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No.56299520 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have won guys, for the first time in my life, I beat a nuzlocke on Pokemon Platinum and I am so happy.

So first of all, during the battle with the elite fours, all of my pokemon survived and while Flint and Lucian where harder than Aaron and Bertha, I beat them all the the end.

Avian the Staraptor took out Aaron's Yanmega, Heracross and Lucian's Gallade. Pablo the Hippowdon took out Flints Rapidash, Magmortar, Flareon, Infernape and Lucian's Espeon. Jenny the Toxicroak took out Aaron's Drapion and Flints Houndoor. Rapunzel the Tangrowth took out Bertha's Whiscash, Golem, Rhyperior, Hippowdon and Lucian's Alakazam. Blaise the Magmortar took out Aaron's Scizor, Vespiquen and Lucian's Bronzong. And FrostBite the Weavile took out Bertha's Gliscor and Lucian's Mr Mime.