitfest, especially compared to last time. why does this guy have two legendaries again?
silvally was by far the most annoying problem,. somehow easily outspeeding my whimsicott despite whimsi's huge speed advantage (maybe has surge surfer?) and had both heat wave/ice beam and of course electric coverage for all my water types.
then on top of that, i was getting the thing orevald was getting where vaporeon/golduck/etc. couldn't learn signal beam for whatever fucked reason. i could've gotten around this by using another type gem, but honestly i was just kind of annoyed and said fuck it
Whiteouts: 55
ashime, orevald, definitely prep your teams for this shit if you're going in on hard (might not be too bad for you, ashime, because of future paradoxes). i assume you're normal mode bunken but i still remember he had two legends on that last time too
that's it for now i think
>>56236438 yup. you still might have time to get it, but only if you use debug
through a hidden path >>56236397 they're just psychopaths
>>56236423 they really needed to lean into a direction with this guy
i'm honestly not even sure why there's such a huge yaoi fangirl boner for him when he's just kind of wishy washy and doesn't even do that much. i guess because he's one of sylvester's few 'friends'
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>>56236442 >>56236444 >>56236446 Thank god I save way too often
She's a fucking dumbass yeah but she's better than most anyone from rejuvenation
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>tells syl a funny story about lucy laughing at them while having to strip >gives syl a great item as well >didn't even take his watch some of those lonardos are all right
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Clicks Dragon Claw on the Houndoom >Field effect pops up outta nowhere and kills the Houndoom >Druddigon pops in afterwards and eats the Dragon Claw >Takes no damage >>56236438 There's 2 secret paths in old woodland, one to the north and one to the west from Blackview towards route 1, they're kinda annoying to find, the one north is the story important one.
>>56236470 You either need to have given the stone to Nova (which is the bad option) or you need to have found the bow, I got really low relationship with her but giving the bow still saved her sorry ass.
>>56236471 GG and yeah I'm already planning some stuff for this hell of a fight, I assume my Iron Threads will do some work.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56236161 >>56236471 Not spoiling the fights for myself but GG bros.
>(might not be too bad for you, ashime, because of future paradoxes) We'll see. While they're big stat blocks, their level up movesets are proving really rigid and not offering a lot of strategic flexibility. If their strengths lend themselves well to a fight, they steamroll but if not....
I'll bring Screamtail out again in case it turns into another Singspam autism fest.
>>56236470 The guide I checked after the fact said the bow was needed, so I'm not sure what the exact criteria is. It's possible the bow just acts as a modifier to your current relationship score with her for the check?
>>56236473 She's a retard but becomes a repentant retard at least. More than I can say for the cast of Rejuv who continue acting like retards even after they fuck something major up.
>>56236473 I do think it should be telegraphed a bit better that you need to go there and get that, its a pretty large plot point that you can just walk past the trigger for without realizing
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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>>56236497 To be fair I think they had Connor mention checking it out when you first arrive, but the npc that tells you it leads right back to route 1 might dissaude you by the time you find it because of how big the town is
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56236471 gg. that's a cool horror theme for that fight
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Yeah okay faggot, get out of my way.
>>56236497 >I do think it should be telegraphed a bit better that you need to go there and get that, its a pretty large plot point that you can just walk past the trigger for without realizing The thing that nudged me towards it was a throwaway line by connor in the hotel right after arriving in Blackview was that I should go out to the woods and get some air or something, but it's really easy to miss that since Ava and Connor leave that hotel pretty quickly.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Oh, they lowered the ability capsule prices
>30k startup >6k per sapsule Still really fucking expensive though
>>56236471 gg
>>56236495 Thanks, and good luck
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56236487 >>56236495 >>56236508 thanks. probably should have went into the detail i did, my bad, but good luck
>that's a cool horror theme for that fight it's kazuki soma's boss theme from lost judgment, good game if you've never played it
>>56236502 reborn has fallen, billions must detransition
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Haha...here we go... I'll probably stop for the night
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>56236513 thanks
probably should have been at least trying to play with the normal goytax amounts to see if they weren't as shit as last time, but don't really trust that at all kek
still laughing at how they read our AF playthroughs and said 'we removed infinite cash exploits' but then didn't remove any of the exploits we used
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56236512 gg
>>56236514 I tried playing it right after beating the first judgement and burned out after cleaning up the skateboard club, really need to restart and finish that at some point
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
See, if this was still Aevium I would agree with you, but this place has been a lot better so far
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>gains reputation points right before she has to kill me
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
I'm now quite literally a closeted furry.
>>56236534 Thanks.
>>56236543 >>56236552 She's oddly cute when she's being an edgelord.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Haha fourth wall awareness am I right fellow fictional media enjoyers? Wink to the camera now! I fucking hate this trope so much.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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No actually I chose to give it to the only person who was even slightly trustworthy in that room
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Whiteouts: 90
I truly, TRULY fucking loathe Demice.
>>56236512 GG.
>>56236552 She's going through a phase, please understand.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
I fucking sweeped her first try what the hell I literally just used lycanroc for stealth rock, hard switched to Aevis, and pretty much never got hit. I didnt even record it I always try to feel out teams at least once before recording, fuck
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New Spanish fangame sloppa dropped Maybe we can choose to do this or Z or something next
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Yeah that was just a complete curbstomp, this is what happens when you dont want to be challenged scarlett
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Game was making me wait a concerningly long time before telling me I got what I needed
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56236582 >>56236591 GG. Deso is easily the easiest of the main Rebornlike trio so expect this to be a common occurrence if you're not trying to steal items from bosses or 6-0.
