>>56446802>Pretty looking and clean art style and graphics that fits the tone of the series instead of the bizarre hyper realistic tranny shit they tried with SV.By N64 standards maybe, on the switch it was rather underwhelming.
>Made the Pokemon League a meaningful and well thought out part of the story with good worldbuilding surrounding it.And then failed to provide a decent challenge with it. Gyms shouldn't be easier than raids.
>Great multiplayer UI similar to the PSS but more convenient to use for connecting with randoms.Did you even play multi?
>Best trainer customization in the series thus farIt's literally the same as SV except there's no stupid uniform enforcement.
>Introduced useful QoL items such as mints and ability patchLike every gen that introduces such stuff.
>Included overworld encountersOverdue, a welcome addition.
>Has an actual postgame.Dickhair and hairfunkel is hardly a postgame to be proud of.
>Raid battles are fucking awesomeThey were a decent idea but the execution needed to be refined.
>Kino musicPretty much every game in the series has outstanding tracks, that's the one thing the bug man is good at.
>DLC that's actually worth it.I do welcome the death of the third version.