>>56417233>laughable for the richest franchise in the worldNot at all. Who the fuck spends more than 20 hours on one game?
>they clearly were broken hence them erasing 1/3 of all Pokemon to allegedly fix themNah, that was so the dev team didn't have to waste time and effort programming almost 1000 scrimblomons that nobody liked anyway. Crunch is bad and removing unpopular shits like Patrat helps avoid crunch.
>IF they want to charge AAA prices, I demands AAA graphicsThen play another series. Pokemon clearly isn't for you.
>no it doesn'tName a better looking one.
>He wasn't crying about females, he was pointing out that the ability to play dress up doesn't make up for SwSh's flawsThe only flaws it has are not cutting more shitmons, like the entire Unova 'dex.
>Not an argumentYes it is. If you care about something as inconsequential as models not lining up with arbitrary numbers in oft-retconned pokedex entries you are too autistic to be taken seriously.
>If shines are so bad, erase them to make room for the PokemonThey should have erased them, or just made it an optional toggle.
>should have never been a problem, and punishes people who bought the game earlyGames will never be free of glitches, but at least now we can fix them post-release. There's no patches for pre-online era games.
>this isn't about SVSV is a Pokemon game of considerably worse quality, it is absolutely relevant to compare to the cream of the franchise.
>It's garbage and I like Chunni kinoYou have bad taste.
>its called having standardsNo it isn't.
>no, it punishes players for exploringHow does it punish them? You can still earn EXP from them, you just can't catch overlevelled 'mons.
>yes it isIt's a menu game. FPS doesn't matter.
>makes it babyish .Kid's game.
>huge deal, trading one of the cornerstones of the franchiseShould be majorly de-emphasized. GF should nix trade evos.
>CHARIZARD is an overrated giraffe necked beer belly chumpSeethe your favourite isn't popular.