>>56236570 Thanks bro
>>56236606 I like this scene's pacing a lot; it really does feel like a last chance appeal to her after all other options are exhausted.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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No Mr Fluffy will be harmed on my watch.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Whiteouts: I really don't care anymore
I haven't beaten this fight but literally EVERY. SINGLE. ATTEMPT. Goes like this.......I am so fucking tired, it's beyond obvious the AI is using PULSE 2 bulk here, I can't do shit to counteract the item spam besides using Magic Room, which barely helps because it only lasts 5 turns and everything in this dogshit fight doesn't take damage. I sincerely hope D*m*ce falls onto a cactus.
https://streamable.com/dipns1 John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>eat food at the restaurant the druggie pianist was playing at with alahanahanhan >then immediately go sit down for dinner at her (anahal's) house afterwards ??????????? ?????????????????? is octavius fat or something
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
>>56236655 also this dork with the glasses still hasn't given me my house back
what's up with that huh
does he want me to sleep on the streets
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I'm assuming you can't come back here when you finish this area. Does that mean Surf is missable?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56236643 is there any other decent move klingklang can lear to try and bait out cursed body so you can keep gear grind?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56236704 Anything you miss here I think gets sent to a lost and found you can visit a bit later
>>56236655 Alanah's just a woman
Also I really recommend getting a decent rock resist mon with setup moves for this next part.
>>56236643 They don't have PULSE2 man. I know it's rough but they don't. There's enough things to criticize without going offbase.
Remember you can always just hold CTRL to skip the fight, or use debug to go to level 100 since obedience doesn't exist.
I can't use catbox so I dunno what fight it is though. The retard fan?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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thanatosSISTERS sit down FluffyGODS our time has come.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Whiteouts: 105
Demice is a N.I.G.G.E.R. Nigger, a filthy subhuman mongrel with no coding skills, who doesn't understand what makes good game design and who's fame is as inflated and artificial as it gets, this insufferable mutt should never be allowed to touch any game ever again.
I want to call it a day here and just be done with it, but there's a large chance I'll be forced to go buy supplies tomorrow since I'm running low so I'm gonna try to at least get a bit more progress.
https://streamable.com/83xn8g >>56236715 No, sadly no and the nigger Froslass has Will-o-Wisp too and even if I lower it's attack to -6 it still does stupid amounts of damage for no good reason.
>>56236729 They don't take any fucking damage, no damage at all, even PULSE 2 Pokemon in Reborn felt less bulky that FILTHY, FUCKING SHIT STAIN OF A FUCKING SNORLAX.......SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH........
Yes, it's Francis.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>56236643 >>56236729 >It's a streamable link I'm tired lol
If you have anything with Low Kick and a Fighting Gem that should instantly kill Snorlax no? Walking Wake gets it I think
Another thing you could try is use Screech with Klinklang on the turn it Belly Drums so that you can hit it hard enough to then follow up with another mon
Also Ferrothorn does really strong into that fight
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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I knew reading that thread on /x/, taking that DMT, and listening to those gateway tapes was a good idea bros. It's out of body experience time!
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>The palkia character is a nigger but also a retarded one at that Pearlbros... we lost.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56236739 GG
I think that Snorlax is actually 252 HP/252 Def and probably runs 0 Atk EVs since it just uses Belly Drum anyway. And of course Demice's amazing item use code means it can then live more than it should
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56236739 GG. Good job overcoming the full restore-backed belly drum lax. Easily the worst fight in the game so far.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>56236755 Haha..you VILL learn to fear the pirate joke lady
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>56236756 >>56236761 >>56236763 Thanks bros.
Oh don't worry, there will be worse fights, MUCH WORSE in fact......
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
For your crimes against Mr Fluffy, I sentence you to death. 1st try I wasn't expecting that to work kek.
https://streamable.com/f33g89 Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
stopping here for now. I must've either rushed or been more blind cause I'm finding a lot more side stuff this time around. you guys said it before but the foreshadowing is really neat on a second playthrough, really enjoying this replay more then others.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56236818 Thanks. I had a moment of dread when I saw Hoopa as I couldn't remember if it learned Shadow Sneak or something goofy.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>56236803 GG, I will always have a massive soft spot for Iron Thorns after using it in All Gen.
>>56236805 There's Shroodles and Rockruffs in the hotel to your southwest, both could fit into your themed team as a profile sketcher and a sniffer/guard dog.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56236803 Kek, GG. Based Mr. Fluffy killing that dago.
Are the paradoxes finally beginning to feel as powerful as they should be?
>>56236805 Hopefully debug makes the fights overall more tolerable, I remember the forestshit was the point where you just broke and speedran to the end because of that one garbage fight kek. Night
I'm doing this for you Florinia, not them actually thats not true, I am kinda looking forward to more drama from these murderous hags
>>56236844 drama and some real bastard fights
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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That is a gorgeous shiny, damn fucking shame she doesn't get Dragon Dance until level 62.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56236840 >Are the paradoxes finally beginning to feel as powerful as they should be? Only Mr Fluffy because I debugged Dragon Dance on him which is pretty much his only "real" set. Walking Wake feels extremely strong when backed by a sun setter like Luciano's Ninetails but is rather mediocre out of the sun. Iron Hands and Iron Leaves feel really good but are probably still slightly worse than 'normal' mons of their caliber because of their glaring typing oddities. Treads has been a consistent high performer being both fast, hardhitting and reasonably bulky, but hardly feels broken. Scream Tail is Sing RNG Simulator since I don't have access to many utility moves it wants to learn yet. Slither Wing is just flat out bad with no Bulk Up or Assault Vest until it learns First Impression or U-Turn respectively, which pains me to say because I love its design. Iron Bundle needs Freeze Dry to be threatening as it's hard walled by water types otherwise with no real recourse.
