Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
MordeX section again, need two regional or Paradox suggestions. Also.>35k of your precious and hard earned cash for mediocre low tier items. This fucking game dude......
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56254091 Alolan Muk is legitimately a good mon and Morde sections tend to be narratively slop so it's fitting.
Quoted By:
>>56254108 Would you feed shithia to alola muk or what
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Holy fucking shit, that's a retarded fight
Whiteouts: 132, like 4 of those were from Sean's population bomb faggotry
https://streamable.com/2llwmr Thank FUCKING god he keeps 10k coins on him kek
And of course, since this skips their final fight, I'll be resetting to suffer that one too, haha... >>56253772 >>56253780 >>56253811 Thanks bros
>Goddamn Energy/Power Converter is so good kek It really is kek, it's fun working with it
>can't believe she didn't full restore moltres I guess Volt tackle ohko's?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56254126 gg, based talonflame
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Are you telling me that people with Yiddish surnames use vast amounts of money they obtained through shady means to get what they want and force others to abide by their whims? S-shut it down now!
>>56254108 Noted, I miss using the sludge monster, also kek.
>>56254126 GG, I don't remember this one being that shit last time around, heck I don't even remember them having an ArCHADludon during this fight, I think they changed it slightly.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Alright guys, we're getting down to the wire. Roaring Moon or F*ut*er M*ne?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56254091 do you have purrzerker yet?
>>56254207 roaring moon
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56254221 Done.
Nickname suggestions?
Smeargle !lvIxjFlBBA
honestly, for what feels like a battle that's been hyped up all game, it was pretty easy- oh wait i just used trick room again
anyway i guess crescent's good now?
time to presumably get hit with Yet Another Huge Lore Dump by adrest now, because it seems like the only way jan can communicate story is through massive fucking lore dumps
>>56254056 >smeargle beats up Saki, growing increasingly disillusioned with rejuv's endgame kek
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Electrorape bros.....the Flores make Sigmund look like a joke.
>>56254221 Not on Mordequack, will get it.
>>56254228 Chernabog.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56254228 majora or red eye flight
>>56254229 don't worry the good part is coming,
a date at the mall with crescent FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56254229 >oh wait i just used trick room again GG
It's genuinely very hard to find a fight in any fangame that isn't made significantly easier or outright trivialized by trick room as most of the 'tricks', pun intended, used by NPC team designers to stack the deck in the AI's favor aren't applicable against Trick Room teams.
>>56254242 Based and done.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I'm wondering if Ayrei took the shitty idea of wild Pokemon gauntlets from the Mordekek section, in retrospect it wouldn't shock me.
>>56254229 GG, this fight without Trick Room is miserable.
Hope you enjoy dealing with the femcel and her extremely forced and inorganic arc.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
can you stop stealing for 5 minutes
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
Squad for this section of the game. I had completely forgotten Roaring Moon gets DDance via levelup.
>No Knock Off tutor in the entire game REEEEEE
This is where the line is drawn? Swords Dance, Cosmic Power, Rock Slide, TWave, and BoltBeamFlamethrower are fine as tutor moves, but Knock Off isn't?
>>56254300 It's in his genes, please understand.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Diversityxisters, why do we even bother with getting representation when we keep consistently getting portrayed as unhinged or petty people?
Speaking of petty, my favorite casino dealer Debuge had a walmart knockoff tutor for Roaring Moon only. A knockoff of a knock off if you will.
>>56254353 I didn't even catch this one.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
how do you even kill one of these, use the dip from who framed roger rabbit?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Why is this fight so randomly fucking garbage? Why the fuck can't I use anything besides Fearow? This is a single fucking regional variant with terrible stats and abilities that do not help it that much, it even has an illegal ability during this fight just to fuck the player, why? Just why?
>>56254381 Doesn't Aggron eat metal?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56254399 It's a """puzzle""" battle. The whole meme is that you click fly on the frosslass until it dies and click everything except the good button (wild charge) on the Snorunts afterwards.
I don't think it's particularly obtuse, but it's pretty boring and tedious once you have the solution so I question why it was added to begin with. At least it's optional.
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>I have to battle as robbie championguy after the court martialing Why? Am I supposed to win? Throw it for my good friend Northerner?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>56254414 wouldn't think it would leave a body if that was the case
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Quoted By:
>>56254418 >sink 13 shadow balls into his porygon 2 and lose >"You let me win? Why?" Hopefully he doesn't figure out that I was mind controlling the champion for him
Quoted By:
>>56254414 The dex only mentions the line eats iron
>While seeking iron for food, it digs tunnels by breaking through bedrock with its steel horns. >Lairon feeds on iron contained in rocks and water. It makes its nest on mountains where iron ore is buried. As a result, the Pokémon often clashes with humans mining the iron ore. >This Pokémon has a body of steel. To make its body, Aron feeds on iron ore that it digs from mountains. Occasionally, it causes major trouble by eating bridges and rails. >It usually lives deep in mountains. However, hunger may drive it to eat railroad tracks and cars. Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56254415 It's boring and pointless, go figure Demice thought it would be a good idea.
>>56254418 You're supposed to throw the match to gain Self Rule points, I don't understand how forsaken a clear victory does that considering every other Self Rule point is gained by providing you're tougher than nails and that you can push through any adversity, but this is Octavius we're talking about.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56254368 That's what gets me kek
At least someone like Adrienn is a blatantly perfect Mary Sue to get you to try to like non binary trans folx, for some reason though all the lesbians in these games have dogshit representation and are nearly all massive cunts who are probably the worst characters in their respective games (Venam, Eloise, Amaria)
Can't say it's inaccurate I guess
>>56254418 You get a point towards the player's Self Rule variable if you let North win for some reason, Self Rule probably being the "fuck the Council and fuck Royale" path
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56254151 >>56254163 Thanks
>I don't remember this one being that shit last time around I guess it's not TERRIBLE, but I was already annoyed from Sean and his mon's abilities being fucked up
and forgetting that his house is temporarily a training room and had capsules didn't help either kek >>56254415 Frustration also works, I figured Fly wouldn't deal enough damage kek
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
it's weird what items this game just gives you sometimes, in any other fangame this would be behind 5 elite battles right before victory road
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
wonder if this changes anything
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56254477 ready for round 2?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Thinking on it more, I realized other reasons I liked the desert so much is that it both doesn't have a ton of extremely arbitrary progression triggers coupled with the fact you can go 5 seconds interacting with NPCs without getting into weird catty arguments unlike how seemingly everyone in Syl's group has made it their mission to antagonize each other.
>>56254454 >Frustration also works, I figured Fly wouldn't deal enough damage kek I thought the meme was you needed to dodge the helping hand boosted moves with Fly, but if Frustration is strong enough to push through that that raises even more questions about why this fight even exists since at that point it's just "click button that isn't wild charge" kek.
>>56254471 I love stuff like this.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56254485 kek
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
What was the development cycle for this game? Did the the time this scene was written coincide with Floyd, Smollett or any other nog rioting events in the news?
>>56254497 Shortstack drew the short straw in the story. You hate to see it.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
What is with this faggot's deal with attacking you without saying a word? This is the third time this has happened.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56254487 My issue was dodging crits kek, Fly is probably the "intended" ""solution" though
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>>56254519 I'm glad the writers seem to be on the same page.
>>56254526 Based trainersmell posting.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Oy vey!
>>56254501 I think this part is of latest chapter, which came a while after the first gen 9 DLC dropped.
Smeargle !lvIxjFlBBA
damn, those garufans were hiding a PC with specs this high and they didn't even tell?? i'm about to have the sickest fortnite sesh ever i sure hope i don't rage too hard!
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Smeargle !lvIxjFlBBA
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>>56254442 >>56254450 So it's just a "the champion is a fucking chump" point that kicks in for something (that may or may not be implemented yet) later?
