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Photography Thread

No.56488450 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a photography hobby, and I love seeing people with their photos, too.
TCG Cards, Plushies, Figurines, comfy in-game screenshots, Pokemon Go photos, anything goes as long as it's pokemon related and someway related to the concept of photography.

In about 18 hours, I'm off to Japan. This thread probably won't stay alive because I won't be here to bump it, since I heavily doubt my brother would want me on 4chan in his house, but I figured it was worth a shot to do this one more time.
thanks for everything, y'all. even if this site is full of complete dunderheads who try to downplay and hate on everything, I'm happy that I was able to find the positive notes on it.
sure this is blogposting, but I doubt the ban is gonna affect me.