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No.56287332 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Gen 3 and 4 are the best ones, prove me wrong

>last regions to be based on Japan, and in particular on the two most extreme parts of the country
>variety of landscapes
>non linear maps
>perfect integration with old gens, thanks to remake you can capture pokemons in their original region and send them to the latest game
>non linear maps, lots of exploration and dungeons
>third games that perfected and polished the previous games offering a different story
>battle frontier (never seen again)
>cute female rivals that were massively into you
>best champion of the entire games (mommy Cynthia)
>some of the best and most iconic soundtracks (route 111, Jubilife city)
>best remakes ever made, with HGSS probably being the single best game of the series
>didn't pander to nostalgia-filled manchildren