That's kind of boring, to bee desu with you
>>56254450 I think the funniest part about Xdrrxxnn is how she just doesn't ever do anything important on screen, it's all "oh yeah this happened while you were gone btw"
And then there's never any real opportunity to actually show the player how much of a perfect pretty xrinxess she is because she's only in like 3 scenes and 2 are minor parts while the 3rd is her gym badge
The best part of it all is how they passed up an opportunity to make you team up against an antagonist (in the cosmog fishing zone) who both wouldn't be made into a joke by respecting xer xroxouns but also won't get them acked by xrxnnies for being xrxnsphxbic by not rxspxxxing xxr prxxxunx and then just didn't take it, they just made the whole thing into what amounts to "Hey, Protag-kun! [REPLACE THIS TEXT WITH CONFLICT HOOK]. Isn't this place swell? I'm glad we could [TOPICAL SYNONYM FOR REPAIR] the [TOPICAL SYNONYM FOR ISSUE]! teehee"
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>3/3 one turn sleeps >4/6 90% accuracy attacks missed faggot Whiteouts: 133
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
I really wish the character arc of Sylvester traveling through the forest of his personal fears ended in him growing a pair.
>>56254557 >>56254553 Stop noticing things, goyim.
>>56254564 Pretty spot on. Minor desolation spoilers, don't read Leon if you're skimming the thread.
I said it while playing deso already, but I think Aaron in Desolation is a far more grounded and realistic take of what they were going for with Adrienn as a city administrator "fixit" character. They've clearly been the backing behind Rosetta's stardom (and thus indirectly a lot of the successes in central Cellia) and are overwhelmed by, but still fighting to contain, the fox and crescent autism in Northern. At the end of the day they're one person doing what they can (as most of the influential figures in Deso are) and they don't have the privilege of just waving a magic wand and solving the city's problems like Adrienn apparently does in Reborn. If you're not considering suicide after Empire, I strongly recommend Deso if you want to play a much better game.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Quoted By:
>Name >This line
>>56254559 Oh no not the Vitus feeder 3000........
Did Aelita, Admins "perfect envoy", even have earth sense?
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Quoted By:
What? I was willing to believe there was just "nothing" you could do about the crime in south, but you're genuinely actively heading all of it? And you're confused why people dont want to interact with Celia South? And what do you mean "Take it back", do you want central to not only stop shitting on you but for it to be actively as bad as south?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 134
>A gauntlet of 5 trainers back to back without healing, totaling up to a >>6 v15 fucking wew kek
Lost the first time because my mons were still damaged from the faggot, and even without my grass types, I made it to battle 4 kek
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Quoted By:
oh great, fuck off mate
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Sees a White woman >Immediately starts pestering her >>56254601 GG, do you even get any decent for doing this one?
>>56254628 She did say at some point she could hear the earth scream during the nightmares, but I don't ever recall hearing her say she did outright and that scene of her saying that is v13.5 content, aka Jan covering his tracks to try and pretend his Tweests made sense in retrospect.
>>56254643 I can hear my irony and hypocrisy detectors exploding.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Quoted By:
>"Yeah dude definitely dont talk to Rosetta about any of this" About that, fuck you Garret I went to her before you
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
...im going to honest, I completely forgot for a minute the foxes are what he's talking about when he means "Free celia", the Flora ptsd got a hold of me there sorry Garrett, you're still a dumbass but Im not that much better
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
How and why does Gyarados learn Power Whip?>Captcha ngga
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Quoted By:
>He actually tried punching through a metal shudder with his bare fist
>>56254676 Water types are allowed to learn whatever they want, chud. Don't ask why lots of Grass types can't even learn Power Whip, that's not for you to know.
t. James Freak
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56254655 >I can hear my irony and hypocrisy detectors exploding. This line made me actually unironically angry. Not very but still goddamn I can't believe they'd write something like this when Sylvester's balls have shrunken and shriveled into raisins during the past few cases he's been in. How was it that immediately after nearly dying and wandering around town with barely-functioning stitches in the freezing rain in the earlygame he had more spine than he does here?
>>56254664 When discord trannies say Rejuv is a life-changing masterpiece, I think they're right on a technicality; it's so bad it permanently warps your perception of all other fangames after playing it if anything comes even remotely close to the myriad of plot beats Rejuv bounces around between.
>>56254676 >>56254683 How does this even work? Does Gyarados beat things to death with its whiskers? Why can't Dondozo or Whiscash for that matter?
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Quoted By:
Arent you a gym leader? You dont own any kind of space to house your group under already?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
>Team is built around abusing the gay accuracy cheat >Team has literally no cohesion and starts off using Trick Room despite being able to abuse it properly, said Trick Room lasts a very short amount of time for similarly strange reasons >Bitch gets beaten, immediately starts spamming full restore after full restore on her PULSE 2 tier bulk shit stains WOWE, THIS SURE IS FUN.
>>56254683 I am still seething to this day non-legendary Rock types can't have a 100% accurate move that doesn't suck.
>>56254692 Because that Sylvester was written by Michael, eventually Ekat aka Josie (his girlfriend) took the reins of the game and drove it into the ground, all signs point to her either being a mestizo spic or a Brazilian who also likely has jewish ancestry.
Obviously this is me speculating, but the signs are all there.
I have no fucking clue, maybe it's hitting things with it's tail? By that logic a fuckload of Pokemon should get access to the move.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>>56254692 This gif an anon made just keeps being proven accurate
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
why even invite me at all
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I won't lie, that final Dire Claw filled my heart with poisonous glee.
https://streamable.com/banlpe >>56254742 Kek.
>>56254751 Isnt Cyrus from gen4, meant to be 27? There does seem to be a slightly youthful outlook on when a person counts as old.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56254752 gg, that pause when honchcrow falls asleep says it all kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
uhhh b-based?
>>56254752 gg
Quoted By:
>>56254771 Is there a bulk sale on for kids?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
If I had a coin for every time a fish Pokemon makes kaizofaggots and reborntrannies seethe, I wouldn't necessarily be rich, but I would be able to afford a nice lunch.
>>56254768 Cyrus is 27 and I'm pretty Lusamine is nearly 50, it's weird.
>>56254770 >>56254771 Thanks bros.
>>56254780 OH NO.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56254780 this final section still makes me mad as hell
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56254742 Hello based department?
>>56254720 >King Philip "split into 30 babies" $0yjak IV is still somehow less of an ineffectual cuck than most of Rejuv's cast >Philip gets mindbroken by Oswald less than Jan mindbreaks Rejuv's players The anon that made that is a masterful memetic artist.
>>56254752 GG
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
I find it funny how libshits think women being completely unbearable bitches with no redeemable qualities means they're """"""""""""strong""""""""""""".
>>56254790 Likewise, and I don't expect it will get any more bearable in the future.
>>56254809 Thanks bro.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 135
https://streamable.com/u7fkra Lotad actually pulling even a tiny amount of weight was very unexpected kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56254842 gg, that lotad just wouldn't go down
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
I legitimately don't remember this fight kek
>Fissurespam >Both hit Of course, sasuga, Demice
>>56254859 Thanks, how it lived that long is a mystery kek
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Oh, I get it now.
>The Lafayettes weren't evil for trying to bring eternal summer, but rather because they turned Moltres into a Galarian (Britbong) one >>56254842 GG, did they change the time this fight happens in? I thought it was at
the school. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong.
Smeargle !lvIxjFlBBA
despite having some legendaries under my belt, it feels like rejuv's postgame is somehow still going to be reborn-length
>>56254244 if that's the good part i am very sad
is crescent just
"be patient i have autism"
>>56254246 it really isn't, the only way to counter trick room is either with some bullshit field effect, having ultra-slow pokemon, or out-trick rooming the trick roomer
all of those don't really mesh well with the typical fangame designer's penchant for high speed bosses
>>56254264 can
can i put her back
this game is a tonal nightmare, going from whatever the fuck happened with the eye and that broken world to futzing around in GDC when the fate of the world is at stake
>>56254628 not that i know of, unless it happens later in .karma files so jan can say she always had it and never realized like everyone else's powers in this fucking game
not gonna lie even the word "powers" is pissing me off it's such a nothing word
>>56254676 he's a big and long, he just whips his entire self at the enemy
>>56254692 >it's so bad it permanently warps your perception of all other fangames after playing it this game won't leave my brain and honestly that's not in a good way
i'm having to progress very very slowly just to not get completely exhausted here
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56254916 Save yourself Smearglebro before you can only Sketch into Struggle after playing Rejuv.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56254916 >is crescent just "be patient i have autism" yes and you WILL like it and then donate to jan's patreon
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
I don't like eloise, but after all of the fangames doing "oh my arceus" I can't help but laugh
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 136
https://streamable.com/46vamc Mediocre final boss desu, should've just moved the sequence of events to make the kaizofaggots the last boss RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56254909 Thanks, I'm pretty sure it's in the same place as it was when we played last time
>>56254916 Don't worry, it
doesn't get better, haha...
