>>56544670Consider the following sets:
G1: [(Grass, Poison), (Water), (Fire, Flying)]
G2: [(Grass), (Water), (Fire)]
G3: [(Grass), (Water, Ground), (Fire, Fighting)]
G4: [(Grass, Ground), (Water, Steel), (Fire, Fighting)]
G5: [(Grass), (Water), (Fire, Fighting)]
G6: [(Grass, Fighting), (Water, Dark), (Fire, Psychic)]
G7:[(Grass, Ghost), (Water, Fairy), (Fire, Dark)]
G8: [(Grass), (Water), (Fire)]
G9: [(Grass, Dark), (Water, Fighting), (Fire, Ghost)]
What's the latest set (meaning a set Gn with the highest n, n belonging to the natural numbers 1-9) with a dual type element of the set with types not in this list: Fighting, Ghost, Dark, Fairy and Psychic?