>>56406729>Plenty.laughable for the richest franchise in the world
>Don't fix what ain't brokenthey clearly were broken hence them erasing 1/3 of all Pokemon to allegedly fix them
>It's fine, nobody plays Pokemon for AAA graphics.IF they want to charge AAA prices, I demands AAA graphics
>Still looks better than every other game in the series.no it doesn't
>Again, don't fix what ain't broke.>That's a good thing.>>Crying about female characters>LmaoHe wasn't crying about females, he was pointing out that the ability to play dress up doesn't make up for SwSh's flaws
>Autism,Not an argument
>most shinies suck anyway,If shines are so bad, erase them to make room for the Pokemon
>AUTISMnot an argument
>>Crashes>Fixed,should have never been a problem, and punishes people who bought the game early
>unlike SV.this isn't about SV
>>Story>It's fine, nobody wants chuuni garbage.It's garbage and I like Chunni kino
>Ladders>Nitpick.its called having standards
>Balances the game.no, it punishes players for exploring
>>30FPS>Not a problem unless your name is TotalBiscuit.yes it is
>Autismnot an argument .
>>EXP share>Makes the game bettermakes it babyish .
>>No GTS>Not a big deal.huge deal, trading one of the cornerstones of the franchise
>Yes, popular Pokemon get used over unpopular ones like Stantler or Patrat.CHARIZARD is an overrated giraffe necked beer belly chump
>>1-shot Dynamax>And?its babyish and easy
>>Currydex>Cool and fun additionThis is Pokemon, not Cooking Mama, and most of the curries look gross and stupid
>>Gimmick>See above.Gimmick sucks and is broken
>>Moves and mons removed>You were never going to use them all.yes i was
>>Animations>They're goodno they aren't
>I'm glad we agree, it is. The best in the series in fact.It's objectively the worst