I can't imagine Sandy Shocks will be incredible, even with the AllGen expanded ability set in a single player game (even if a fast-ish ground type with Magnet Pull would make Smoggies seethe uncontrollably) but it probably won't be bad.
Brute Bonnet will likely be decent because lolspore even if its typing is defensively awful for a slow mon.
Iron Jugulis will almost assuredly be mediocre.
Fluttermane, Tusk, Roaring Moon, and Valiant will likely be godlike as expected for lategame mons.
I'm overall very surprised at how not gamebreaking most of these are, even with the AllGen non-canon abilities I've put on a few of them.
Pick my next team addition lads. I'm deciding between Sandy Shocks, Jugulis, and Brute Bonnet but I'm open to other suggestions.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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This is a microcosm of how I feel about this game's writing as a whole.
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
erhm... did you just try to PERISH SONG my precious guardian pokemon????? who is on par with a legendary???? WELL IT FAILED!!!!!!! also it's item makes it immune to fighting and grass because it's rock type and also poison so you can't just toxic it- KNOCK OFF?????? AIIIIIEEEEEEEE NOOOOO IT'S IMMUNE TO KNOCK OFF TOO!!!!! it doesn't seem to be immune to smog/terrain, at the very least, but the fucked up field effect makes it just heal and get a free shellsmash sometimes because lmao also need to see if it's immune to poison point or not (probably is because ummm... did you just try to defeat my SPECIAL FAKEMON?? but maybe not) for now I'm going to bed though
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56236876 That's a real shame on Slither Wing, I love that fucker too. Would have also thought Wake would have been more useful from just it's statline and movepool alone, damn
Next 2 cases are iirc mostly just filler/don't have any battles in them from what I remember, so doesn't really matter. I guess Brute Bonnet, I kind of like the mon even if not a fan of the design.
You WILL want a very powerful Past Paradox by the time you get to Case 11 though. Honestly I would just say Flutter Mane or Great Tusk when you get there. Case 11 has what's arguably the hardest (albeit nonmandatory) boss in the entire game
>>56236886 It's really fucking annoying
The best way to deal with it from what I found, is to get a single mon that resists Rock moves and can click setup in it's face.
Then just make it the only Pokemon in your party so it can't shuffle you around and try and beat it that way.
I think Musktox fits that criteria for you, it's the evo of the fakemon from the first area. I don't remember what your other type is
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>>56236886 hmm...
I also need to see if other non-direct damaging effects work like innards out/aftermath and such
If I have to mail order a few more furfrou from the debug catalog and just muscle through with steelspam I guess that's an option too
>>56236876 Jugulus... is powerful!
>>56236851 wide guard basically turns the battle against both of them into waiting simulators while they kill each other with aoe attacks and you plink off moves against whatever's alive
the individual battle can be strategized for afterwards iirc, but you might be tossed straight into it with the same party
>>56236907 Normal/Poison
Another option I have is tail glow watchog but I'm not confident in it's survivability
sleep powder is also 100% accuracy so I could try to do something with that, I'm fairly certain it worked when I used the move before
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Hydreigon being used for torture and executions being a constant is always nice, wished I could get one but I know it's locked insanely late for whatever reason.
>>56236876 Slither Wing should have been Bug/Dragon, I find my two current Paradoxes in Walking Wake and Iron Threads alright, Wake's movepool kinda sucks right now and I can't reliably set sun, which is ass, Iron Threads has been with me since the start and it always has some use or another, it's an extremely adaptable and reliable Pokemon. Neither felt gamebreaking or ostensibly overtuned, which is wild to say.
>>56236886 If you can get any of the fossils, they get a move called Half Life, it's really good for cheesing boss mons.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56236907 >Would have also thought Wake would have been more useful from just it's statline and movepool alone, damn Outside of sun, it has a similar problem as Delibird; it's strong but not consistently strong enough to OHKO things that aren't weak to its STABs and ends up taking heavy damage in return. It's fast enough it can usually bring down one mon and chip another, but there's a whole host of other options that you could run on a normal playthrough to just trade down mons with your opponent. Its x4 resist to water and fire does give it a ton of free switchins though. In the sun it's an absolute demon which can't be understated; I just don't have a consistent way to get sun up yet nor will I ever likely given that from what I'm seeing the fanfic weather can't be overridden by any means.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention, Iron Moth has been consistently good albeit frail dropping to even resisted physical hits pretty easily. I think Iron Moth is probably one of the best overall Paradoxes for ingame play if you can give it a usable STAB move because it has a wide set of coverage options and the stats+typing to switch in and use them despite the ground weakness.
>Case 11 If it's that big of a fight I could perhaps take either Koraidon or Miraidon which would boost a good chunk of the rest of my team too?
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
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>>56236926 Rampardos is Normal for whatever reason, so yeah I can get it.
Forgot about that move even though some asshole with a Craniados hit me with it earlier in the same zone
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>56236924 Not sure how much you've seen so far, but the main issue with the fight is the fact that it uses some custom move to quarter the speed of your entire team and then uses a move that Whirlwinds out your Pokemon, but does not have negative priority, so you can just get endlessly shuffled without having the ability to fight back
Sleep can work I think, but you need to find a way around that dumbass gimmick first
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Oh boy I'm about to be subjected to another """"puzzle battle"""" aren't I?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56236931 You can bust out the bikes, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea
I won't spoil it for you but...let's just say you probably won't need help for setup though.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Here's a shitty story section with a set team of really bad to mediocre Pokemon >You only have 4 Pokemon, 3 of which are very slow and 2 very frail >Your opponent have overtuned monsters that are nearly 10 levels above yours
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>>>>Sash Reversal Sneedler >>56236963 We suffer together it seems.