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56254944 gg. why can shiftry learn heat wave
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
And that's that
I probably won't go do sidequests, I did that last time kek
>>56254959 Thanks
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56254944 GG
Final thoughts on the game after a fresh replay?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>sylvester can hop up out of the well at the in-law mansion but mordecai can't kek, the frog can indeed jump
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
ArCHADludon with an item that enables you to spam charge moves in one turn is plain nasty.
>>56254916 She is literally an angry femcel who's mad the default MC choice in Aevis didn't dick her and had a girlfriend in the default female MC aka Aevia, I am not even kidding.
>The eye HOHO, oh boy, you are going to have a treat seeing the ending of paragon of karma files.
I suppose that's fair.
>>56254944 GG.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56254959 It's based on a tengu, which are wind demons, Heat Wave is treated as a wind move.
>>56254974 GG.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:
And here's the bros
CHADloom was Hawlucha's sub in because I needed not-Ice shard priority at some point and never bothered to swap back, I opted for Lilligant otherwise kek
Speaking of, that can DEFINITELY be put WAY earlier Demice, stop being a faggot. Fucking Dracovish is available before it, there's plenty of stronger shit available before it
Actually, I might go take a little visit to the dev room and free her while I'm thinking about it
>>56254984 >>56254995 >>56255002 Thanks
>Final thoughts on the game after a fresh replay? Not sure yet desu
I might go reference my older review and write down different opinions, probably not too much more than that though
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Quoted By:
Ah, she's got the heart of a true farmer/gardener.
>>56254916 there is a reason I pushed through and finished reborn yet abandoned rejuvenation (and even that after spending more time on it than it deserved)
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>Permanent TR + Grassy Terrain >Sporespam Great
Whiteouts: 137
https://streamable.com/ih2zzl Breloom was only a problem because it had a sash, otherwise CHADalugg would've swept his whole team
May as well fight the others while I'm here
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56254974 congratulations
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56255097 gg.
>those nicknames Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
In my restless dreams....I see that place....
>>56255097 I'm not surprised the fight is nothing but Spore spam T B H. GG, I imagine the others won't be as gay, or at least I hope.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Whiteouts: 145
https://streamable.com/0mlrrz First battle was ez, the second one though...haha...
The first battle is the one that Lilligant's locked behind, the second one gives fucking nothing kek, at least beating Demice made me fell better
>>56255095 >>56255102 >>56255105 >>56255114 >>56255134 Thanks
>I imagine the others won't be as gay lol
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>>56254916 >can i put her back Only on Renegade where she tells you to piss off can you not do the date
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
I just want to get past this mountain section and not even magikarp will stand in my way
Smeargle !lvIxjFlBBA
>>56254925 i'd rather be forced to Ceaseless Edge without the Sticky Web than play this, but alas
>>56254929 i obviously can't portray this via text but reading this just made me bury my face in my hands and sigh
>>56254954 i gathered that!
>>56254974 GG
from what ive been seeing, this so far seems a teensy bit rough around the edges and has some... questionable choices storywise here and there but
it looks cute, i hope the devs keep at it!
>>56254995 i could gather that from those journals, and of course she not only gets an extra win in terajuma but i'm sure everything will just be completely hunky dory with her
which means we have Yet Another member of our already bloated main cast!!
>eye i hope it's nice. i'm praying this eye stuff will at least be kind of interesting?
>>56255074 i'm so close to finishing, i may as well see through to the end
honestly, i am still shell-shocked by just how hard this game has completely and utterly dropped the ball
>>56255097 GG too!
i'll give him this at least having a team of mushroom mons under wacky conditions is more interesting than just legendaries or pokemon that i can only describe as being trans person-core
>>56255174 DAMNIT
>>56255183 you know I need to thank you, I was thinking about giving rejuvenation another shot but you may have dissuaded me
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Isnt everything being on fire incredibly dangerous for the town RIGHT FUCKING ABOVE US
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56255181 PoryGODS...
>>56255097 >>56255168 G fucking G. Not going to watch this to not spoil albeit, but I imagine it's retarded
>>56255183 >i'm praying this eye stuff will at least be kind of interesting It's arguably the worst part of this game's entire storytelling
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Quoted By:
>>56255168 gg, it's lame as hell neither of them had a truffles
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Looking for suggestions for a game to dive into lads Just did reborn. Desolation and Realidea are fun but a bit too fresh in my memories to play again just yet. I'm in the mood for more stuff like those (as in a fairly straightforward pokemon adventure but with a bit more difficulty and some story, edgy or not). I tried Opala but it didnt really grab my attention. Thinking of trying Insurgence again, its been long enough that I dont recall the details of it but I remember liking it in a B-movie kind of way.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
oh yeah I forgot you existed
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56255188 There's a pipeline you know.
>Know Rejuv exists >Try it, burn out >Years pass >Maybe I'll give it another try someday... >See anons here hating it >It can't be THAT bad, these guys just have a hate-on for it >Actually play Rejuv >It's actually that bad >Learn about all the shit surrounding development in the process >Become one of the anons warning people not to play it >>56255222 Are you looking for a good game or a trashfire?
Rebornlike or will anything do?
Tell us a bit more what you're looking for.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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Okay every other character so far has been fine in this regard, but Hardy is one of the last people I expect to be talking like this to me. We fought like, twice before he switched sides and had no conversations outside those fights. He declared himself to be my rival and, that's it. Scarlett technically did just as much but she's meant to be a friend of the MC from before the game even started so I can let it slide to some degree, Hardy is a literal who I wasnt joking when I said I forgot him
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56255168 GG, and I see my words once more backfire miserably.
>>56255181 GG and kek.
>>56255183 I'll be fair with you, she does some funny and based things occasionally albeit rarely and she's far less annoying than Erin at least.
>I hope I am sorry to say anon.....Rejuvenation will kill any hope you have left, no matter how optimistic you are.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56255222 The thing with Insurgence is that it's just pretty slow and just archaic in terms of design by today's standards. The story being also boring is just a side piece to the games issues
I know you said Opalo didn't grab you and Opalo having a boring beginning is definitely the worst part of the game but once you get past it it is really great. I know, the whole "it le gets good 10 hours in" meme but still.
Have you given Tectonic a shot? It does have the whole "rebalance every Pokemon in the game" thing but it's not as overwhelming as it appears. There's also Clover if you've not played, though you might be turned off for similar reasons
Just looking back on our tier lists and shit it's actually really funny how a lot of the games we've played aren't really "standard Pokemon adventure but harder". I guess it makes sense though since we find a lot of those (like Eon Guardians) pretty boring lol
Smeargle !lvIxjFlBBA
>>56255222 do NOT play rejuvenation!!!! i admittedly did enjoy it for a while but the later in the game i got the more exhausted i got
i'm at the end game and it is Painful trying to keep tabs on the plot threads and characters
>>56255188 i'm glad my antics are at least convincing One person to not play
unironically reborn is much better in that it's a timesink sure but at least it's funny edgy, it's like a shitty b-movie
>>56255195 sobbing. weeping. i need to stop hoping things will be good
>>56255245 i sort of enjoyed the mystery she had but, it feels like the entire main cast is just superpowered anime girls (and venam) at this point
still amazed at just how useless melia actually is
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56255222 unbound is pretty straightforward, eternal order is also kinda good, pokemon prism is fun if you don't mind gen 2 graphics
>>56255245 thanks
>>56255224 he really does feel like you could remove him from the game and not notice the difference
>>56255226 >Are you looking for a good game or a trashfire? >Rebornlike or will anything do? good game preferably, though it doesnt have to be perfect
rebornlike in the sense that its a lot of content and has a bunch of team building options for sure, edgy story I can take or leave
>>56255247 I'll keep opalo in my pocket, maybe I'll come back to it sometime. I'll check out tectonic though
>>56255260 I'm pretty sure I tried unbound and dropped it but I'll give it another look as well as those other two
thanks lads
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
Hardy's still as difficult as ever it seems
https://files.catbox.moe/qcrugp.mp4 >Tyranitar is still 2x weak to bug despite the rock typing I was honestly assuming it was just a disguised zoroark but I'll take that too
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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I forgot I've actually been getting mega stones already too, hopefully this means the megaz ring isnt too far off this time
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56255265 Opalo is basically the first thing that comes to mind for what you're after. It starts slow but if you're able to power through the first 5 hours or so it unfolds into a really good game overall. the story's kinda whiny at times, but it's leaps and bounds better than Reborn/Rejuv/most other fangames.
