>>56384091A strict and critical uncle that looks much older than he actually is, but still cares a lot and is the one of the most dependable people in your life. Thin, almost scrawny.
>>56384097A sweet and loving uncle that tends to spoil and stand up for you. Big on physical contact — hugs, kisses, playful teases, etc. Has a bit of a trouble with infantilisation towards you. Great listener. Heavy and soft build. Extra fluffy and warm.
>>56384711Tends to wear posh clothes in eccentric colors with many accessories. Takes great care of his hair. No one really knows what's going on in his head. His appearance trends to sour the mood for most at family gatherings, since he lacks the filter. Shows his affection to you mostly with random but interesting gifts. Knows a lot of out there stuff — probably taught you a lot of inappropriate stuff. He enjoys a good and honest conversation and gives great advice. Has a self-made dick pump that he lets you use.