>>56236951 If I bring out a sandwich eater on Case 11, I'm assuredly saving the other one until the very end of the playthrough or when I run out of all other paradoxes to pick. Still, there's plenty of time to prepare in the meantime.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56236963 Okay so the strat is that Spiritomb and Azelf are the only mons that matter and don't miss your Will o Wisps.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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The animation of the kid sleeping on truffles is really cute.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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That's flouride water, bud. I'm calling it for the night. I'll probably go with Jugulis for this next case tomorrow since Brute Bonnet doesn't get Spore until 63 and my current cap is 60. He's almost a shoe-in for the next one though.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I have several questions.
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complaining about the post game aside, I'm happy with how some of my regulars from the main game are still holding up Dynamax Blastoise, Clawitzer, Machamp, Pyukumuku all still putting in work in some fights And of course Unfezant never leaves the team
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https://youtu.be/PHlB4wvYOnk?si=rcnihfHmb5Sd2fC2&t=14m27s Hoo boy, you guys might wanna check this shit out.
Think this hack will ever get played here? the Spic version is currently out.
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I guess maybe Dr Electrorape wasnt all bad
guys... they haven't even started working on the renegade part for v14 yet...
>>56236005 so like CYNTHAI right
>>56237507 don't forget about Gen 9 anon! because they just won't take the hint that it's fine to cut off at a certain generation
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>>56237549 I suspect its an unpopular opinion but I'd be fine with more fangames having a limited dex in general
not every pokemon needs to be crammed into every region
>>56237507 >>56237549 v15 will have gen 10
v16 will have gen 10s DLC
v17 will have gen 11
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>>56237569 v15 will probably have Gen 11
Jan needs to take several unplanned hiatuses to draw out as much patreon money as he can
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>>56237569 the game will be delayed and will have 20 versions
>>56237038 Such as? Lins dog is awesome, name one thing that could out-cool God if it actually tried.
>>56237507 >part 2 made after part 1 and 3 Wonder if it will be designated superglue to connect two vastly different parts.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
That is a huge shitload of sidequests, goddamn. This part about the fisherman being the same guy from the start is actually pretty nice. They just really can't help but make the dialogue this gay. Also, there's been quite a bit of memeing about the Meteors, but I just can't help but find all these names suspicious.
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fuck this sucked I'm sure there is worse to come too man I want to like reborn overall but the postgame is really souring me on it
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>>56238310 >This part about the fisherman being the same guy from the start is actually pretty nice. There is actually some nice little details like that, to the games credit
>>56237507 oh boy
>>56237564 encounter bloat is a very real thing and something that should be accounted for. at this point I'm starting to wonder if rejuvenation is big enough to comfortably fit over 1000 pokemon as opposed to arounf 700
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Alright lets see how this goes. Power Converter might open some doors for this thing's movepool as I get more tutors but for now I'm just using it to make U-Turn hit harder. I debugged Hurricane onto it since it's not a tutor according to the doc and this mon more or less needs it to function.
>>56238534 They absolutely could, Rejuv is easily over 3 or 4 times bigger than the biggest mainline Pokemon games which already can fit 400-500 Pokemon pretty easily
The main issue would come from legendaries and how Renegade has to allow you to get all of them before the end of the game
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>56237507 Chud, you need to understand that Jan HAS to take several hiatuses out of nowhere to do nothing for moths while demanding his goytreon paypiggies give him money because hmmmm........HE JUST HAS TO O-OKAY?!
>>56238033 Witness a true god.
>>56238704 Jan has already designed several areas that scream "legendary dens" in v13.5 and with us getting Waterfall at the end of v13.5, I fully believe we're about to get a massive amount of legendaries by next version, I absolutely fucking loathe the way they're being handled, because it's just Jan very obviously ripping off Reborn again, but that's not surprising.
>>56237507 >renegade v14 hasn't even started >gen 9 in the dex i won't lie this fangame has legitimately impressed me during my run through it (except pearl route, that shit was exhausting) but holy shit man
i've heard the platinum route is even worse, i had to take a break because turns out playing pearl route with a migraine was not my wisest idea
at least i got cameruptite now
rejuvenation is fucking massive but i'm not sure if it's 1000+ pokemon massive, i'd have been perfectly fine with it being up to gen 8
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Look, I get Eevee is meant to be based on a fennec fox, at least sorta, but Espeon is based off of a cat yokai, so that's a really stupid excuse.
>>56238733 If he was smart, he could reasonably compact many of the new Pokemon to sidequests that would help expand and build upon the areas of the game like Reborn did, while also optimizing the encounter tables of other areas that already have a lot of repetition and bloat like Evergreen Island, but Jan is Jan sadly.
>>56238766 Didn't Jan say there aren't going to be any more sidequests for the rest of the game?
