Come one come all, it's time for CRINGEKINO
>What is this? This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.
This game is Unbreakable Ties. It's a Spanish game that got a recent English translation. Not sure what it's about, but there's Lati twins on the cover.
>How do I join? Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.
>Archive >Fangame Bingo Card Generator >Download Link
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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just got busy right as i sat down to make this bread, so i'll have to start in a bit might as well generate a bingo card for this one
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Rolled Electric/Dragon
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Alright, let's...uh...hope this one's a bit better kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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nevermind i lied, i can start now>voice acting kek, can't wait for rejuv to add this she qt
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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NTR pokefucker% world record ACHIEVED
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
bro is the entire game voice acted? there's no fucking way kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Speedup fucks with the intro a bit kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>56433666 Wrong image kek
>>56433662 Just the intro it seems
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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yeah okay lol, didn't think so there was more emphasis on pokemon in that three minute intro then there was in all 200 hours of rejuvenation
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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the use of the camera shifting in these cutscenes is pretty cool kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
what......? why would you interject a pokemon name randomly into a virus like that
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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...well, it's not as good as elena's work, but it's okay for what it is
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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let's see if the latis are used for more interesting things in this game rather than 'we'll have them blow up a dam and flood a region'
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Why are the trash cans so big kek
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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it's kamalover
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Goddamn checking a bingo mark already huh?
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
the real reason to play spanish fangames d.esu
>>56433708 haha..
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>tfw no based retard qt teacher with huge tetas in any of my classes back in school why live?
>>56433711 this seems to crop up more often with spanish fangames, as well...
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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And another one.
>>56433721 >this seems to crop up more often with spanish fangames, as well... S-surely the vaporeonposting was ironic h-haha.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
bruh, that's actual fucking horseshit the only one i wasn't sure on was the 'base attack' and feraligatr evo level questions anyway, it's a neat way to guarantee good IVs on a starter
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>She gets a Blazichuck Hm..
>>56433714 Indeed...
>>56433735 kek, I assume you can't actually get a 10 because fuck you I guess, I'm pretty sure I got at least 8/10 right too
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>>>>> I'm going to fall behind fast. Speedup hurts my eyes right now so I'm a slowkek for the time being.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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It's so fucking over
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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kawaiiiiiii desu ne
>>56433742 ah, fair kek
i probably just missed those 2 and then the game deducts 2 from your overall score
>>56433753 it's fine, i'm a slowfag too
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Protagonists are confirmed to be at least of drinking age. Hopefully.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
man this game's presentation is really good so far
even the portraits which aren't great are still pretty okay, and are dynamic enough to be interesting
>>56433772 spain's drinking age is 18, i think, so could be that
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
i WILL NOT use the shilldog i hope the game doesn't force you to use it or something kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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kek I was joking with the sors comparison
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
AAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEE NOT THE TALKING MC it might be like empire's 'talking mc' albeit
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>56433785 It's not looking good for us...
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I wonder (((why)))?
>>56433799 kek
>>56433778 >spain's drinking age is 18, i think, so could be that Likely, but that's still a pretty impressive alcoholism% speedrun.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
it's over
actually do need to stop for a bit
>>56433808 to be fair, sounds better than the situation in irl muttmerica where the youth care about becoming streamers and epic youtube stars
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>56433830 haha...
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>>>>>>>>It moans This is our designated rare candy dispenser
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Difficultytrannies, your response?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
What the fuck?
>>56433830 >to be fair, sounds better than the situation in irl muttmerica where the youth care about becoming streamers and epic youtube stars For sure, but that's also an extremely low bar to pass.
>>56433860 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S-SURELY IT'S ALL AN IRONIC JOKE RIGHT???
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Bros I knew my eyesight had problems and the optometrist jewed me the first time, but I don't think this prescription is working.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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One unspeakable act later...
>>56433871 >>56433879 kek, looks like it's not animating the spritesheets for some reason
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
the guy narrating the region sounds like jetstream sam or luis from re4 original
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>armstrong family don't fuck with this conquistador
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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New lenses are working great. This has been beyond immersive bros.
>>56433906 You deny your shilldog its purpose!
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>dbz teleport noises is this from spain or mexico
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Trash canGODS...
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
And that's the third mon competing for my first thunderstone Dragonkeks...where's our mons?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>the starter I get instead of a nice gen 3 one is the fucking shilldog can't even give me a fighting type move for it, I'd take anything even arm thrust
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56434031 It learns Rock Smash in its levelup pool early on.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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I thought the two trash cans having beer cans were a joke, rip eda's liver
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
let's see if i can make progress
>>56434012 haha..
