[89 / 14 / ?]

496KiB, 2400x1350, dcb496d7cf954c7eb51ab2e5d0c27918fb7f055e50f4e902135bd4a70a44b491.jpg
Quoted By: >>56489942 >>56489945 >>56489948 >>56491020 >>56493361
I don't fucking care how bad Colosseum is, I still love it.
Who the hell was retarded enough to make Legends Fuxeus and sell it as a game? The worst part of Colosseum is better than the best of Legends Fuxeus.
Who the hell was retarded enough to make Legends Fuxeus and sell it as a game? The worst part of Colosseum is better than the best of Legends Fuxeus.