Africanvs is an interesting game as well with a lot going for it, but it's got some pretty big issues as well. If you're considering Insurgence I'd say it's still leagues better than that and thus worthy of consideration. It nails presentation better than most games do and I think it's worth playing for the spectacle alone.
While it's divergent from the normal gameplay formula, I'm also obligated to shill Super Pokemon Eevee Edition if you want a genuinely interesting story without too much edge. Its gameplay is very different than the core series, but I think it handles it very competently and as a result of it doing things differently, it has some of the best "single big guy" type bosses I've seen yet in a pokemon game.
If you're willing to delve into romhacks, give Clover a go. It's pretty much my personal gold standard for hard fangames in terms of just how well it implements its difficulty by giving you a deluge of options to deal with your problems, but because almost everything is viable it means the quality of the trainers you're fighting is filled with higher quality mons throughout the game.
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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>>56255193 Why bother, all the fire in this region is props anyway
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Her Pokemon take no damage >Deal a trillion in Return >Has a Volcarona with a focus sash and for some bizarre reason the rain either goes away when Volcarona enters the field or it's not affecting it's damage output at all N.I.G.G.E.R. tier design, as usual.
>>56255254 Jan is the stereotypical fatherless faggot nog, which is why almost every single male character in the cast is either a piece of shit, an abusive/absent father or a complete and utter failure of a human being like Ren, Jan only likes to think about men when it comes to his deranged bleached fantasies.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>56255272 gg, based scolipede user
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
I liked the game a decent bit more than last time, at least.
>Improved opinions I tolerated Demice's autism a good amount more this time, whether that's because I 'got gud' or because I've just gotten used to it, I don't know kek.
The sidequests were also better. When I wrote my review last time, I hadn't done all the actually notable ones in the mid-endgame yet kek.
>Worsened opinions The 'filler' cases were a good bit more annoying on the replay. I was very tempted at points to just hold x and look at the walkthrough.
The constant switching between Sylvester and Mordecai in the last few cases also really annoyed me this time. I think it'd be better to just do something like do Syl's side first, then do Mordecai's side when you're finished, because switching every 10 or so minutes at points (sometimes even faster) just kills the momentum for me t b h.
Everything else is just about the same, or not different enough to really talk about desu.
>>56255222 While not really typical pokemon experiences, Reminiscencia (I don't remmember if you've played this one) and Odyssey are pretty good, Eevee edition is very different, but still really good as well
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Hello based department?
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
I dont know how important she's going to be later, but I feel like Mana would work well as a Medea type of NPC with dialogue that changes constantly with the story despite being off to the side. Im going to be coming back here a lot anyway, so it'd be neat if I could regularly inform her of the current story events and hear her comments on them
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56255302 do you think you'll go through it all again when it fully releases or just start where you are?
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>>56255302 >Odyssey that reminds me that I've got two half completed EO runs I need to finish as well
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>gets so mad about an implied relationship with leo that he takes on the case based? idk that whole thing where it's either a big rumor or actually a thing is unnecessarily weird, and they make it worse with some of leo and sylvester's interactions
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
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Who the hell let you in here? Isn't this place run by Garret?
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>56255329 Probably, I imagine the next/final(?) version is still a long while out kek
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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I had a realization that I really don't like many of the characters in this game when I realized my favorite characters so far have been Truffles, Zapdos, Sean and Maisy so far.
>>56255353 She's the third boss trainer you fight. I strongly recommend beating her sooner than later. Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
This was extremely scuffed and dumb, nothing on her team takes any fucking damage, the RNG kept fucking me over and she just randomly decided to spam full restores half the fucking time, what a dogshit fight.
https://streamable.com/sypa5h >>56255328 She's kinda underbaked right now, as is the mansion, hopefully they will expand it a bit in the future.
>>56255353 I highly recommend doing a few battles in the ring before going to the archives and wiping that cute smirk off her face. You need to beat 5 regular trainers for boss ones to show up, you can reset to get whichever ones you want.
Smeargle !lvIxjFlBBA
>>56255289 i wouldn't go that far when describing him out of my own good nature but
thinking about it more yeah the male characters in this game are either complete failures or just do fucking nothing
or are gay, i guess
i don't get it, projecting shit like this into media you write is sort of like... wallowing in that misery in a way. i've got my own Junk, but most OCs i create are satisfied individuals with good familial relations
it's not that hard i don't think, and this is coming from an actual faggot who Also has spotty parental relations. why project that miserableness onto your little brain children??
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56255368 gg, that was down to the wire
can you guys give me the run down on tectonic?
>>56255368 What is this strat lil bro?
Could have just used Dragonite with Dragon Dance and Dual Wingbeat for the Volcarona to sweep her.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>56255397 pretty addicting to perfect trainers but it has next to no plot
Leonymous !!wgGLdYXkQ+8
>Another female with black hair and red eyes this is starting to get more than a little tiring
>>56255381 I'm going back and trying to think of likable male characters in rejuvenation myself and am coming up short
crawli is okay I guess?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56255368 GG, GL for Spacea and Tiempa's retarded kids
>>56255302 GG again. probably won't replay myself unless they change a lot in early game again
>>56255397 it's a standard 8 gym adventure but every pokemon in the game has been rebalanced heavily
however you gain a pokedex early on that lets you scan changes for every mon
there's a lot of stuff to say (boss pokemon that you fight 2v1 that have multiple HP bars, 6-0ing fights leads to special rewards, different and more streamlined form of EV training) but it's tough to condense it all into a single post and it's better to experience as you go I think
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Uh oh
>>56255381 Because assuming Rejuv isn't an intentional patreon shekel collection scheme at this point, it's probably Jan's coping mechanism for sorting everything that runs through his mind out, either knowingly or not.
>>56255368 GG
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56255419 >>56255381 Yeah, Crawli is okay. Florin also developed a personality this version and Talon despite being Zumi's pet zesty lustnigger is a decent male character
on the dad side I guess Keta is, fine, if you squint, as well. And Jenner is at least "not a complete tool" tier
the rest all fucking suck
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Oh cool, Clear Flute is a fantastic lategame item sidequest reward for dealing with problem wea-->Holy Inferno and Frozen Thunderstorm cannot be cleared by it What's even the point then?
Smeargle !lvIxjFlBBA
>>56255419 honestly... crawli feels like a traditional gym leader that missed a turn or ten and ended up in this shitshow
>>56255424 >it's probably Jan's coping mechanism for sorting everything that runs through his mind out, either knowingly or not. if it works it works i guess, unfortunately it can make writing Really crummy sometimes
>>56255428 >florin oh yeah, he's pretty alright, honestly
>talon oh yeah talon is one character i actually do quite enjoy, go figure a character who is just a decent fucking guy is all it takes for me to quite enjoy a character
>despite being Zumi's pet zesty lustnigger she is... certainly normal about talon and eizen. i dont't have anything to say regarding that because i know how it is to make an OC and get a little obsessed with them
>keta, jenner oh yeah, they're fine. honestly i did like the new jenner stuff they did in new terajuma. if melia wasn't the biggest mary sue ever i'd actually find some of her scenes with jenner legitimately nice
an uneasy attempt to reconcile after the whole team xen shit and it being cut short almost feels like actual mildly tragic writing that i wish we could see more of
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I feel like I'm the living embodiment of Murphy's Law.
https://streamable.com/76epp9 >>56255381 I am very mean spirited, critical and downright rude, I get that, but I started picking up on patterns over the years, especially in media, you can taste the bitterness against certain people, personal issues and boredom/lack of care seeping from Rejuvenation, it's not even hard to notice, Jan lacks an editor/judge, for both for his game and himself, he very much does things by the seat of his pants and it shows, I wouldn't mind or care about this if it weren't for him and his lackeys going out of their way to fuck with people who took one or two assets from Rejuvenation or just being very parasitic with their goytreon.