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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one beer last night and I'm seeing double
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Smogonpedos... we won.
>>56434059 Hopefully you don't have to catch 8 of them before you get a Huge Power one like I did.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
kek, don't let the unova vs kalos genwarring autists see this whatever, it's not like many of the games we play aren't extremely linear
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Glowniggers? Already?
>>56434092 At least they threw green confetti all over the map to give you stuff to do on the theme park tour.
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i don't know if i'm more confused on the hair or the sunglasses
>>56434089 kek
>before you get a Huge Power one like I did. haha...
first one i was expecting desire sensor to cuck me, but i was just planning on using azurill regardless of the nature, maybe that's why i got it so fast
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>56433860 man you weren't joking, can't escape the meme
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>click on tv showing anime >forces a youtube tab open in my browser that shit needs to stop
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
This is a good stopping point for now. I need to rest my eyes for a little bit.
>>56434117 I can't wait for some discordtranny to open a link to an ipgrabber website in their game one day.
>>56434122 RIP Duotypers
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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thank you, spanish fangame community
>>56434101 kek, another zygarde quest?
>>56434117 lin doxxing you really opened the floodgates for all these games to do the same thing
>>56434122 trufflesLORDS...
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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did they really name this guy after the slug femboy tranny from fromslop game #3
>>56434128 hopefully we get a qt of our own soon, tee bee aytch
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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> >>56434168 fucking kek
a-at least i get early scyther? only will take about 5 hours, i'm sure
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
It's a shame she's being pushed with the faggot
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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anotha one>game shows clefairy on the overworld >no clefairy in the encounter list KEK MY LIFE INTO PIECES
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56434187 it's okay, i found the mc's potential love interest instead
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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i like how all the girls are overall better drawn and detailed than the males kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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The collision in this forest is pretty rough kek
>>56434218 h-haha...
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>wattrel is probably a 1% encounter and took all of my fucking balls despite being an 180 catch rate mon yeah epic
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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EVERY male rival must be like this
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>mario jumping noises
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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there was a comment earlier about the mom being a fan of 'light novels' i thought it was just a shit translation
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
ez, Jobberchu wiped out most of his team with Light ball +6 electro balls kek Probably gonna stop for now
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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It's even more over......
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
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>piano rendition of whatever song is used for rhodocrine jungle kek stopping for now, game seems pretty slow to start so far, hopefully begins picking up soon
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>blocking game in firewall doesn't stop it from opening links >proceed to remove every youtube link script from each tv in every pokemon center couldn't find a way to just make a line of code disabling that kind of script in the editor, or just a tool that finds every event in each map so I could've just ctrl+f'd it, so it took while. I know one day one of these games is going to have a horror mansion section, you click on a door and it'll open a link to a screamer. also it's possible cloaca means sewer in spanish
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>>56433690 >Covidknight KEK, maybe it was named by some butthurt 75er.
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>>56434261 >Wattrel I almost thought this was a fakemon... I had to check twice
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The art in this seems pretty low level. Some characters look decent enough, but others just look like actual dogshit.
>>56433869 are there kaizo games that gate protect? i know about screens
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>56434643 swear we just played something that put protect around the 8th gym
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
>>56434643 Yeah, a lot of difficultytranny mods either gate protect or outright remove it. All the urmumium and moto adjacent games, LAWDS, etc
The reasoning usually is that it can be used to abuse doubles AI, where you can bait enemies into attacking one mon that protects while the other attacks or sets something up. That, or for things like Leech Seed
>>56434390 You can use Eevee Just place the files into whatever folder you have the game in, run eevee export and then use visual studio code to open the data export folder
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Wagie !!jFV8SjIrokx
empirexissies, it's not looking too good for us....
why are they fucking everywhere kek
>>56434742 no prob
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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and a ching chong nip nong to you, too
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>catch galar farfetch'd from event >A in attack >can't ditch riolu reeeeeeeeeeee
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Power goes out for over 30 hours >Power comes back and my internet goes out for ages >Internet finally comes back and now it's violently storming outside again Fuck my life dude. I'll start off Unbreakable Ties in a bit, assuming my power doesn't decide to fuck off for a whole day again. I swear the type wheel is rigged on my end, I always roll a dualtype that has either Fire, Steel, Rock or Psychic.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56434897 Welcome back bro. Just a heads up, you're going to be stuck with shillcario for at least part of if not all of the playthrough.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
And the bingo card.
