>>56318470>>56318505Honestly with what's left should've just cut both entire gens. What you left isn't worth salvaging if that's all.
>>56318702I'm with you, but why Shiinotic? I love mushroom mons, it reminds me Earthbound, I don't think it's so bad.
>>56319066100% agreed, people that would cut the likes of Primeape, Magneton, Jiggly, Dugtrio, are soulless. Always hated Mr. Mime from the very beginning.
>>56319079cut the bug bros but gave Minun and Plusle a pass? I get they're shitmons, but Volbeat and Illumise are cool bugs. I'd keep all of Gen 3 but if I cut anything it'd be Clampearl and it's evos. Mostly because they're shit and im pretty sure no one has ever used them, in any game. At least the bugs aren't locked behind a trade evo item in the postgame.
>>56319090>cutting Bidoof >cutting Stunkykys soulless fag.
>>56319450shit taste