>>56255387 >>56255420 >>56255424 Thanks bros.
>>56255398 The devs in their infinite laziness put Dual Wingbeat in the game but let almost nothing actually learn it, Dragonite and Scyther being two of the more unfortunate victims.
>>56255417 That's Deso's main artist apparently.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56255428 Oh also Zetta is probably the only okay written villain in the game which says a lot
And Thomas Jr. even though there's not much to him gets a huge bump for the one scene where he makes Huey eat shit
>>56255434 you don't even fight on the fanfic weathers anymore as far as I remember kek
be really curious how this game does it's final battles actually, I wonder if they're just going to spoof an E4 using all the heads of the city's major families
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56255446 gg, can't believe moltres survived that initial hit
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56255444 I don't know if you've done the Goomink sidequest, but the fact that Crawli is quite literally the single fucking gym leader in the entire region doing his job at that point, and not running halfway across the world, dead, or incapacitated in some other way is really funny
We even know there's a reserve system and yet even the reserve leaders like Souta just decide to fuck off without telling anyone
>>56255446 GG. maybe take on Hart and leave the fags for when you have a cooler head desu, because let's be honest there's no way that doesn't go like complete shit
or just cheat in rayquaza or dialga or something kek
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I think Regileki only barely outspeeds Moltres with the +1 and level difference and if it didn't I don't know if this'd be doable with the minor legends I had rolled for Mord. Was this fight mandatory?
2nd try; 1st attempt ended with Moltres killing everyone after Regileki died.
>>56255444 >if it works it works i guess, unfortunately it can make writing Really crummy sometimes That's kind of the problem. Nobody on his shartcord has told him to either write his problems out to himself, talk to a therapist or close friend about his issues, or otherwise rein in the brainrot that's spiraled out of control throughout Rejuv's storied history of retcons, revamps and plot additions. Coupled with acting like a total diva on the reborn forums and shartcord when anything in Rejuv is criticized, I find it really hard to be sympathetic towards him. The guy's got issues, but instead of working them out in a productive manner, he just vomits them out to the public then shits his pants when criticized on the matter.
>>56255452 >you don't even fight on the fanfic weathers anymore as far as I remember kek Imagine going to all this trouble to code that awful lightning weather for literally all of one fight. As annoyed as I am about a few of its mechanics (hitting through protect is really stupid), it'd be a tremendous waste if it's never used again.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Holy fucking based.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56255444 >if melia wasn't the biggest mary sue ever i'd actually find some of her scenes with jenner legitimately nice in a way I dont even dislike melia, she gets plenty of cute scenes and doesn't personally do anything that pisses me off
I just greatly dislike the story that shes central to
>>56255502 I've said this before but rejuvenation needs a editor that could enforce some structure on it, but that'll never happen
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
ArCHADludon GODS, the moment the rain picked up in the forest, I knew it was his calling, I put him back together for this exact moment, and he DID NOT DISAPPOINT.
There's no fucking way they're making this bastard available before this fight on the final release, I honestly do not understand why certain Pokemon like H.Goodra were just eating +3 boosted hits like they were fucking candy, did D*m*ce put Unaware on that thing?
https://streamable.com/6hwipv >>56255465 Thanks bro.
Me neither, but it does feel like the opposing Pokemon are using some form of defense increase, I can't look up the code due to how it's handled and I know I have cried PULSE 2 for a very long while now, but there is definitely some shady shit going on.
>>56255466 Thanks bro, not this time, maybe next round.
>>56255502 GG,
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Oh also, sorry for the atrocious audio quality and stuttering, the AI was freaking the fuck out during that fight and lagging the shit out of my game, I never had it this bad before and I don't understand why it was this bad.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>Maisy sells out Syl by proxy Into the trash she goes. Man, I had high hopes for her being pragmatic yet still protective of her family even if Syl's a spineless retard.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56255502 GG. And no that's not mandatory
Not even really sure why the Holy Inferno isn't used in that battle either. I guess because at the end of the day there's really only one type of team that can be used for those kinds of weathers and Demice is out of ideas until next update where he can introduce more potential bullshit to the game
>>56255522 GG. ArCHADaludonGODs...
>I honestly do not understand why certain Pokemon like H.Goodra were just eating +3 boosted hits It's just omega bulky kek, it's got 150 spdef
I assume you weren't hitting it with super effective moves either
>>56255540 It's been a while but isn't the implication that Maisy sees Sylvester as an increasing liability and is only allying with the Lonardos to get him out of the picture before a gang war starts
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Boost up with Dragonite >Retard sends in Ditto >Panic >The retard put a Choice Scarf on his Ditto I felt my heart skip a beat out of sheer panic for half a second.
>>56255540 She is part Flores after all.
>>56255564 Thanks bro.
Yeah it is super bulky, but eating a +3 Dragon Pulse and not even taking half feels suspiciously strange.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56255522 gg, archludonGODS continue their conquest
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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I'd say imagine saying something like this to your kid, but sadly I've seen worse.
>>56255580 Thanks bro, fitting for the Dragon/Steel.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
GG but Goodra is one of the fattest SpDef walls this side of Blissey.
>>56255564 >I guess because at the end of the day there's really only one type of team that can be used for those kinds of weathers It goes back to what I was saying when we were talking about Reborn fields; the more overdesigned the field the harder it is to apply it broadly in interesting ways and the same applies with these comically overbloated weathers.
>>56255564 >It's been a while but isn't the implication that Maisy sees Sylvester as an increasing liability and is only allying with the Lonardos to get him out of the picture before a gang war starts I feel if that were the case she wouldn't be encouraging him undermining the Lonardos indirectly. Her message to him boiled more down to "don't get caught, retard" rather than "do not fuck with Lonardos ever" given she has Scottsbourough assisting him and acting as a tard wrangler for sections of the game after. Wanting the Lonardos undermined or removed but in a way that doesn't compromise her family's safety was what I interpreted her motive to be until this scene and now I just genuinely don't know what her angle is longterm unless she's planning on stabbing Lucile in the back here; she's more or less betrayed not only Syl but also seemingly the core values of the Lafayettes as well as figuratively spit on the Lafayettes who've already shed blood to protect their kin from the Lonardos in the past. If Syl was truly a liability to her, she wouldn't have bothered fishing him up out of the creek either.
I want to assume this scene is not to be taken at face value because it makes no damn sense with everything established so far if it is.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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I love the development of Sylvester trying to be a responsible parent, but this arc is so sudden and comes out of nowhere, not to mention the likelihood of the player being extremely frustrated by the awful kaizo shittery in the forest being exceptionally high.
>>56255597 Thanks bro and true enough, I'm just so used to rebornlikes making Goodra seem completely useless that I forgot it can be a genuinely really good tank.
Also regarding Maisy, it gets worse, you'll likely end this game utterly loathing this character.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>will read team stats and change who she switches in accordingly I'm getting tired of this cheating shit, but it will not stop the detective team
https://streamable.com/m3ztht Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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stopping there for the night
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>You can bully and threaten her in Luciano's flashback b-b-based This sequence is making me come around a little bit on Luciano. Not much given the sheer amount of softboyshit he was subjected to in the early to midgame, but if they started his characterization like this and eased him up slowly over the course of the game to who he is by the time he kicks the bucket, I think the game'd be way better off for it.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56255577 You'd be surprised
+3 Lvl 70 252 SpA Archaludon Dragon Pulse vs. Lvl 76 252 HP / 160 SpD Goodra-Hisui: 141-166 (50.5 - 59.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
I assume that's what Goodra's EVs look like, maybe +SpDef nature and more SpA EVs
>>56255597 >I feel if that were the case she wouldn't be encouraging him undermining the Lonardos indirectly Didn't they not bring up the fact that Sylvester violently assaults Hart? And Maisy would naturally freak out on hearing that and assume Sylvester is going rogue and out of control, as Hart is an important Lonardo associate?