>>56434905 Thanks bro, I avoided looking up stuff as of yet since for once I want to go somewhat blind, do we get a specific selection of starters?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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I didn't put a spoiler tag on the fucking post, the fuck?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56434921 it's shillcario, and you can't get rid of it just like truffles in ashen frost
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Skitty is apparently fairy now.
>>56434921 Nope. You're stuck with plot relevant shillcario as starter and cannot deposit it. Also enjoy your world record pokefucker% completion mark on your bingo.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>Looking for Skitty to trade for Sprigatito >This happens
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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The trade lady didn't mention the Sprigatito was an a10-eyed chadcat.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Sorry lady, half the fangames I've played want nothing to do with them but have them anyway for the sake of attention.
>>56434928 >>56434931 >You WILL use the furry shillmon and you WILL like it Awww piss.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Considers if the cutie professor saying her soulmate is a fucking Psyduck >But she just companero de alma in Spanish as well Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>56435056 her soulmate is a fucking Psyduck to be a mistranslation* fucking typos.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56435041 Don't worry, this game is practically the anti-trannycord game in terms of mon availability elsewhere. I'm only on route 4 and the game has stuffed enough mons into my pocket that would be 120+ hours into a game like Rejuv that I could make a team entirely of them. Build whatever you like around the shilldog.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Actual glownigger abductions.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
I swear the very start of the song that plays here plus a few small spinets sound like a King Crimson song, the fact the guy who can be assumed to be the main villain also appears shrouded in darkness......I wonder......
>>56435069 Based, that's one of the best aspects of Spanish fangames, they let the players have fun with mon variety, I really appreciate that after playing LAWDS.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56435089 speaking of jojo references, don't examine any of the flatscreen tvs in the pokemon centers
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>Don't give Fucker any Pokemon, it might "distract" him >MC's room has a trashbin filled with "interesting contents I'm getting value out of the name, but I very much regret having picked it.
>>56435100 Uh oh.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>do side quest where you find the mom's daughter in the bug forest >all trainer battles reset and I could do them again was that a glitch or is it because I spent a full day in the forest?
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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He's just like me fr fr no cap.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56434725 >The reasoning usually is that it can be used to abuse doubles AI, where you can bait enemies into attacking one mon that protects while the other attacks or sets something up. That, or for things like Leech Seed I hate this fucking reasoning man
i'll play this game only if i can use all lizardmon from the start
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Talking MC Uh oh........
>>56435193 BUG GODS, IT'S TIME!
>>56435201 Sadly the rival steals Treecko from the player and you're forced to get Riolu as your starter.
>>56435240 >the rival steals Treecko from the player Can i beat the dude with riolu and take it back?
>>56435240 >Forced to use a pokemon i hate it already
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56435240 thinking about it, for a game that steals a lot of mystery dungeon stuff, it doesn't let you do a personality test thing for your starter
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>Use shitcord to get a super speshul awesome prize! Even if I could I wouldn't, also I regret clicking on the Vaporeon.
>>56435267 They even copy that with the aptitude test, I hate how it's always Shillcario fags too who shove it down your throat instead of giving you starter choices.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Comfybros... We won.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>Extremely cringy self-insert Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh............
>>56435329 >Sunglasses meme it takes me back..
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
So that means the professor is the princess...
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56435379 side note, does silvano look like xavier renegade angel or is that just me
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
What the fuck is this?
>>56435391 I can see it.
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
>>56435364 Rage comics, tolerable CoD games, far less sanitized and jewed internet, retarded MLG montages, shitty machinima videos, the gaming industry still put the bare minimum in terms of work for games........different times indeed.....
>>56435393 Feminism and it's consequences.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56435402 This game sure does the whole girl is playing with a man's heart bit quite a lot so far.
Given the NTR with the rivals, I can't help but wonder about the dev...
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>gym gimmick is vine climbing while avoiding getting speared to death great
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
This is the second time this happens.
>>56435407 Maybe I'm beyond jaded and blackpilled on women by this point due to first hand experiences but that sounds like the usual fare.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56435421 The whole thing has really weird solidity mapping too.