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you can taste the salt. quagsire was the star of this battle. double dance set of curse/amnesia swept through half of her team, donphan to beat the aegislash and sawk finishing off the rest. sawk is such a good, honest pokemon. not bad speed, good attack with sta close combat and sturdy has been consistently useful whenever I used it
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56238819 Did he? Because him making a fuckload of optional areas that have nothing to do with the main plot and showing them via a few screenshots says otherwise, how many times has Jan walked back on his word as is?
uhh tania? he's still here
>>56238840 >>56238819 is team anti assist still a thing? if so I don't see how that gets resolved in the main story unless jan wants to brute force them in the main plotline
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56238840 I think it might've been because of this tranny (its pronouns are he/she/they kek how does that even work), who's one of the foremost Rejuv shills who gets very aggressive if you start shit talking the game. It's not a dev as far as I know but it is a prominent beta tester
However it's already wrong about the gen 9 thing, so who knows
>>56238870 You beat up Anti Assist leader's Emboar as part of the Zelda ripoff sidequest
Honestly it's probably as good as place as any to just leave off but I'm sure the Anti Assist leader will be shown to be this actually prominent character who's an Interceptor who's lived since Garufan times because God forbid any random character not be somehow connected to the giant web of fuckery that is Rejuv's train crash plot
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Whiteouts: 108
Luciano is using either illegal Evs or an illegal nature on his Pokemon, there's no fucking way a non-scarfed Flygon or Liepard should be outspeeding a timid Walking Wake and a jolly Iron Threads, maybe speed ties I'd understand between Threads and Liepard, but no, the ladder always outspeeds despite my Threads being level 55 while the Liepard is 54.
>>56238870 They are and it's heavily hinted they have a boss of some kind, frankly I feel nothing but hatred towards that crapshoot and even Jan seemingly forgot about them.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Whiteouts: 111
Yeah, he's cheating, the fucking Liepard is outspeeding my Mega Sceptile, he is absolutely cheating somehow and I don't know how, it's not choice scarfed and yet it's outspeeding, LITERALLY EVERYTHING and because the AI has accuracy cheats that I forgot to turn off, it's impossible to fucking deal with that shit stain would heavily losses or huge damage taken, just amazing, fantastic even.
>>56238917 Noted.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
The implied TND is amazing.
>>56238960 What's your mega sceptile's speed stat and what's Liepard's level?
>>56238917 >Honestly it's probably as good as place as any to just leave off but I'm sure the Anti Assist leader will be shown to be this actually prominent character who's an Interceptor who's lived since Garufan times because God forbid any random character not be somehow connected to the giant web of fuckery that is Rejuv's train crash plot maybe it's a hot take to say this, but rejuvenation has some legitimately interesting ideas that are woefully stuck in a web of absolute fucking nonsense
like an ancient civilization being sci-fi levels of advanced and creating artificial Chosen Ones is kinda rad but it was kinda overshadowed by nim being nim and melia having Super AIDS
admittedly i am lighter on this game in regards to criticism because it's a free to play passion project, but chapter 15 so far sucks fucking ass and it's apparently gonna get Worse
>>56238960 i have only just learned about this fangame, but after skimming the thread, this looks like fucking torture to play
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I am getting to the point that I'd rather torture myself to play Rejuvenation twice in a roll without breaks than continuing to put myself through this, I am so fucking sick of this nigger game and the horrid fucking shit tier fight design that has the AI constantly cheat against the player for no better reason than fuck you, I can't even type or write right out of sheer fucking spite, bile and rage I feel for this miserable dogshit fucking game.
>>56238966 Max speed investment, timid nature, 145 base speed, compared to Liepard who by the damage output has to be adamant nature at the very least, which is a Pokemon with 106 base speed, something isn't right, Liepard is level 54, my Mega Sceptile was level 55.
>>56238971 It is, because the moronic devs of this game invited D*m*ce to rape it.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Wait, Unburden is a thing.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56238981 What's the raw speed stat on Mega Sceptile in the menu. You're probably getting memed by bad IVs. I'm 99% sure the Liepard is Jolly btw.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Why hasn't he found any (((tunnels))) down there?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56238971 >admittedly i am lighter on this game in regards to criticism because it's a free to play passion project If anything the fact it's free to play should mean it should not try to be aiming for this kind of ridiculous scope and REALLY should not have been a Pokemon game
>this looks like fucking torture to play It's mostly hard mode, which was designed by a retarded kaizofaggot
>>56238981 GG
I hate to agree with the one troon who keeps raiding, but honestly I do think you should probably stop if you're getting this angry, especially since this fight is a pushover compared to later ones
It's not like the game has really changed much from when we last played
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
How long is my melanin transfusion going to last? Is this a major section of the game or just a quick bit where you play as Mordecai?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56239007 Let's just say you're probably going to want to roll a new duo type kek
Maybe Ultra/Beast?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56237507 Renegadebros...it's over...
Realistically, most of renegade will probably line up with the new areas in V14 anyway, so it's probably the correct decision to wait until paragon is finished kek >>56238960 Doesn't Liepard get unburden? It's probably Normal Gem + Fake out
>>56239007 Haha...
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Insert a coin to insert another coin >>56238993 I'm using debug to fix IVs, I guess Liepard had Unburden? I'm so unused to seeing that stupid cat having Prankster that I forgot it has other abilities.
>>56239000 Thanks.
I will get angry regardless, at least I can feel emotions instead of getting dulled and bored when playing some utter dogcrap like Shitstones or Empire, I just fucking LOATHE fights with cheap fucking bullshit like this, I genuinely believe Dominic's fight is a singe compared to this, at least it was the case for me last time around, because he's team is focused on power, something that is easy to exploit, Luciano's team is pure faggotry.
I will continue if anything just to spite the troons who clearly don't want us to continue playing this trash heap.
>>56239007 I hope you get used to some forced diversity, because this nignog is here to stay.