Keep in mind I'm playing devils advocate I don't really care for the character either, but I think the reading is that she's seeing a naturally unstable man veer out of the course she tried to set for him and is starting to provoke a gang war that she doesn't want to send her family members to die in, but also doesn't want to stab him in the back for fear of her own reputation, which I think still fits the whole "she's ruthless and pragmatically defending her family"
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56255620 >Didn't they not bring up the fact that Sylvester violently assaults Hart? Maisy was at the party with Lucile while that was happening if evidenced by him calling Mordecai at that party before him kicking the shit out of Hart happened. Either she preempted disowning him before he assaulted Hart or she instantly knew it was him when rumors broke out about Hart being assaulted, before even the compromised police (and thus, Leo) got involved. I don't see it making sense either way.
It's a little hard to get a sense of time tables given the constantly jumping back and forth between Mord and Syl on Case 19, but I don't think her reactively responding to that in either scenario makes sense given the two possibilities we have.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56255630 That's fair, I wasn't sure of the timeline myself as I've still yet to replay to that part
They definitely should have tried to include a scene after Sylvester first talked with Maisy and before the sell out scene where Sylvester actually does do something that would warrant pissing her off. Though on the other hand I think she's also supposed to come off as villainous/hypocritical/etc. Kind of confusing messaging with that character
>>56255617 Imagine if they used scenes like this to establish Luciano and had it so that Luciano was the second MC instead of Mordecai (and developed a reasonable arc into a better man instead of a guy who literally talks in rainbows and le epic wink jokes)
Better timelines, man
>>56255620 it’s not like he beat hart in the middle of the street, he was justified
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56255610 GG and based.
I honestly fucking loathe the accuracy cheat, the worst part is that Demice in his infinite faggotry decided Holy Inferno needed to make Fire moves 100% accurate.
>>56255617 This section is pretty good, also depending on if you want to face a horrid kaizofight or not, fight the pirate fags in the flashback, otherwise you'll be in for a harrrrrrrrdy time matey!
>>56255620 I wished I could see the EV sheet and the rest, but that is some impressive bulk indeed.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56255641 No yeah he definitely was, but "Lafayette beats high ranking Lonardo affiliate to within an inch of his life" is going to sound terrible when reported and Hart was deliberately trying to make that happen
There's also the later shit that Syl does
when Roswell tricks him into investigating a bunch of Lonardo properties to make it specifically look like he's gone full apeshit and is hunting down Lonardos to enact Total Lonardo Death . They're trying to get him to have a mental breakdown or look like he's having one to get rid of him since killing him isn't allowed
>>56255610 Also GG, missed this. Beating the dumbass demice superboss is more important than lore talk kek
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56255640 >Luciano They could even keep the epic wink jokes as a thing he does just to amuse kids rather than something that happens for no good reason in otherwise heated or serious situations among adults. There's so many ways they could've handled this better and they entirely fumbled the ball.
>Kind of confusing messaging with that character I suspect this to be the case which is really ironic for le epic detective game where the writer's vision doesn't match the evidence of their motive and priorities given to the audience.
Again, I'm really holding out that she's just trying to bait Lucile into doing something really stupid and incriminating forcing Leo to act directly against her as police chief and she's not actually selling Syl out because her role in the story gets dumber the more I think about it if that's actually the case.
>>56255647 >Pirates How do you fight them in the flashbacks? At the docks they don't seem interested in fighting.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56255610 I missed it too. GG bro.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>Muh free health care I find it funny people still believe this lie in this day and age.
>>56255661 You need to bring Python along after hiring him.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Oh neat, schizo meltdown time.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>56255661 >and she's not actually selling Syl out Yeah h-haha. Hopefully such a thing wouldn't happen.
You just have to recruit Python from the agency then ask him to test his strength at the Docks, iirc
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Right, Mordekeikaku section, need two regionals or Paradoxes.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56255681 Galarian Weezing. Never know when ability neutralization will be necessary.
Also go for Iron Moth, it's been treating me well.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56255690 Already got G.Weezing, Iron Moth will be a great addition together with Sandwich.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56255695 Try Sandy Shocks then if you don't already have it.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>Armaldo is max speed despite making no goddamn sense just so that it always outspeeds Cacturne by 2 points This is going to be an autistic calcfest of a fight isn't it?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56255753 Nevermind I'm retarded, apparently Armaldo gets swift swim.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
This game can be very unintentionally based occasionally.
>>56255753 The fight sorta boils down to controlling the weather, pirate fags will try to keep rain up at all times.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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Calling it a night, hopefully I can get the game finished by tomorrow.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56255775 h-haha
So what does this change? Did this make the endgame harder?
while I'm digging through fangames to see what to play next, do any of you guys have reviews on Eternal Order for me? I apparently downloaded it forever ago but dont think I ever played it
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Did this change anything for later?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Back to reality and out of Luciano's flashback and a good stopping point for the night. There's a clear timejump of Hart getting airlifted back to mainland but that's after Maisy burns Syl, so the timetables still don't add up. That flashback sequence with Luciano is legitimately one of the best parts of the entire game for character development and seeing alternate sides of both himself and a lot of other characters.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
As usual I couldn't sleep at all.
>>56255805 Nah, it saves you from a massive headache later in the form of a shitty kaizo romp that used to straight up crash the game.
>>56255811 Bunken and another anon finished it, I only played up until the second gym because the game was riddled with softlocks and crashes, apparently those have been remedied, from what I recall Bunken said it was alright and the other anon made note of the absurd amount of issues the game has for bizarre reasons, like EV trainers being locked to only one use per day, same case for a bunch of niche and important features, difficulty is a fucking mess, story's all over the place, dev was an autistic moron (of course he's a Dragonairfag) who butchered the sprites of several Pokemon for no better reason than being an autistic moron, that as well as doing some strange type and stat changes to a few Pokemon like Aggron, I don't really know what to say about it from my short experience, I thought it seemed kinda boring but I am often too harsh with my judgement.
>>56255855 I don't think the fights with Lucile change anything besides giving you some unique items while you're playing as her, but I didn't really test that thoroughly and the guide for that section was kind of a mess when this version came out.
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>>56256073 >I thought it seemed kinda boring but I am often too harsh with my judgement. noted, think I'll give it a pass then, I have enough things on my to-do list gamewise that I'd rather not spend the time on something so so
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Fine, fine, back to the goddamn plot shit... Actually wait. Apparently they hypnotized Laura and made her write a resignation letter just so they could replace her with bug nerd. But wasn't she already crying about being replaced even before she got kidnapped? That was right before fighting Charlotte.
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fuck it, while I decide on a new long game to play (I'll probably give Opalo a second chance so far) I'll give this a quick run as I saw it has an update. Went for a Psychic gym, I'll crush rookie trainers and their unevolved pokemon with my Sigilyph
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
Shit, didn't get a screenshot at the graveyard. I actually thought Vicky would rush to greet you once you got back. She did try to chase you down a waterfall, after all, which I admit was nice. Ever since you get back though, it's like she's more or less an afterthought now. It's not that her dialogue was particularly good before, but now, whenever she's not ranting about muh kiki, she's just been throwing out cheesy animu one-liners.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Damn, that's a lot of updates lately. Looks like that Ashen Frost is a new version compared to last time too.
>>56256622 sadly victoria just kind of falls to the wayside after a while
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Shit, I forgot to say the modder forgot to replace Vicky's starter in one scene. This girl's got a point though. Why did all those nurses follow Siggy into joining the Noseors? There's still a bunch of generic kids in the orphanage, who didn't bother escaping along with the gym leaders. Did they all just starve in there, since that was even longer ago than Tit*nia in the water treatment plant.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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It's not the answer, it's the question. The answer is yes. She only knocks them out instead of killing them, but it's really depressing how everyone gets to hit these guys except for you.