>>56435425 It's just a weird thing to have so consistently prominent in a game like this before even the first badge.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I clicked Flame Charge a lot. Felt about on par with Z's first gym, but I'm glad this game didn't try and create any pretenses of a hard mode or heightened difficulty expectations. It's just a relaxed game and that's perfectly fine.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
the bird got an easy sweep with flame charge
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
This game's portraits definitely range in quality but this one hit my funny bone hard. They're all sovlfvl tho.
>>56435444 Checked and we share the same braincell.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>56435443 >>56435456 gg to you too, talongod
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>Every single female in the game is already engaged or in a pseudo-relationship with someone else Folks weren't kidding with the NTR bait.
>>56435436 Guessing the dev got into some shitty relationship(s) as is venting, at least that's my best guess, I know Spain and Spanish adjacent countries have some of the loudest feminists out there.
>>56435443 >>56435444 GG.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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I didn't comment on it yet, but this game's presentation is absolutely phenomenal. Look at this screenshot. This is just a random route with nothing important on it and it exudes comfy. The overworld pokemon roaming around, the palettes changing with time of day and not just being an ugly tint applied to the base palette for when it's sunny or not, the transparent water, the large amount of people on routes who aren't necessarily there to fight all help this fangame feel very alive in a way few others do.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>"go up the mountain to train riolu to prep it to learn force palm" idk how having the bird mow down all these kung fu trainers is gonna help riolu but sure why not
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Is it just me or do catch rates feel abysmally low?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56435506 I got memed by a couple mons and spent 10+ balls on each, but the rest have been easy 1-2 ball deals. I chalk it up to desire sensor.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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this better end in something like the end of opalo beatdown but I'm also beating up trainers
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>56435508 I had to chuck nearly 20 balls to catch an Exeggute and reset multiple times as well due to running out of pokeballs, trying to catch a Pikachu as well since I'm hoping the Alolan form is available and also to go shillmon maxing, but it seems to be an absurdly low encounter rate.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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The mario jump SFX kinda ruins this scene tee bee desu
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Oh no it's a love triangle.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
what kind of pose is that
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
Retarded jokes aside, I'm probably calling it a night soon, not having a lot of luck getting anything with good IVs and my autism is flaring up.
>>56435562 Dev is a Jojofag.
>>56433633 Wait, she's pretty cute. Why are there so many cute girl designs in all these awful fangames?
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Does this game have Ogerpon?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
>>56435590 Nice. You planning on using the jobberchu?
>>56435599 Spanish fangames consistently make their girls sexo. This one isn't bad either so far.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>>56435590 you'd think something else would've replaced that by now
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
>paralyzed migthyena is faster then my S-tier weed cat, same level that's sus
>>56435614 Mightyena gets Quick Feet, paralyzing one makes it faster
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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fast dog with fangs, golbat, salazzle, and some item spam made this a little rocky but still first try. lucky I caught whiskers a little before this.
>>56435619 oh ok, I don't really use mightyena so I didn't know it could get that kind of ability. thanks
Orevald !!uFy26nWSF72
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>>56435599 T B H the game seems pretty good so far, cute presentation, comfy feel, decent mon distribution and cute girls, shame the player isn't allowed to be with the sexo girls as usual.
>>56435604 Yup, got a better one with usable stats, though the light ball doesn't seem to be boosting it's attack that much.
>>56435610 Kek.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Umbreon nearly solo'd her but needed shilldog to click bullet punch to chip kill the Salazle after succumbing to toxic.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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it's insane how many fangames don't do the kadabra teleport, it just makes sense
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Bird sweep. I'm gonna stop here and rest my eyes for a bit. I might continue tonight but most likely tomorrow morning.
>>56435652 He's practicing to get the free bike in Clover.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Another square on my card.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56435688 Thanks bro.
>>56435699 It feels like the actual hitbox or coordinates being compared lags a little behind the graphic.
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
two tries, sawk killed the bird first attempt and his lucario what remained of my team. second attempt went way better, let weed cat take the first two.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>charcadet on route 8, which is way before the end of the game how is it possible, the strongest pokemon ever...available so early?!?!?!?!?
Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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made it to nymph city, stopping here for now. liking it so far, biggest problem with it is forced riolu, not even just the starter but it can't be taken out of the party, very annoying.
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>>56436092 >Kanto mentionned It can't be this bad
>picrel It's going to be shillmon fiesta isn't it?
Ok niggas how's the game so far? Any good?
