>>56485596>How does that make me a retard?You're winging about a non-problem.
>You're retarded if you use such a featureNo? It makes the game faster, which is what you seem to want.
>Why are you even playing games at all if you're such a spastic that a battle animation overstims you.Because Pokemon is a button-mashing simulator to rival mario party, you mash A to win every fight.
It's why I said the fan-made TTRPG is objectively better than any of the video games, because it is. You actually give a shit about the story because the average GM can worldbuild better than gamefreak ever could, you give a shit about the region's pokemon because it's a finely curated list instead of the dogshit gamefreak puts out, you enjoy using the pokemon you have because pokemon that suck ass in the video games have been buffed to be good in Pokerole. Fuck Gamefreak and fuck the video games, TTRPGs are superior to vidya in every single possible way and I long for the second great video game crash so they can overtake Vidya as the primary method of entertainment.