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No.56286007 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>What is this thread
A thread for chronologizing and discussing a joint pokemon playthrough
>What kind of a joint playthrough
Any anon who joins can play through the game as normal, however, after clearing each even numbered gym, they must battle another anon who has also beaten that same gym.
If you win you get to take one of your opponent’s pokemon (Barring starters) or if you’re feeling kind you could simply trade (they might return the favor one day)
>Any other rules
Light level caps for each gym, essentially only levels you would reach through dedicated super speed grinding
Approximately starting at level 20 for gym 1, adding 5-10 per gym
>Can we add more rules
More rules can be discussed since it’s a bit barebones now
>How do I join
Sadly the best way to get a solid count of participants, set up partners for battles is through d*scord. Yes have your tantrum somewhere else.
>Current game
Keeping it simple with Kantoooooo FRLG

Other than that we will be posting the majority of our playthroughs here