>>56239011 Yeah, it does, I think I have long lasting mental scars from dealing with some retarded Prankster Liepard sets online and I completely forgot it has that ability.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56239011 >>56239023 >>56239010 h-haha
>Ultra/Beast That's a good idea.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>56239011 >inb4 Jan goes "we blew our load too fast with Renegade, and from now on will only work on Paragon content" Imagine
JK that would obviously never happen
Jan would probably create entire new ending routes first >>56239023 That's fair lol, just if you're getting that legitimately angry and stressed and are just not even having a slight bit of fun with the retardation it's just best to stop
>>56239037 I nominate Buzzwole for the first
You are definitely going to want a full team pretty early though
>>56238981 i have No Idea who d*m*ce is but i don't like 'em already
difficulty in pokemon is a fickle thing but it doesn't take a genius to know when something is way too difficult
these faggots need to get regular players to playtest this shit and not kaizo fags
>>56239000 >If anything the fact it's free to play should mean it should not try to be aiming for this kind of ridiculous scope and REALLY should not have been a Pokemon game i have nothing but respect for the sheer effort put into this and some of the legitimately cool gameplay mechanics but
yeah i imagine this game started off as a reasonable enough pokemon game if the earlier parts of the story are any indication.
if there were any rails, this shit is off of them now
>It's mostly hard mode, which was designed by a retarded kaizofaggot ew
at least it's relegated to a difficulty mode, but even still
>>56239023 respect for still going through this, no way in hell i could.
i tried rejuv v13 intense mode, and that shit was atrocious. i finally got completely burnt out after geara/zetta
don't burn yourself out too hard, kaizo type difficulty modes like this make fights start to feel like less of a victory and more that you Survived but are well aware the next fight is going to be way worse
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
They made the fights on the SS.spooky dragon milf repeatable, which is nice and I'm entirely certain D*m*ce seethed about this in some way.
>>56239047 Demice is a moronic kaizofag who got famous for making Urmumium, an awful kaizo mod for Uranium, despite the fact his design is atrociously bad, he got incredibly famous off of it in a few circles like Rebornevo and it's discord, even him, the guy who designed these fights was struggling miserably with them during his playthrough and often relying on luck, nobody playtested these besides him I think.
I used to play v13 intense pretty often a few years back when I was still in my old university, so I'm used to beating stuff like Zetta and Geara, it was about learning the method to the madness, the issue is Demice for whatever reason is obsessed with fights requiring an ungodly amount of luck to beat sometimes, which is something I don't have.
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>octavius forgot to make his boss immune to endeavor >also didn't pre-heal the player's pokemon teehee also I don't know what's wrong with the move reminder not being able to reteach level 1 moves but I totally hatched my lillipup legitimately for the pokedex completion considering you can only catch herdier in the wild so he just had quick attack naturally at level 1 already speaking of, the reteacher system is really fucked up and just doesn't allow you to re-learn like half of the moves on the learnset even if they aren't level 1 specific, it seems like any move learned (or rather, which was able to be learned) at a level below what you obtained the pokemon at (caught, traded, or otherwise) is just unavailable via the reteacher
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Mordecai's dualtype rolled Minor/Legendary Ting Lu, Tapu Bulu, Uxie, and Coballion join the party for now. I ended up going with this because I didn't want to be bottlenecked into Beast Boost sweep-focused gameplay with no flexibility and I think this'd do a really good job testing if most of these minor legends really need to be stuck in post/lategame jail where most games tend to do so. I suspect they don't.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
That's straight up just an eastern dragon, why not a
Fug portrait?
>>56239081 Octavius in his infinite autism decided level 1 moves should not be relearnable, GG.
>jean really uh
really subtle there jan
>>56239070 > the guy who designed these fights was struggling miserably with them during his playthrough and often relying on luck, nobody playtested these besides him I think. what in the fuck
i don't get this mindset, playtesting like this should entail not only multiple people, but making sure the fight isn't a fucking luck-based ordeal
test for consistency, not "ok i beat it finally good enough"
>>56239081 >regirock fuck.
rejuvenation tests my love for the legendary golems, it really does
and the braixen line
i didn't know it was possible to hit a critical mass of lame until the braixen evolving scene happened and she still ended up being the weakest link in adam's team
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56239081 GG
Yeah, how level 1 moves in Empire are handled is that they're supposed to be 'better' than other relearner moves and thus will be given through a tutor at a later time
Of course because this is talking about the rebalancing of hundreds of Pokemon + fakemon you have stupid shit that slips through the cracks like...Quick Attack on the Lillipup line
by the way, later autistic bossmon fights won't be able to be cheesed as easily with endeavor, haha.. >>56239047 Basically, Demice (and Moto, his understudy) design fights which are incredibly difficult and require often resetting multiple times to get decent RNG to get by because they will consider literally every Pokemon available to the player at this point and design bosses to specifically cuck available counters you might think to bring
Demice made a difficulty mod of Urmumium where he did just that - since there's only about 200 catchable Pokemon in the game, he could tailor boss fights specifically to what you can catch
Ashen Frost is supposed to be a cozy story-driven detective game about taking on the mafia and looking at all the nice tilesets and enjoying the music, but for whatever reason they decided to bring Demice on so he could work his 'magic' with the fact that there's only about 500 or so available Pokemon in the game
Also, on Hard mode, Demice does something that's popular in the kaizo mods and gives the AI a flat 20% buff to its accuracy, 3 PP Ups, and multiple 'midbattle dialogue' prompts where the enemies will start gaining stat boosts out of nowhere
Combine that with how Demice is also responsible for fucking over grinding and trying to force the player to use a single team because training up new Pokemon is expensive/painful and he hates people trying to just bring one or two dedicated counters to each new boss fight, and...yeah
are you the anon who used to avatarfag with jack frost btw? RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Good question.
