>>56522194I'm talking about YOU. You shouldn't even be considering what the corporation thinks. That's what I'm saying, your judgment is already warped if you're not think about what's best for you. We shouldn't care if they're within their rights, since we owe them nothing. We want the best deal for ourselves as customers. And restricting ways for customers to interact with their games (they're trying their hardest to not even let us back up our save files outside of their paid online service). They want us to stay in their walled 540p, 30fps garden, and that's not what some customers want.
>You telling me that you, as a customer, wouldn't feel stiffed buying a Switch and a game, while watching some PCfag play it a week before you for free?Not really no, I don't and never give a fuck because that's their choice and risk. If I got angry over people who got "better" treatment than me in life I would be angry all the time, kek. I prefer to pay developers for games I enjoy. But I can't control those people. I'd rather Nintendo prevent their games from leaking early than punishing everyone for the mistakes of a few, who likely were never going to buy the game anyway. But the truth is it's not about piracy, Nintendo have always loved having an iron grip over your gaming experience. For better (no voice chat, no games as a service, games are occasionally polished) or for worse (awful performance, behind the times, games are essentially a one time consumable product locked to hardware, very pricey)