>>56285860It's not production time, as in coding the buildings, events, landscapes, etc. same as writing a script, casting roles, hiring assistants, etc isn't considered "shooting a film" but "preparing to shot a film". It's pre-production time, they haven't a byte of actual game code written before year one finishes and they've confirmed that themselves.
And no, it's a rehash, because it's literally rehashing the story of BW to acty as a "new" game, just as Crystal, Emrald, Platinum and Ultra Sun/Moon rehashed the stories of the new Gen entries they appeared after. Sorry daddy Game Freak were pulling hail marys to try and make the rehashes worth a fuck in the 2010's, but seeing as they outright presented it with rehashes, in the Direct announcing the end of rehashes with DLC acting as its replacement, it's nothing but a rehash. I'll screenshot this though, send it to them and tell them the marketing is still effective.