>>56239152 He thought a fight where a guy does nothing but spam full restores over and over on a team full of extremely bulky Belly Drum spammers was good design, I don't think anyone called him out on it or tested it besides him and a lot of the retards who worship him think bullshit equates to good design and they have this moronic elitist attitude that if you think bullshit inflated difficulty is bad than you're some dumb scrub who's word means nothing.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56239139 based, and fair enough. will you just add 4 minor legends per case?
note that there are some actual minor legendaries you can get on your own as Mordecai, and not even that late either. if you want to know,
victini and
zapdos RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
kek, don't think I noticed him before was probably playing on 3x speed
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Uh, yeah? He definitely does know better.
Also no shit he shipped us off to protect us, the capital got bombed by a fucking giratina or something
I didn't realize alan's retarded battle partner AI was actually just more characterization for her
>>56239146 thanks
>Octavius in his infinite autism decided level 1 moves should not be relearnable well that's retarded so I'm going to ignore it
>>56239152 this is Empire actually, different beast with a similar coat of autistic paint
Still have rejuv on the 'to play' list but I think I'll take a bit of a break when (if) I finish this playthrough
>>56239158 thanks
>and thus will be given through a tutor at a later time eh, I have access to egg breeding so first evo level 1s I'll just slap on but I can wait until later for other level 1 moves
>later autistic bossmon fights won't be able to be cheesed as easily with endeavor kind of figured but I did have a few 'legitimate' plans cooking up like stealing the totem and turning it into ghost type then spamming dark STAB on it and such along with Aftermath spam
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
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>How am I supposed to trust my dad who didn't inform me of several extremely important family secrets that could've gotten all of us and everyone close to us killed while I was still a child in school???? paraphrased slightly but another actual line please Taurosman, command your avatar and punish this foolish wench
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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won't be able to do much today, but will see what i can
>>>> just call him a nigger, kike, there's no one around you need to protect your reputation for
>>56239183 >even the devs of this game know how fucking awful the dyke is and how much worse it makes the game >>56239191 >>56239185 i don't think anyone here will mind if you just slap on the level 1 moves that you can't get via breeding kek
>that line empire is a very well written game
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>>56239185 >>56239191 The more I see of this game (mainly its writing) the more I'm glad I never played past the first town.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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what a nice 'puzzle battle' sure would be a shame if someone were to not have debug for mordecai, i'll probably just end up using all the severn forms since i only get to use one with sylvester kek
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
KEK never saw this before i wonder if she's there before you head into the house or if it's only after the mordecai prison break
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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I have a feeling I'm not meant to be backtracking as Mordecai in Case 10 kek
>>56239232 She is there when you're first going there kek
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56239178 >will you just add 4 minor legends per case? How many Mordecai cases are there? I'll probably roll less than that once I have a full team. I know the Kanto Birds are plot-specific so I've been rerolling to avoid them (both Moltres and G-Zapdos came up when generating these 4 kek).
These level up pools without being able to relearn level 1 moves are horrid in gen 9 so I'm debugging some legal past gen low level moves onto them like Superpower on Tapu Bulu.
I ended up bending the rules a bit more for Uxie who just flat out needs all the help it can get (and coincidentally rolled shiny). This may not even be enough to save it, but hopefully it'll be usable.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56239245 >How many Mordecai cases are there? have you ever played yakuza 0
>ripoff danganronpa >more pathways i am going to cry
>>56239158 wow! this is revolting!
ashen frost looks mildly interesting, and thank god this shit is relegated to a hard mode but jesus fuck
i'm sorry but to make gameplay like this you must be a truly miserable individual, that's the only reasonable explanation for this level of cock and ball torture
also maybe. i barely remember that but knowing me? probably >>56239175 i will forever be happy that the rejuvenation team ripped off the bandaid and got rid of intense mode
pokemon fans for some reason Really like to adopt the dark souls fan mentality of "if i'm not crushing my testicles in a vice Consantly i'm not having fun and you're playing the game wrong and i am therefore superior to you if you're not also crushing your testicles in a vice skill issue"
it's just just an exhausting way to play these games. the things that make the game easier to play exist for a reason. accessibility you midwits.
>>56239185 >Still have rejuv on the 'to play' list but I think I'll take a bit of a break when (if) I finish this playthrough rejuvenation takes a lot out of you
i still think it's been a fun experience overall laughing at the dumb story but i think the exhaustion's starting to kick in right at the finish line
>>56239191 what the fuck
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I suspect this team is going to have a miserable time in the fanfic Holy Inferno weather type, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
>>56239255 I've not played any Yakuza games. Is this a full on protagonist flip for the rest of the game?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>56239264 you switch fairly often for sizable chunks Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Whiteouts: 114
Why the fuck is the Sylvally outspeeding everything short of my Mega Sceptile? It's bad enough the nigger Galvantula input reads and doesn't use Sticky Web if you have a Pokemon that can clear it away.
>>56239185 She only gets worse, it's bizarre how hard Octavius wants Alanah to be your waifu and yet he does nothing but make her more and more insufferable with the passage of time, I won't spoil what will happen rather soon, but I think Octavius might be into NTR.
>>56239191 The sheer irony of her saying this.
