>>56496569You FAGGOT. There is already enough different between the two to define Plushit as the sub-species to Minun.
>50 or 40 atk and def flipped stats>85 or 75 sp atk and sp def flipped stats>lightning rod / volt absorb>bestow / switcheroo at same level>charm / fake tears at same level>50 atk last resort / 75 sp atk trump card at samelevel
>last resort is a tutor move for both while minun is the only one of the two to learn trump cardand then GAY FREAK fucked it up in Gen 9
>identical level up movesets>no more fake tears through level up and trump card removed from game>identical egg move sets again except minun has fake tears as an extra egg move, plusle loses access to it in gen 9>skill swap TM for plusle in bdsp, retains in gen 9>eerie impulse TM for plusle in gen 9>1:1 identical level up movesets>minun loses fake tears level up access>minun has no exclusive TM's and in turn has less moves>minun is now just plusle with less movesAs the #1 Minun fan, I refuse to accept defeat. I didn't know this until I did your homework for your shit thread and looked at the Gen 9 movesets for this post. If it wasn't for Gen 8 then Gen 9 truly would be the worst generation.