No need for big ugabunga bimbo tits in a childrens cartoon unless we are going back to the 90s with explosions and extreme sports everywhere.
Anime should have had Miette as Ash's companion and game protagonists in the background doing their thing.
Ash and co could have shown off that Dianthia is actually doing something to stop Team Flare instead of being useless.
Maybe have Ash and Miette hired to protect Bonnie on an accompanied contest journey as his test to get a keystone/megastone.
The game events of X would play out and we get episodes of Calem and Sahuna working to take down Xersoc in order to save kids who were kidnapped (nice stranger danger lessons etc.)
Serena shown as the depressed lonely French girl (eternally waifuable) from her game counterpart that takes interest in Hoenns contest circuit and applies to a research project in Hoenn to advertise the ORAS game plot.
Cue we get Brendan to appear and give us the over the top ACTION HERO XY wanted to flash in our faces but lacked the setting for.