>>56239256 I sympathize with that, honestly v13 intense was soul crushingly bad a lot of the time and forced the player to go out of their to train way too many Pokemon to just have a chance, I don't know how anyone sane was meant to beat Saki or her grandmother back then.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Whiteouts: 115 And the AI is immune to flinch and paralysis.....and everything really.......amazing design.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i wish i could make a joke about this without getting autobanned for saying his name
>>56239245 yeah as bunken said,
they flipflop quite a bit that being said, there's only one really truly difficult fight as mordecai, maybe another depending on your team, and most of the rest are handled by sneedvester
>>56239256 it is a pretty good game and i would recommend it, even though it's heavily pozzed (not really much moreso than rejuv, i guess). just do NOT touch hard mode
i think demice mostly makes kaizo mods as a joke (hell, even the name of his uranium mod, urmumium, implies it started as a shitpost mod) but unfortunately the damage is done and there are a multitude of tards that flocked to it thinking it was legitimately good
one of said tards being moto, the other major kaizofuck creator who was heavily inspired by demice's projects, who i think has actually burned himself out on playing and having fun with video games entirely in favor of endlessly tweaking his shitty difficulty mods. at least demice looks like he actually has fun playing other games like crosscode or elden ring or whatever
i think i just remembered you in /nuz/ a long while back talking about how you wanted to nuzlocke reborn, is all, i remember the smeargle pic >>56239264 if you're referring to mordecai, don't worry he never has to face it
sylvester on the other hand...haha....
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>>56239256 >pokemon fans for some reason Really like to adopt the dark souls fan mentality of "if i'm not crushing my testicles in a vice Consantly i'm not having fun and you're playing the game wrong and i am therefore superior to you if you're not also crushing your testicles in a vice skill issue" Did that happen more in recent years with Kaizoshit ROMhacks or has it always been there somewhere?
Anyway enjoy one of the most annoying parts of the game that also gives out an ungodly amount of plotpoints and lore.
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
AI missed a body press in the end but I still had big 'mogus in the back to finish regirock off
Apparently I missed gliscor so I'll go and grab him, finish the detective stuff, and then I dunno
maybe beat my head against trying to solve the secret quest in the SCCL because you get a craniados fossil or something
>>56239256 She's just actually unironically retarded
>>56239277 Isn't North a military man?
He'd be perfect for her
on Silvally, barring any hax shenanigans if it's max speed with a speed nature it'll be faster than anything that isn't base 110+ with max speed investment
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>subtly implying all hoennians are genetically niggers >>56239308 GG, probably the last hard gym fight for a while hopefully
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>>56239316 The correct term is African Hoennian.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Whiteouts: 119
>Full restore, full restore spam, full restore spam, full restore spam, full restore spam, full restore spam, full restore spam Demice is a nigger.
>>56239308 GG and yup, but North is too much of a rancid cuck, he's basically Octavius' version of Ren, except he's somehow even more annoying and the game fully expects you to see this mongrel as your friendm as to him and Alanah being perfect for each other h-haha......
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Unsurprisingly, Tapu Bulu is easily the best mon of the 4 I rolled just because setting Grassy Terrain is just that good.
>>56239286 >>56239346 When all else fails, click Sing and pray.
>Full stores backloaded on the Darkrai I WARNED YOU
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
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>>56239316 >>56239346 >>56239347 thanks
>last hard gym fight for a while hopefully wasn't too terrible, I had more trouble with the electric leader in the mines, though that's probably also half because the AI used a move to switch the type chart around so I could hit him super effectively with normal/poison STAB
>North is too much of a rancid cuck North isn't that bad but I suppose I've only interacted with him in a single arc so far
>full restore spam Is Embargo available?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>The jeet saying this to nogs Pot & Kettle
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Are any of these going to be avaliable later or is this the only chance for all of them?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56239386 >>56239393 I wasn't going to spam the thread with these since there's 4+ NPCs in the house who say some variant of this, but this one's a real winner.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56239403 afaik they're mutually exclusive right now, but I didn't consult the documentation too thoroughly on my run.
Clefable was the MVP of my run of Desu.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There's so many layers to this. This is easily the best line in the entire game so far.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>>56239415 Considering I already have a psychic type with jynx, I dont feel like using melia's ace, and I just plainly dont really want to use alcremie I'll go with that then
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I am a few seconds away from giving up on this game for good, I hate walking back on my word, but I am tired.
>>56239355 I can't land it, at all.
Meanwhile I try using a full restore once on my Bastiodon to counteract the nigger Dragapult and it immediately gets a special defense drop a crit on the same hit, I cannot rely on luck for anything other than screwing me over sadly.
Yes, but nothing I have can eat hits for long enough to set it and Embargo doesn't last long enough.
>>56239403 Nope, they're all exclusive to this quest as of right now.
lin must have told her some serious shit if her personality is doing such a 180 from the begining of the game where she actually first met you.
can we also talk about how her saying she knew titania doesn't love her sort of ruins that whole suicide scene as well
>>56239191 >>56239422 fangames are weird
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>Abductive and deductive reasoning utilized in tandem is practically magic for Mordecai I'm in hysterics, this section of the game is a treasure. Accidentally based in all the most unintended ways on the dev's part.
>>56239431 I feel like this choice really does boil down to if you want Magic Bounce with Hatterine or Clefable at the end of the day.
>>56239458 The implication is made several times that this suicide scene is a recurring event in Titania and Amaria's trainwreck of lives.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Gonna have to step out for a bit and will resume when I get back. Any bakers around?
>>56239453 >I can't land it, at all. Have you built a shrine to the F12 key and made your offerings yet?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>56239458 >can we also talk about how her saying she knew titania doesn't love her sort of ruins that whole suicide scene as well Well at that points it's Titania knows Amaria knows Titania doesn't love Amaria so she can't keep that relationship without lethal doses of copium.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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here it is
>>56239562 outlined in chalk
>>56239562 avoid the blood stain