>>56256635 kek, looks like she learned to teleport at least
Didn't realize so many abilities worked on these electric tiles, including Volt Absorb. That's a pretty nice touch
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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Here's a better plan! She could use her Urshifu to hold the exit part open, recall Emboar, stand right outside the exit, then recall Urshifu. That way, we never get split up!
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
srsly it sounds like a recipe for disaster if these troons are in charge of making plans in the real world. I suspect writing/plot shit would turn out better if you start by thinking about what characters would do, and go from there. Instead, it's the troon way to put the narrative above everything else, and shoehorn everything to fit in there. Like this part, everything's just about "lel wouldn't it be cool if everyone had to fight their friends lel" Because you can see the trap tile right here. And people are even able to stack their teams with Ground mons or the many abilities that negate this damage. But to progress with the plot, you need to step right onto it. It's probably even more insulting than just standing around while everyone tries to kill/steal from you.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56256720 they could've just made it not visible, maybe shoot up some sleep powder or launch a tranq dart, they made a weird choice for sure
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
I might not mind so much though. It's been a while since you fight Vicky. Shit, it's what, 9 badges. Goddamn, that's no way to treat a rival. I know it's just the AI, but it does feel like a nice touch that she didn't learn much after her teacher died. That's a lot of Sucker Fail letting you switch freely. Come to think of it, I think she's the one with Sucker Punch on the most mons. I think it's 3 or 4 of them in one team, all trying the same thing.
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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This nigga forgot the oh no no no part
Forgot to take a screenshot, but goddamn, those puzzles are annoying. They're not even rocket science, but you need to keep changing those rotating things over and over, holy fuck
>>56256739 I think they even say that's how they got Ame and Adrienn lol, but for you, you actually have to walk into shit you can see
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Grim Darkwoodbros...looks like we've got a competitor going to see if i can try and finish today
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
Forgot to take screenshots, other than the WHOOPS I wasn't supposed to switch to Jolteon part. That, and he looks a lot gayer than I thought he would, but that's par for the course now, sadly. The fight was smooth, but of course not as memorable as Vicky's. Hell, I'll probably forget this nigga was here again. Feels kinda like he was also shoehorned in. Maybe not as much as Ace, but then, who is
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>>>doesn't even have an edgymon for an ace marshadow is cute, not edgy
>>56256749 they probably could have tried to shove in a victoria fight right before you leave for agate, yeah, desu
would have definitely been a bit contrived, but still
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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too bad they elongated this joke more than it needed to
>>56256793 kek, i still remember the times people thought he was going to be the champion because otherwise he had literally nothing to do in the plot and he appears outside the 'nightclub where you only get in if you clear the league'
and then he ended up not being the champion and not having anything to do in the plot
funny how that works
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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really not a fan of how 'interesting potential backstory for characters' is treated like an epic joke because apparently the guy is le edgy or whatever
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
the actual answer to this riddle is "my tax dollars" and the "other people" is the state of israel
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
That's based of Lin, calling a troon an it. Feels like Adrien just takes over as self-insert though, so really, why bother
Also hooooly fuck puzzles
>>56256795 Damn, I don't remember triple battles, looks nice
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Sorry schizosword, I have to disagree with you there
Obviously I'm the true heir to the throne and will unite the entire world under my banner and then I will finally use my divine right as Emperor to rid this world of foul t*rrains...
>>56256852 Well...... lets's just say...... my penits
>>56256859 Don't worry, Xdrixnn inherits Xme's uselessness and doesn't do a single useful thing for the rest of the game
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Whiteouts: 131
https://streamable.com/mfz4fd just lost once because got kiked by kartana
it's so weird that they only allow you to have hydreigon in this game, after you've gotten dragonite and salamence who are definitely way stronger pseudos kek
>>56256859 the funny thing is that ame has said he hates self-inserts kek, which is why he also killed the troon off here
but xdriexx is fine, apparently
>>56256868 >my first order as king is to have every lycanroc in the kingdom assembled at the central capital and then run outwards while spamming splintered stormshards Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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I dunno nigga, did you really come here to destroy the whole region, probably the whole fucking world, and Great Replace it with a new one?
srsly these two niglets sound like they're on board with it and are just whining that Zero is holding them back or something. All the way until the end.
Also, this is for all those goddamn puzzles. I bet little miss future scientist worked on those too.
>>56256868 kek, so that's what eternal order was, I was having trouble remembering
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
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They had those seeds to boost the damage of Espeon and Glaceon, but just sacrificed them to set up shit that went nowhere. That was probably easier than Arclight, maybe not Vicky. What a goddamn disgrace. Literally a bunch of niggers with their pibbles. And so we smite them in the name of Eeveelutions everywhere.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
-be a nigger.
>>56256900 Damn, I really don't remember those parts, are they from a new update? gj though
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>a bulldyke cunt lesbian is trying to corrupt children peculiar messaging from this game
Adolf Eeveefag !!0c0m/Re0Ci8
All the spoilers just make me sad that they're coming back at all. I'm not sure how much those two really add, or if it's just another shoehorning. Also, I forgot Vicky was getting electroraped the whole time kek
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
fuck off
>>56256900 I forgot that Lycanroc day is actually a rock/normal in empire for whatever reason
Faggotsbane, descendant of Faggotsbane, has joined your party!
>>56256982 she's built for ryona
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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uh oh progressivexixters...are we implying there are cops that can actually quietly pacify rioters and make them not burn down cities? i-i thought ACAB? weren't we supposed to defund the poleece?
>>56256965 it's just from a lategame sidequest, dunno if it was only added in the case 20 update or not
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56256991 kek
this is just for an optional item for the secret quest mon of the episode, solstwins, who's fire/ice anyway
don't worry, there's FAR shittier puzzles coming. i'm surprised you didn't comment on the stealthnigger strength section
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>>56257002 Solstwins was in the ice rank cave that the first leader drags you into, I got that already
This is the mines, I'm just doing my gymbadge-ly delve to see what's new down there while I'm in Polaris
>i'm surprised you didn't comment on the stealthnigger strength section That one was a bit of a pain in the ass but after getting to the first maybe 3 buildings or so I said fuck it and just started walking through walls to get back to where I was whenever I went back to my previous save, and then eventually just outright ignored the whole thing when the last house was hidden in the bottom corner
My favorite part about that one was that I had to figure out that the str*ngth boulders block the NPC's sightlines by myself, such a fun thing to waste time on
This seems like the best place to ask since you did Reborn before, but I'm looking for an old post with a daffy duck reaction in explaining how awful Reborn was. Internet has memory-holed it for me sadly
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
i probably should have recorded here, but don't want to record literally everything, just anything of note
magcargo fucked up the ninetales, flamethrower'd cacturne, then GODloom went to work on the rest of his team kek. his crobat always goes for nasty plot turn 1 so i could spore and rock slide it to death. his houndstone got the full 3 full restores treatment while i slowly spored and seed bombed it to death
the sucker punch AI is really fucking annoying desu, the input reading is actually fucking absurd
>flamethrower cacturne to its sash >attacking again makes it sucker punch >swapping makes it always go for trailblaze >>>>aqua jet (which goes before sucker and would make it fail, but doesn't even do damage because of water absorb) makes it use energy ball if you just have to resort to input reading to make your le pokemon game hard you should never work on anything ever again
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>>56257027 ah, my bad, the tilesets looked similar
sadly i don't think the gym badge gated mines ever have really anything of worth beyond the explorershit early on
>>56257049 Thought it would be this one, but no Daffy pic, unfortunately
https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/54639043/ Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56257049 isn't this one?
the ironic part is that rejuvenation does in fact do all of these things and is probably even worse about them
>>56257128 lmao that aged so poorly
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>>56257076 there was an excadrill who fucked off as soon as I talked to it with a message that it went deeper, as well as a few more polaris salts and such in case I wanted another shell bell
Some of the lower levels have new pokemon encounters but mostly it's just evolutions of stuff that was available up above
Most of it isn't worth the 750 in train tickets though
>>56257122 >scrolling through >image that says Electrorape was based on a real person ??
