>After Wilde left the court, a warrant for his arrest was applied for on charges of sodomy and gross indecency
>The Trials of Oscar Wilde, which includes an original transcript of the libel trial (which came to light in 2000), suggests that he took advantage of teenagers.[168] Antony Edmonds feels that Wilde would have faced prosecution today: "For example, he certainly paid for sex with youths under the age of 18 which is a criminal offense. But even if his activities had led only to exposure and not to arrest, he would have been savagely pilloried in the media. Wilde was 39 when he seduced Alphonse Conway, and Conway was an inexperienced boy of 16"
>He spent his last three years impoverished and in exile.
Damn, this is what Braixenfag idolizes?? a cross-dresser pedo?
no wonder Braixen is his favorite pokemon kekekekekeke
>inb4 warning for off-topic after getting btfo