Tiramisu !!RaNtdJtMFji
Still trodding through Empire chapter 11. Wanna complete all the quests to get a pseudo-legendary evolution item. Picrel is a fairly accurate illustration of the general fairness & fun levels
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56436345 I'm enjoying it. Being forcefully stuck with shillcario is the only major strike against it so far, but if you can stomach that I recommend giving it a download.
>>56436378 Ironic given how many of Empire's design decisions feel like they were inspired from beyond the veil of things man should ever be meant to know.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Alright bros, maybe I can find a dragon type today, h-haha...
>>56434725 I'm honestly surprised Deeffect hasn't enacted Total Protect Death on the level up sets yet t b h
>>56434793 kek
>>56434921 haha...You WILL NOT escape shillmon hell
>>56436345 Seems pretty good, if a bit boring storywise so far
>>56436378 The pseudo item is really retarded t b h
>Have to give up your ability to save wherever >Then have to do 24 of 25 of the commisionshit >Winning that battle counts as one, so if you're not hyper autistic, you'll have to do the schizo quest >AND you can miss some of the other points if you waste the giftmons somewhere >>AND THEN you don't even get to choose which item you get To top it all off, you can't even fucking use the items in E12, since apparently it was le too strong, because god forbid you get to have some fun with a hecking pseudo after having to deal with all the retardation to get it
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
Quoted By:'s so fucking over
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Well, at least soft resetting doesn't crash the game kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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kek, I thought I was done for, wasn't expecting his shillmon to ohko Pawmo
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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oh my science, is that a heckin dragonerino?! you shouldn't have
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>Get a Gible immediately after kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Why are the odd keystone rates so high in the miningshit kek This is an optional area on route 9, here's the solution up, down, right, left, down, left, right
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
>Forgot to candy up my dragonmons fair enough kek Whiteouts: 1>Undertaleshit playing Marking it off
>>56436615 is that the actual game over screen?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
This trashcan in the icecream shop has another browser video jumpscare, just a heads up.
What are shillmons for you guys exactly? You've mentioned a few times and so far I got Charizard and Lucario? Is it just popular Pokémon? Is there a list?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I sure hope this game gets Opalo or Z-esque IV fixing because that's sure a manlet Gabite otherwise
>>56437085 Generally mons that are extremely overrepresented in media and feel 'pushed' as mascots by some marketing man at TPCI. Charizard, Pikachu, Lucario, Gardevoir, Greninja, and Eevee(lutions) are the most prominent ones.
>>56437097 but hey that speed is looking nice
>Generally mons that are extremely overrepresented in media and feel 'pushed' as mascots by some marketing man at TPCI. would gengar count?
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56437127 >would gengar count? Yeah. He's been showing up a lot lately.
Theres's nothing inherently wrong with liking shillmons; I think most anons just hate the idea of being blatantly marketed to and having things stuffed down their throats inorganically rather than any intrinsic like or dislike towards those mons (unless it's pure contrarianism of course). FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>:3 Oh no it's retarded.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
...And a bit materialistic. I think I can still fix her bros, but it's gonna be a lot of work.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>>56437005 Nope, it still just sends you back to the pokemon center after that kek
>>56437085 To me at least, the difference between popular mons and shillmons is that shillmons are mostly pushed to be popular basically
Though I don't think many people actively hate shillmons themselves, but rather the amount of (sometimes unwarranted) favoritism some of them receive desu
>>56437149 Here's hoping kek
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
And there's another youtube link
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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Bunken !!O3Z0J+BO1kU
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>>56437050 >>56437190 thanks, might as well try and get all of them deleted now since I started
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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This man's seethe level is off the charts for someone who's only taken a few early losses.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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You click Swords Dance and then Acrobatics. It's just that easy.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Bros...I think we just NTR'd Darek.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Based Poliwrath bro.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
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>Proceeds to let all of them walk away haha...
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
I wasn't expecting to see her again so soon. I'm holding out for "actually I'm an elite four member teehee" or something.
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56437268 Yep there it is.
Tiramisu !!RaNtdJtMFji
Finally finishing the progress block that is chapter 11, with 24/25 quests done. Wasn’t that horrible per say, but the fact none of the mons you fight with are viable in the future is demotivating
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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Anyone got new bread?
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i
I can bake
>>56437382 gg, and good luck for swamp hell
FormerlyAshime !vRZhOalgQo
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>>56437190 At least this one was an old classic.
>>56437391 Thanks.
>>56437382 You're nearing the end I think. Good luck.
RG !!LsUp+BVDG9i