I don't believe that
>>56257128 >Does it have a Medicham get explicitly killed by throwing it into lava? coolantchads... we won this one
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Yugioh saturday again. Updates will probably be light this evening, but I suspect I'm nearing the end.
>>56257128 This probably was more true when it was posted and more or less stands as a monument to how badly Rejuv has fallen with each overhaul.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56257141 he's not exactly wrong with most of the shit kek
>rejuvenation as the game of comparison though the medicham bit is pretty funny, especially when jenner and his klinklang are 100% dead
>>56257150 yeah, the excadrill isn't available yet sadly. too strong chud, preas understandu
>>image that says Electrorape was based on a real person he is, but remember the game is based on a LARP. he just LARPed as being an orphanage owner who electrocuted the people who played noel and anna, and then got arrested
it's pretty funny people thought there was no LARP and people were actually 42%ing themselves or joining an online pokemon league with their foster parents
Smeargle !lLXH.Vq.EQ
i will likely be continuing (and maybe finishing) the game today, i won't entirely be yapping don't worry!!
after all i have a retardy to catch later today
>>56255446 rejuvenation is odd. it felt like it had some heart to it around the first chapters, but over time the vibes just got worse and worse. it feels like a parody but without the initial love for something that can make a parody good. the visual polish is there, but it feels more like a polished turd
lategame rejuvenation just feels... cynical?
>Jan lacks an editor/judge, for both for his game and himself no kidding, with the amount of plot threads and things added on even at the fucking endgame it's clear he's got no one to say "hold the fucking phone". i see tinges of where this could be good if it wasn't for the... y'know, everything else going on
>>56255466 oh yeah i did that quest!! i like seeing gym leaders actually participate in the story, but the sheer amount of gym leaders MIA is comical to me
>>56255502 yeah... there are better ways to handle baggage like that. otherwise you just get this shitshow of a fangame
>>56255512 that... yeah
if she wasn't made out to be the most important person ever all the time she'd be a fun character that'd fit the role of a friendly rival perfectly
a lot of rejuvenation's characters really feel like they'd shine a lot better in something that isn't rejuvenation, where they aren't just forced to contend with one of the worst narratives ever
>>56256982 the whole ZEL situation felt waaaay too wrapped up in a neat little bow for me, honestly
>>56257128 this
this post feels like it's a little poorly aged, just a little
kind of nuts just how hard rejuvenation has dropped the ball. it's not even funny bad, it's just... bad bad
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>56257159 good luck bro.
>but I suspect I'm nearing the end. yeah, the luciano stuff is about half of case 20
there is still a bunch of sidequesting left, if you're at all interested enough to do it
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>>56257128 the thing is reborn manages to be fun overall despite all that
rejuvenation doesnt
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
I didn't realize there were cars back then
>>56257177 >too strong chud, preas understandu Same story with Ghastly, Zubat(??????) and Gliscor along with a few others that are marked as unavailable in the online PBS and don't appear in the encounters list. Granted, they could be static encounters/events but I kind of don't believe that they are
According to the Empire d*cksore Zubat is available as of version 11 or something but nobody actually mentioned WHERE that is
>the game is based on a LARP I never knew that, you're telling me right now for the first time
That explains a lot about the story, in retrospect
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>>56257178 >rejuvenation is odd. it felt like it had some heart to it around the first chapters, but over time the vibes just got worse and worse. yeah, it was a pretty simple story early on with straightforward characters and it was all the better for it. I didnt mind it up until the bit where you get sent to another dimension mansion, but I was willing to chalk that up to just a weird side trip, then you go to prison island and its all downhill
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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this could've been so much more annoying
whiteouts: 136
i was expecting to have to do something insanely fucked to stop the mimikyu from using trick room while also preventing indeedee from raping me with expanding DONG but aerodactyl just got lucky with rock slide flinch on the mimikyu kek. then the quizshit gave aerodactyl a huge boost and from there, gg
i LOVE rock slide bros it's the BEST move ever
>>56257178 i think rejuv's plot up until the volcano admins is fine, obviously the whole melia death fakeout is really heavy handed, and there's a lot of dumb moments, and the whole schizo manor sequence is pretty retarded, but it feels like it's setting up something
then act 2 is just where the game goes off the rails and turns into half sony moviegame/half quirky undertale earthbound project with no real focus half the time and abhorrent gameplay sequences where nothing happens or you spend time with the most annoying fucking faggots
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>the faggot in front of a lugia statue was not in fact the janitor, but this completely different old guy in front of a lugia statue kek well, i'm a retard
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
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>catch myself a Smeargle >time to sketc- >Smeargle has an actual learnset and doesn't ever get Sketch SmearGODS.....
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
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>Jesus is actually canonical to Empire's storyline An interesting decision, to be sure
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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You literally have Vile in your name, how did nobody figure you out again?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
ez first try, for some reason the basculegion didn't decide to go apeshit with last respects and only used it the turn it was going to die kek
>>56257227 you're better off using the actual game's PBS when you need to find out something like that, the online PBS has a ton of errors
zubat is in 'flegetont fissure' as a wild encounter it seems
gastly and gliscor though...? bro you want the smogon OU mon for 7 generations and the poison heal wall? WAY too early chud.
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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Oh right, nobody went back to clean his body Really though Saphira or Charlotte would have come burn the rest of it by now
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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this is a cute scene cheesy, and i hope the renegade MC accidentally misfires an end of night cast halfway across the world to hit eloise and her bitch girlfriend, but it is cute
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
>>56257299 >Zubat is in Flegetont Fissure ...oops, I forgot it actually was in the encounters, though I don't know where in the wild world of sports that's supposed to be
I've been using the online PBS for sorting and ability/move explanations, I've got all the PBS notes open but the online one is more convenient because it also (though somewhat unreliably as you mentioned) shows where you get them as well as what episode
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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I have a message for you Do not give up on killing Venam
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>PoV: you're at the DNC head meeting eating a live orphan child with all the other jewish heads of state and discussing how to tackle domestic policy >>56257318 don't worry, you'll see, it's an area you can only get to in e11 anyway
>>56257324 haha...
good luck for the E4 niggery
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>>56257341 Thankfully I think I have a plan, Miraidon, Regileki and Mecha Delibird could hopefully delete things fast enough if the E4 guys focus on Flora
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>guy breaks up with his girlfriend >immediately tries to hook up with a nigger yes goy! everybody is bisexual! (unless you're gay in which case you will never ever be attracted to the opposite sex
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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Your team is called Bladestar do you think you can judge Maiden of the Wind?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>WOAH MY GUY is that AQUATIC AMBIENCE?? Turn that shit WAY THE FUCK UP my guy! Isn't it amazing how like, this music is so CALMING and AMBIENTCORE, but the game itself is DEPRESSING and BLEAK?? That's so heckin GENIUS! EASILY one of the defining fangames of the last few HALCYON DAYS of Trump-era society
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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You did nothing that whole fight
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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I changed it and even then you get the same benefits from also using grass mons
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
I really forgot how annoying she was Next time I play Rejuv I am going to make sure I go the path she dies, oh wait they changed that didn't they?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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christmas cake bros....
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>>56257415 >she lead with the Rotom and it overwrote my eletric field I am going to strangle her
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>>56257128 That is it. I know there was one with the full thread that full breaks down more of what this guy was talking about the full go into detail how bad it was.
This should be good enough. I remember trying it around that period and fucking loathing it.
John VPPoster !znRW0dg4nE
Yakub... what did they do to you...
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>>56257456 kek
i'll bake new bread
President Ose !!dPKMDSRM24z
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>She says wow bug and fire types and you still lost >I defeated every single mon he threw except one, a genesect that was there from turn one she only defeated after I defeated everything else I really wish desolation's dialogue that changes depending on the battle thing was here too
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
Quoted By:
>>56257491 BUST THE CRUST
>>56257491 BREAK THE BREAD
>>56257491 CUT THE CAKE